Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

Looks at the Classic servers, full with all the casual players lol.

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How this post reads to me is Asmongold is always right and his opinions speak for the whole playerbase. I agree with some of his thoughts, some not. Please do not hold one player higher than others in opinion.

Who cares about Asmongold here, the point is, the President of Blizzard basically was attacking a long time fan of the game.


Nope, you are just making irrelevant posts.

Play AH, buy end of season rewards.

I am sorry you have a hard time understanding that boosts dont need to be purchased with IRL money.

Not sorry you cant argue the maths.

Citation needed as your feelings doesnt counter actual data.

I have a question if you consider someone who does not actively take part in a system to have a solid point of view on such system? If I was to give input on mythic raiding my input would not be valued that high since I’ve also been out of the scene an can not give a proper assessment.


That’s ok. I have been looking at your weak points this entire thread.

OP is lost.
WOW was never a casual MMO.
It has always been a very grind MMO that you had to spend countless hours to get things done.

What happened is they added content for casuals (LFR) and made it easy for initial gearing (LFD).

Stop trying to rewrite the history.

Just about everyone should have Glad if that is the case, but they don’t. PvP has only gotten harder and harder over the years. It’s next to impossible to carry a bad or so-so player to Glad nowadays. Maybe you should actually watch his videos of his Arena matches, because he has skill.

AND…?! BUT… AND…?!! I already said it Ybarra is bothering daddy boy who lives with him and is a noob, he will not raise the low numbers that play in Dragonflight.

You don’t have to be a stupid conformist who lives off how good the expansion is, although it is, WoW retail is not in the best of times for a great player base like it was in 2017 and 2008 and the worst of all is that they scare away or The company provokes its content creators, no matter who is the most famous on social media, that they are unworthy of their video games.

Not everyone is buying it.

Its actually easier to carry people to glad now as before it was the top 5% and now its just 50 wins above 2400.

LOL Asmongold doesnt have skill.

Right…cause shooting down feedback or criticism is a healthy sign of having a good product.

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I just realised that I have almost as many achievement points as he has (forum count is out of date) and this account started life in late legion lol.

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So some people seem to be getting in the weeds about a bunch of irrelevant stuff. I think the focus should be on how he claims to be speaking for the average casual player in his response but as a casual player, I feel like the majority of his takes on the game are flat out terrible.


Something like that, sometimes this guy supports the video games as a sponsor and later makes a #quitwow.

But far from him, LET’S BE REALISTIC, Blizzard is perhaps in its best moment? Did the hype of this expansion bring in a lot of players? Did it attract more audience to play? WE WILL NOT BE CONFORMISTS, it is better to return to the old ways of a classic, be it normal, hardcore or WotLK.

In my case, I’d rather buy a 2-month subscription than play another, an expansion that I’m only going to end up making a copy of, believe me, he already gave me enough hope, also WotLK is in my hands without it being a pirate server, and it’s time to deal with Lich King in the official.

And believe me that it is the worst, that not even this CASUAL player is playing the same expansion of few flies, they prefer to die over and over again in hardcore, or wait for ICC than to really see the expansion of CASUAL retail as it is now of content that by Newer than it is, nothing is changing to see its old glories of 2004, 2008 and 2017.

It’s not easier to carry someone to Glad compared to back when Arena was released. It’s just not. 50 wins above 2400 doesn’t translate to an automatically easier time, because PvP as a whole has gotten harder. It’s just harder to win, and it’s really hard to win and carry someone at the same time. You sound like you don’t actually PvP. And you sound like you don’t actually watch Asmongold; naturally, you have the loudest opinion on both. :woozy_face:

He may not be the most amazing player the game has ever had, but the dude has skill. Something that’s evident when you watch him PvP, or do a solo run of Torghast when that content was current. He’s not a bad player. He’s a good player – certainly better than average – and his opinions on the game make sense and come from a place of experience.

Guarantee you that if his name were removed from the opinions he has about the game, they’d be upvoted a heck of a lot more. People see his name and get weird and make it about things that have nothing to do with the concerns he’s expressed about the game.


Yes it is considering carrying someone to glad previously meant carrying them way past 2400.

2200 achievs would disagree with you.

He has zero mythic raiding experience since Legion and doesnt have a valid opinion on it.

He hasnt been relevant in hard content since Legion.

Doubt it because he has an unfavorable opinion. Dude is literally saying outrageous things for clicks. Hes just another worthless Bellular and his takes are so bad there is a reason his fans tend to not be very good at the game.

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Most players are “not very good at the game” and won’t ever hit KSM, never intend to do AOTC etc

clueless and delusional attitudes like this are so consistently straight up wrong about the game that its utterly ridiculous that they’re allowed to exist without being laughed at more widely

Its like watching league of legends and people flame a challenger player for making a bad play but odds are they are just some painfully average silver/gold scrub that’s smack talking online


There’s reasons he doesn’t want to raid anymore and they’re pretty valid to me. Did you watch his takes on this?