Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

It’s a bigger market than solonplay.

Wild star isn’t WoW.

Pfft, then you’ve never heard of Starfield then.

I’d be worried if other people are making the same comparison.

lol imagine being so wrong and thinking you have a clue.

WoW isn’t even my first mmo. I was playing Ashen Empires and Diablo 2 in middle school.

I also played rainbow six siege competitively

Starfield isnt wow.

Luckily I dont care about your opinion or Asmons opinion.

All good.

Years from now when WoW falls, historians will point to you as contributing to its downfall.

Casual does not mean “not difficult.” Nowhere in the definition of casual does it say “not mechanically difficult.” It does however have definitions that pertain to time and seriousness.

The fact you think that historians will look at why a 20+ year game finished or that you think I had any part is absolutely hilarious and explains why no-one takes you seriously.

Talk about disconnected from reality.

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There is a good chunk of people who are watching or waiting for WoWs official fall.

It will be well documented.

Considering the stats dont back that up the only people disconnected from reality are the ones that think solo players are a majority in wow.

Care to point to these “stats” that you speak of? Plus the comment I responded to was scoped generally, not just to wow.

Over 60% of the playerbase of WoW raids at an LFR level or higher with the majority being in heroic.

That leaves 40% to make up PVP players, Mplus only players, and solo players. Most players play some levels of group content

Generally means nothing. WoW is what we are talking about.

I’m going to need a reference on those statistics. As last estimate of these numbers I saw showed it was SIGNIFICANTLY less than 60%.

He aint happy in life. Hes made millions and it hasnt made him happy at all.

This is fact. He only cares about money and not his followers.
Fact is. if blizzard perma banned Asmondgold from their game most of his followers would quit for a short period of time to protest but would eventually make their way back because they would realize just how unimportant he really is.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. If I watch any of his content, it’s because I find it entertaining, but I’ve never deep dived hard enough to figure out whether the dude is having a happy life or not, haha! That is so weird! Are you sure you aren’t projecting your own existence on to a streamer that has no clue you even exist, haha?!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Myself, I could care less if he is happy or not happy. I don’t find him entertaining, nor do I find his content appealing. From what I’ve seen (and it was a long while ago admittedly) he uses is audience to obtain things for free, is toxic to other people, he parrots what others say as new revelations.

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Very unprofessional behavior from the president of Blizzard. This also shows how Blizzard caters to the 0.1% of players and still treats WoW like an eSport.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Unprofessional, sure, BUT…maybe not! If I was a crazy, tinfoil hat wearing person, if you took this weird, random callout by Blizzard’s President as well as a 2-handed axe legendary in a patch that is heavily themed around Druids, one might be able to come to the whacky conclusion that Blizzard might be trying to lure Asmon back to the game for marketing purposes, haha!

Why on Earth would you make a 2-handed axe legendary for a Druid themed patch and then randomly call out the largest, most popular WoW streamer on the planet!? It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Its tracked by achievements.

Even Ion has comeout and said the majority of the playerbase does a little bit of all content so feel free to link your “estimates”

Still waiting for you to actually provide a link to these “stats”, all you keep providing is conjecture.


Its all tracked based on achievments. Capslock is the one with the actual link.

I honestly dont care what you do or don’t believe. However at minimum Blizzards deisgn history and the lead Designer have more bearing on your “estimates”