Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

Because Mike Ybarra is a reprobate carry seller and diehard M+ fanboy. Of course he’s going to make the game all about what HE likes to do. He’s never had his finger on the pulse of the WoW community and he doesn’t care. He’s just as selfish as the rest of those who have made this game terrible.


I think that’s actually just a feedback loop that benefits the hardcore players the most. There’s so much gatekeeping amongst the community that casuals are now forced to create logs and worry about parses just to do content that really shouldn’t be an issue. I’ve seen people get kicked from Normal and Heroic raids over granular things only because the hardcore players whined and wanted to kill things even faster. Logs and parses are brought up so much nowadays that everyone is forced to care about them whether they matter or not.


The fact this got 90 upvotes just shows people hate him for no freaking reason. What’s the really dumb phrase? “hurr durr living in your head rent free.” That’s Asmongold for most people.

Anyways, here’s the Armory for someone that “doesn’t play” :

This “non player” has two or three times the achievement points than most people in this thread :roll_eyes:

I think this is the bigger issue and sums up Blizzard’s attitude towards the largest chunk of their player base. This is why they don’t do stuff like… remembering the Brawler’s Guild exist because how does this feature cater to their chosen few? It doesn’t.


And a 415 ilvl when you can sleepwalk to 430 if you just log on. Actually proves my point.

Oh and this isn’t reddit. They’re called likes, not upvotes. Freaking redditors


First thing that caught my eye. I took three months off the game and my 3rd character is 431.

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No, it really doesn’t. It means he doesn’t raid, does not mean he doesn’t play.

p.s. I don’t even have a reddit account.

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Just from doing the campaign for ZC and a few dungeons and 4 raid boss kills I got a shaman to 420 from 398 in the first week. Try again.

Grats. Next patch you’ll be able to buy comparable gear from a vendor.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, to be fair, I understand why he wouldn’t want to play, Dragonflight is hot garbage!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


You already can now with dreamsurges. Again proving my point. Asmon doesnt actually play the game enough to even know what he is talking about.

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They should perma close his account when he’s streaming.

Could you imagine the simp tears we would get on gd.

Because the person before me said WoW was always a casual MMO, which I disagree with because, while you could and many did play it casually, you had to play quite a bit to actually get the end game stuff.

If they still around they making money dont worry lol

There’s no gatekeeping. That is just an excuse.

As someone that’s pugged heroic on Alts this is flat out false.

It’s not a “casual” issue. It’s a bad player or lack of putting in effort issue.

People get kicked for multiple things. If you don’t know the fights and aren’t overgearing the content you shouldn’t apply to a “crest farm quick clear group”.

The raid isn’t the place to learn the fights unless you join a specific learning group.

No one checks logs for normal or heroic pugs minus maybe heroic Sark.

415 isn’t an ilvl of someone that should be commenting on heoric ir mythic raids as most mythic raiders are 440 and up.

Dude is a known carried player and his opinion is pretty much worthless

Welcome back friend. How ya been?

God thank you, someone said it, his entire platform is complaining while other people play the game for him

…you do realize that envelope pushing content is a niche market right?

I mean…you don’t remember what happened to Wildstar?


It was a casual MMO. Time investment has nothing to do with difficulty. You’re conflating tedium with mechanical difficulty.

There was nothing hard about Vanilla, other than people were clueless about playing MMOs then. I got tons of videos saved from that era if you would like me to post of me raiding with my casual guild.

The banter was hilarious, but my guild was almost all working adults with some college kids.

Save yourself the effort here, debating with this guy is pointless. They will be playing WoW until they shut down the very last server.

WoW, is the only game a lot of these people play or ever played, that is why it is so hard to reach them when it comes to showing them how bad the game is today. They’re not gamers, they’re WoW only players.

I recently bought D4, and my goodness, what an awful game. I refunded that hot garbage back. Modern Blizzard just isn’t the Blizzard we all fell in love with anymore.

Wow is suffering the same brain drain and horrible monetization schemes as the rest of the Blizzard games these days.


Alright. I may have to try healthy breaks more often, I definitely feel more optimistic about the game as a whole and less bitter about any specific game feature after taking some time to play some of the other games released this year (D4, Pikmin 4, BG3, Starfield).

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