Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

Back in the day when fights were a lot easier.

Hes been boosted since at least BFA.

Nah he just never adapted. I guess Max doesnt know what hes talking about either.

The reality is that he was better than you back then and if he picked up the game right now he’d be better than you in two weeks. So quit the attitude.


When I didnt play?

Doubt it, he doesnt have the friends to carry him like he did in legion. I had a friend that raided with him in BFA, said dude was a complete carry.

You cant compare parses from 7 years ago in easier content to parses now.

I dont have an attitude.

“trust me bro I had this friend that told me he totally raided with asmon this one time and that he was bad”

Another reason why raiding will always be a meme to me. People like this.


I honestly dont care if you believe me or not.

Not all his parses are 99s.

Kind of hard to not raid / m+ and be someone focused on achievements isn’t it? As there’s a LOT of achievements down those paths.

But those can be done on normal, or their mythic where you can go back and solo them in 2 full expansions.

That wouldn’t explain why it shows heroic as by far the most common difficulty run ( also agrees with this)

I don’t know about that. Kind of hard to carry someone to Glad multiple times.

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Mate, people have been selling titles since vanilla.

LOL people have been getting carried to glad since arena was introduced.

You’re absolutely wrong on that.

Now that they’ve cutout those pesky middlemen, it’s just a couple of clicks to greatness, thanks to the innocuous token.

People were buying glad and 2200 weapons even before the token, The token didnt change that

So, you just skipped the first words of my reply?

Yes because it was irrelevant.

People were buying glad and 2200 weapons before the token.

It isn’t “irrelevant” because Blizzard wasn’t personally selling cash carries at the time. How do you not see the distinction now that even their President fuels the machine?

Willfull ignorance is an acceptable answer, by the way.


Because blizzard still isn’t selling the carries. So yes it is irrelevant.

Quick is selling carries as a private individual not as a Blizzard rep.

On top of that we were talking about PvP carries not pve ones.

If that explains why you keep pushing irrelevant points go for it.

So, one degree of separation is all that it takes for you? /nod

Swipe card, sell token, buy end of season rewards. It really isn’t anymore complicated than that, though I have a feeling that you’ll try to make some sort of a distinction that will lighten my Friday evening. I like humor, after all.


Sites a source, but doesn’t have an actual source.


This is not how things work my friend. You can’t use your incomplete data as a baseline source here, then demand people show another more reliable source than the crap you provided.

I hate when people do this, this is classic Google warrior nonsense here. You pulled these numbers from a fansite that doesn’t have access to any measure of reliable data from Blizzard. It is just another junk website that scrapes data from the armory. has similar issues.

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I think raid participation among level 70s is probably around 30%, this excludes LFR too, because that is not raiding. M+ is probably around 40-50%