Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

I wasn’t talking about his ilevel, I was pointing out his nearly 39k achievement points.

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Hello, I see you replied to the thread. If what you are saying is accurate, and I have no reason to say otherwise, based on recent RaiderIO data, that would mean this expansion has, on the low end somewhere around 800,000 players and on the upper end around 1.1 million! No wonder this expansion is constantly on sale, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Blizzard’s design history has repeatedly shown they cater to the 0.1%, every since vanilla Naxx. However, to state that the majority of the player base is still subscribing to chase that group only content that you need to join a guild to do (progression based end game raiding), is quite silly. You can look at raid participation from expansion to expansion and season to season and see that it’s dying off in popularity. Having being replaced by the more casual play on my time and schedule content such as M+ and PvP. I don’t need a guild to do M+, I don’t need a guild do PvP (go look at the numbers on solo shuffle), I can login an hour here or an hour there and complete something, and not have to worry about being kicked, missing a raid, etc. That’s the content that’s being consumed by the majority of the player base.

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This is proof of how ignorant the president of blizz is. Asmon should be president.

Hes miserable. Its obvious.
Hes angry about everything.
He doesnt take care of himself.
SO much self loathing.

Blizzard should ban him for bashing their game.

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Hello, I see you replied to my post. Haha, if Blizzard banned everyone that bashed their game, they would have like 20 people left playing!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Hes the most vocal and has a the biggest following of the streamers.
Im glad the predident called him out on his chronic whining about the game

Hed be gone in a second.

Hello, I see you replied to my post. Haha, the President didn’t call him out for whining, it was in reply to his comments about the raids and the raids alone! I’m not sure you saw what is being discussed, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Bless your heart.

Off to ignore list.

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Hello, I see you replied to my post. Thank you for the blessing, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


His 39k achievment points dont mean anything. He doesnt have the credbility to make comments on what he made comments on.

Like Asmongold isnt good at the game AND hes nothing but a clickbait streamer.

You would kill the game if Asmon was president

The fact you actually stated this shows you lack complete understanding of this game or how its designed.

Blizzard doesnt cater to the top 1%. In fact they have been more solo/casual friendly than they ever have been.

I never stated that.

I said over 60% of the player base raid. Plenty of them do it outside of guilds in pugs. Even then this game is designed for you to join a guild if you want to do group content. Guilds arent going to bite you I promise.

You dont need a guild to raid either.

Solo Shuffle was terrible for the game and honestly needs to be removed.

You arent going to get kicked for not going to a raid in a super casual guild.

Incorrect. You literally can not argue against achievement trackers dude.

Citation needed.

Asmon knows what he’s talking about and is more convincing.

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Ok, So I did the math out again:

Total raid participation is between 48.27% and 62.81% of all players with level 70
Of the people who full cleared: 65.25% did so on heroic or higher.
Of the people who killed Sarkareth: 57.85% did so on heroic or higher.

Out of raiders: between 15.51% and 20.19% have killed M Kazzara
Out of all players with level 70, 9.75% have killed M Kazzara.

Raw numbers used to calculate:
Aberrus statistics:
Level 70: 66.16%

Full heroic: 14.38%
Full any: 22.04%

Sark: 25.91%
AOTC: 14.99%

Echo/Mag: 25.86%
Rashok: 27.01%
Experiments: 28.9%

M Kazzara: 6.45%

So the best way to put it is:
More than half of the game raids, and more than 60% of raiders raid heroic.

It means he plays the game. Means he plays many aspects of the game.

The entire point of nerd points is to show that.

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You keep saying this yet provide NOTHING to back up your claims, and than demand a citation. LOL you’re a tool.


Asmon doesnt have a clue what hes talking about.

The only people he is convincing are people that dont know what they are talking about

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Where are these numbers from?

Here you go