Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

I know dataforazeroth isn’t perfect, but it’s probably the best publicly available source.

it’s not even close to remotely accurate.


Then give me a better source, and I’ll do the same math again.

That sounds like a you problem. It’s not wise to share you’re personal problems on the internet, pal.

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It means he played the game at some time.

If he quits and doesnt play for two years then comes back he doesnt lose his nerd points.

He doesnt raid and hasnt played at a level to be able to comment on it in years. Even Max ssaid that.

That’s the point, we need Blizzard’s numbers that they don’t provide. Everything else is purely an estimation off of a subset of the data.


Game far too complex - it’s literally not enjoyable at all to pull off the PvE rotations on most classes. You more get a sense of relief than enjoyment.

If they want to continue to design the game into the ground be my guest. DF didn’t do numbers like they expected, regardless of the remaining playerbase perception of DF as a good expansion, it didn’t draw in players who left or acquire a mass of new ones…

The difficulty/complexity should be in the fight encounters not pulling off your rotation.

Imagine how interesting the raids could be if they didn’t have to balance around players utilizing 20+ keybinds and hamstringing the design

Do you have a different source or not?

I dont have an issue.

Its no surprise the people who support Asmon tend to be bad at the game

That is nothing new…Ion has even said the only thing his dev team can do is raids…they started giving the rest of the community busy work in the form of the Traders Guild and Story quest to shut them up…but honestly the devs love raiding and they will not change that even if WoW only had two players left

Nah, there’s nothing wrong with telling the irrelevant problem child that he’s irrelevant.

My comment was never about raiding.

The person with almost 100 likes or whatever said:

He does play it. His achievements speak for themselves. And whether or not his gear is impressive, it’s still current.

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Might want to work on self improvement.

Theres actual numbers showing DF is doing pretty well

This game has been centered around raiding since launch. Its the primary focus of the game

Sure, I’ll cite my own data site that I pull the character info for just my characters. It shows that 0% raid. Doesn’t make it accurate (I know it’s not), but neither is dataforazeroth. You don’t even show up there unless you add your characters (all mine are, but they don’t show up properly as I have shared achievements off to hide my toons) or someone else searches them. Same with RIO, warcraftlogs, etc. They’re all subsets of the player base and subsets of data (and incomplete, there are M+ runs missing from my main on RIO for example). Hence why I said, the only person who can really speak on this is Blizzard, as they have the true data. Everything else is purely skewed (who do you think uses dataforazeroth, RIO, warcraftlogs, etc.), as the people who don’t raid, don’t do M+, etc. aren’t using these sites, and thus won’t be represented.


Again he did play it, He hasnt played it recently and is only wearing 415 gear which means he hasnt played heroic or mythic raids which means he hasnt played that content and therefore has zero credibility to comment on it.

I…uh…never said it wasn’t…

My god I think the average forum IQ is 80

At the same time, I’ll take the larger dataset of someone making an attempt over your feelings on the issue at hand.

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“A subset of skewed data” There fixed that for you.


All while hes claiming the majority dont raid yet he even just admitted he raids at some level
