Blizzard/WoW Should Embrace Streamers Rather Than Punish Them

it depends, i think, i don’t care when x streamer say to join his stream and watch it to win a chance to get a carry in a m15 dungeon, for example, it does not hurt me and quite frankly if anyone is offended by seeing a title in premade finder about twitch stream, well i don’t know what to say

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Discord is 100% monetizable. The same logic should apply.

It’s funny because I actually found a decent streamer through them advertising in LFG, and now we all have a small community of viewers that help each other do keys.

My main issue is how Blizzard will crap on small streamers, and just let the big ones get away with it. They’ll let Limit/Method/Echo advertise farm runs in LFG, but god forbid Joe Smith and his twenty viewer stream puts their name in their M+ group.

Be consistent, at least.


So then you understand they have a vested interest in marketing both products. Blizzard doesn’t.

You can still do stream groups in the game. I’ve played with a particular streamer numerous times. Just give it a normal name. Your viewers will know it’s you because they saw you make it.


Good for you still , games where better without streamers.

P.S at least big names on screen. Small streamers who have 10-20 viewers are not toxic, and it’s fun to watch them

I don’t want to have to follow your Twitch channel to do a M+ run.
If they allow you to advertise, they have to allow everyone to advertise.

Me and you are equal. We are both paying the same amount for the same product.
Why should Blizzard allow you to advertise but if I was to advertise say, an ebay listing, you’d rightfully expect that listing to be deleted and for me to be punished?

I love Twitch.
But I don’t want to see Twitch advertisements in WoW.


Stop advertising your stream in game. I mean that. No amount of you trying to rationalize it is going to help.

Your fellow subscription paying players don’t want it in there and neither does Blizzard.

It is easy to name the group something they can find - seeing as they are in your Twitch chat watching you make the group.


I have a right to use my name the name cannot be dubbed an ad simply because someone reports it as such. I will avoid relating anything to Twitch but my name is my name its not an Ad.


Yeah, I think that there is something to be said for a middle-ground in this conversation. As long as players don’t see the word Twitch, you are probably fine, unless you are a recognized person from Twitch, where your Twitch name is going to give you away.

I think you have also come to the realization that telling your stream to look for the run with a specific word in it, either the same every time, or something new for that specific stream, will probably also suffice.

Any external channels or links should be treated the same, but we are not there yet. Good luck to you, though.


Shouldn’t have posted this if he didn’t want a roasting.

I dislike streamer culture and am glad to see I’m not the only one.


I am a blood DK i was born for this kind of aggro. Just wanted to get this suggestion in front of some eyes. The banter is welcomed.


I like your position, but this highlights an issue I have seen. One of the people I run with that ran viewer raids, did like 1k AOTC kill last tier got hit for advertising and it went like this.

1.The copy paste adds were using a particular language.
2. The sellers all got hit
3. My friend that runs heroic clears always used the same text that highlight the community and had a few more key words that would make it easy to search.
4. The sellers came back, and their add and description had changed, they had co-opted a lot of the key words for the raids going on that time of day
5. The next wave of seller bans happened. My friend ticketed and had his account restored after getting banned in the middle of a raid, using the same text he had used countless other times, with no actions or warnings before

The sellers will go where they can find the buyers, and Blizzard needs to be careful about taking out players and community member’s when they try to take care of the players and communities

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Yeah, I think the fine point is, don’t promote the group in chats, only have the keyword listed in the LFR somewhere. I feel like OP was just listing their group, and not actively seeking members via chat. That might alleviate some of the possibility that spammers will co-opt your keyword.

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I’ve raided with sam, and the other person I mentioned MANY times. Both people invited me from que, and I joined them on twitch after.

Ironically, both also have discords that I have joined, but both are hesitant to use them for the callouts while they stream, as both have had some troll join then start screaming profanities and stuff that get them action-ed on twitch, where they then have to appeal and show what happened.

Its almost like watching a person you consider a friend repeatedly get targeted by a troll, then asking the platform for some help and meeting nothing but tone deaf responses. Almost exactly like that


Asmon, is that you?

It is you! How’s it hangin’, brother?

Metzen left. Things got pretty dark. :frowning:

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This made me laugh haha. I am not Asmon but I do watch him. I have seen him list his groups with his name in the title and not get actioned (which is how it should be in my opinion). I think because he is Asmon Blizzard makes sure to review reports against him rather than let trolls mass report leading to Bots banning and silencing his account willy nilly like what happened to me.

P.S. I also miss Metzen

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Sam is like the mirror universe Asmon. He is a family man first, who is a lawyer second, and streams third.

When he reads wow-news to chat, he looks for the new and exciting things that we will get to try.

If you had a dial from 0(humble) - 10(aggressive) Asmon runs like a 7-11 where Sam runs like a 0-1.

I’ve seen Asmon shred people for not knowing what to do, where as I have seen Sam remove 1 person while saying sorry repeatedly to the person that blew us up 6 pulls in a row (Sam got action-ed about 10 minutes later.)

The difference in action and treatment is why some of us are in this conversation. We are not looking for devs to cave to a twitter army of pressure. We are asking for some effort to be looked into about how to tell the good from the bad.

If you like the game at all, its hard to believe people could be against that idea.


Basically you can’t put twitch @yourname anywhere in the listing cause its considered advertising.

You can put “Your name” Raid as the listing and not mention twitch at all which isn’t reportable or banable.

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Thank you so much for the kind world Bullzaye <3. This is totally it. I just wanted to bring attention to what I see as a problem that hurts WoW and its community.


Which is why folks parrot their talking points…or is it the parroting peeps hate?

I’m thinking of becoming a streamer but don’t want to be hated…just my points of view. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: