Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

Asmon simps are still a thing? /shrug who cares what that clown thinks.

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Who cares about Asmongoloid?

Him and his little Raid60 minions came to MG one time and was harassing RPers, not the ones in Goldshire, but RPers in general minding their own business

I crack up at posts like this. You clearly didn’t play the other big MMO at the time.

I can always tell players that didn’t actually play vanilla WoW.

WoW was the casual answer to EQ.

EVERY MMO in like this.

I was there mate, WoW was the casual MMO since it’s inception.


Where have I said any of that?

The only people that are ridiculous are the people that listen to Asmon

The real reasons is he can’t find anyone to carry him anymore.

His opinion takes are flat out terrible. He has zero clue what he’s talking about and acts like an authority on it.

There’s a reason even Liquid Max agreed with Quik

Qwiks right.

Asmongold was a good player like half a decade and three expansions ago.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. That’s ok! While Qwikstop is laughing at Asmon, Asmon is laughing while each patch and expansion more and more people step away from raiding, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Does seem counter productive.

What does it matter if Asmongold is right on wrong due to a technicality, technicalities on doing current content doesn’t bring home the bank by attracting new players to play.

That’s like trying to market 40k tabletop around tournament play only. Just attracts a very niche set of envelope pushing players, when it means so much more to others.

Soon enough qwikstop and friends will be the only good players left in the game! Cuz they’ll be the only ones still playing! What a gag! Haha!


My Dude…I come from Everquest I have played Wow since Beta 1 WoW is and has always been casual AF


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My favorite part is that people want others to stop criticizing Asmon feedback under the guise “you shouldnt criticize feedback”

Them removing a bunch of unfun stupid bs that other MMO’s were doing is literally why the game took off in the way that it did

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Except most people, an overwhelming majority of people playing, didn’t do this. Most people never even saw end game.

As for the topic
It feels like some harmless banter on the surface, but I feel that Ybarra tried to goad Asmon into responding by proving that he could, hoping that pride would lead to the game’s promotion.

I’m impartial to Asmon. I know I don’t like his general audience, and that he’s a bit of a sensationalist, but I respect his response to this scenario. Much like the person I responded to, I feel most of the people in that conversation are completely out of touch with the game.

This is also something worth noting. The fun of classic was that you went on an adventure that felt epic and you didn’t need a high parse and the right addons and talents to make it feel fun. The game itself wasn’t actually very hard, it just rewarded your time.

Wasn’t perfect by any means, sure. There’s stuff I really didn’t like in the game. But at the time it was a major step up from other stuff on the market and people flocked to it.


What Mike said about Asmongold is God’s honest truth. Have you seen his Retail raid streams? The failures are pretty epic.

I have no idea what you’re saying here or how it relates to what I said.

Woo nice dude. I would like to hit 30k soon but there’s a problem with that goal: I’m an extreme procrastinator.

You said this so well. Absolutely perfect. I used to see his thumbnails for his videos alone and decided it was stupid. Wouldn’t even objectively watch it. That’s what a lot of the negative responses remind me of. I certainly don’t always agree with what he says but often when I would be frustrated with the game and on break I would start by watching some of his stuff to see how the game was doing, until the game got to its current state where it isn’t really worth watching anymore.

I personally found a lot of the things I didn’t like about WoW I didn’t really manage to put a finger on as well but knew what bothered me and I found it well represented to a reasonable degree via his videos.

Assuming Asmongolds War is on Kel Thuzard and is currently ilvl 415…looking at his past raid history alone, unless I am misunderstanding what I am looking at, everything at least raid wise is cleared through Mythic. Someone said he hasn’t done the harder content in some 6 years but…well there’s his character logs whatever that translates to.

Id say further that if his opinions weren’t relevant or significant at all then why is someone so noteworthy within Blizzard clearly familiar with, up to speed on, and responding in any public setting to someone whose opinion isn’t relevant?

For way too many well known reasons WoW really isn’t on solid ground anymore. Maybe PvP(which ignores how LITTLE attention PvP on the whole has gotten feature wise) is better here but PvE wise and story wise, mechanics visual clarity wise, other games such as FF14 simply do it better. The on the fly HUD changes you can make in FF14 are way ahead of WoW and Blizzard only finally recently with DF decided to make any sort of UI customization changes after FF14 started gaining traction and becoming any kind of threat or potential threat, currently accurate or not. FF14 isn’t perfect, but at least it values its story from the beginning, including 1.0, to now.

Such a reaction further supports takes that for a lot of players, addons are a significant impact on their experience with WoW, whether that be Bartender/Dominos, DPS meters, Weak Auras…whatever. There’s a lot of missing or poor functionality that the community solves that it shouldn’t HAVE to solve. I think addons driving encounter design is bad at a basic level but clearly Blizzard doesn’t agree and the community would push back, and ironically HAS the power to push back and Blizzard will yield.

Im sure Blizzards president thinks this was a big move but it really just looks…really bad. That seems to be the trend at Blizzard though the last 8 years or so, so business as usual.

It sucks this game has gotten to where it is but its a relief in a way. Lots of other games worth the time.

Thanks for such a spot on…and short/concise response!


Yep so very true!

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Watching Asmon do Lost Ark raiding was a painful experience. Dude was straight up carried in that content too.

Slow to react and never seemed to learn from his mistakes. He never had to get good at WoW thanks to carries.

I did in fact play vanilla. It was, at the same time, casual and not casual. There was nothing casual about aq40/ naxx 40. There was nothing casual about the gm/ hwl grind.

Yet most players I knew never made it to max level. Casual players were 100% oblivious to what happened at the top end. And that is the difference between then and now.

Gearscore and achievements changed that. Ilvl, armory, Logs, details,, checkpvp and everything else let’s everyone know, with exact detail, how far behind casuals are.

That is why they are unhappy.

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