Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

And that gap is so ridiculously big now that we’re running into the problem of delusional decade plus veterans that are scared and angry at the idea of the game relaxing to bring in new people

Those players and the community as a whole needs to get over it though. Stop making people have to use websites and third party programs to play optimally. Stop making it so you have to play every single reset to get your weekly knowledge/rep/vault or fall behind with little to no catchup until season 4

Both sides can exist. You think the game is gonna be too ez and there’s a buncha lame participation trophies in the game now? Cool, that content isn’t for you then. Go sit in your lockout for 8 hours, shut up, and enjoy that the servers still running for now.


They did that this tier. there’s nothing to grind, there’s nothing tied to reps other than cosmetics. people are totally free to log in whenever they want.

professions being the one thing that has a weekly grind attached to it, I suppose.

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so, what I said still applies? And anyone that tried the game and quit in season one because of what they experienced probably isn’t coming back.

Funny that I disproved you and now you’re on a huge cope rant now, he’s literally been playing other games and hasn’t even really been doing hardcore classic because other games are better played right now. I proved to you via their parses when they raided for real that they’re both better than you and better than Qwik. Reading on the forums you’re the most known forum poster for getting carried apparently.


Yeah Asmon was a legit wow gamer back in the day. He just doesn’t play actively anymore because he became dissatisfied with the game and those issues still exist today so of course he’s not grinding through mythic just to have the honor, nay, the privilege to have his opinion blessed by the venerated Snozy about how raiding kinda isn’t fun and its equal parts game and player attitude ruining it for him and so many others


But attunments etc aren’t button bloat. They’re difficulty based on navigating the world - which was designed to slow players down. Versus now, which is designed to make world navigation fast and furious to keep people in end game.

And downranked spells wasn’t exactly the pain people remember it as. I raided from MC onwards. NO-ONE did that stuff until towards the end of vanilla when people realized it made sense for casters. But sure - it was a weird, broken workaround that added bloat if you used it. Which… doesn’t change the fact that now there’s too many buttons and rotations are too complicated.

To put it into perspective - I use a 16 button MMO mouse. And Shift-modifiers. And (especially on healers who are expected to DPS) every slot is full. When learning new rotations matter (e.g. trying a new class or dabbling with PvP) the learning curve is offputting and a lot of people will use rotational addons like Hekili.

Compare wow’s PVP, for example, to far more popular games like League, Dota, Fortnight, etc - which use a few buttons to great effect. Far easier to get into, far more participation. Which… isn’t a bad thing.

Eh, he’s shown to be good when he dedicates himself, Both have a point btw.

Mythic raiding is in a nasty place because for some it is not hard enough but for others it has reached a point of it being ridiculous.

You shouldn’t need multiple add ons to make a fight viable though.

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At the same time, if you don’t actually play the game that much, your takes about the game are either second hand, or not current.

I think people saying mythic is too easy are troll because if something wiped you several dozen or even hundred times over the course of a week or several, it was not too easy.

We had some of the best, most no-lifest people in the world take like 3 weeks to clear sepulchur and we had forum monkeys doing their exact same schtick about how we’re all just trash talentless losers. Vault was what, like 11 days?


Yeah, it’s a big disparity that is often overlooked but the complainers tend to have too loud voices.

Oh for sure.

Hard to quantify. Most mid/ low end CE guilds always have a few people that are dead weight. So, in theory, if those people played better or replaced, it would be a lot easier.

If the literal first guild in the world to kill it took more than a week, then its not easy. Like they needed to hotfix Raszageth and then the boss died 15 minutes later lol “yeah mythic aint no big deal you’re just baaaaad at the video game. Buncha dead weight guildies lmao”

Mythic will always be a meme to me.

I don’t think it being complicated at a high level is necessarily the problem.

It’s the people that have played for 10+ years that jump down your throat for petty things like pulling an extra trash pack in the dungeon. Stuff like this is what chases new players off.

There is content for all skill levels. However, that content is also full of malcontents.

I know whom you are talking about and already there with ya!

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The Race is not the same as CE. They design these fights to challenge world first raiders to make it exciting to watch.

They know they are going to have to nerf them to allow normal players that aren’t streaming from the red bull lounge to kill them.

Crucible is probably the best example of a raid they left as a challenge mode. It was not the norm.

I think piss poor veteran attitude is something that compounds the other issues of the game. If a key goes sour and then on top of that you have some specimen whispering you telling you you’re trash after you already had an hour+ of your life wasted for no reward, you will want to quit the game. At least stop playing for the night.

yeah it was riveting to watch a hundred wipes on the same boss where everyone’s screen is utterly filled with addons

And then every guild copies what they do after the boss gets nerfed. Every season.

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Then you don’t know. Maybe they are close but maybe they are not, either way you can’t be sure you are accurate about them being inaccurate.

Lol. That guy is not even close to being an example of the player base. All he does is hate. Wow has never been for casual players, it has changed so much to cater to them and that’s the problem. Leveling is just autopilot and has encouraged getting to max level and not noticing anything else. Classic era leveling is way more immersive since it’s such a slow process. There are so many options. If you can’t do the hardest mode then go do a lower mode. Games have always had easy mode, medium mode and hard mode. Mytihic. Mythic+ dungeons. These are all different levels.

You havent disproven anything.

Which means he hasnt been playing.

You linked parses from 7 years ago that mean literally nothing.

LOL im not getting carried but ok keep thinking that.