Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. It’s pretty clear you don’t watch him or listen to literally anything he says, so why speak on it?

He’s quite literally said multiple times that he hates how long and convoluted the raids are. So pretty much the opposite of what you’re claiming he wants.

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I really hope you recognize the irony of in this statement but I think it might be lost on you.

This is a thread with 1344 posts that apparently 90% of the repliers don’t realize this is what Qwik does, he drops in streams banters a bit and leaves. The fact you guys took the bait shows just how out of touch some of you are.

Yeah doesn’t he know by being a streamer he could instead of COMMUNITY runs like ASMONGOLD Where he gets carried for FREE.

Remember when he begged for Classic so he can have the Classic experience to almost immediately start begging chat for gold?

Haha nah of course you don’t, it’s very easy to pick and choose what you remember from your favourite streamer.

The raids he hasn’t done at any relevant level in 4 expansions?




I don’t think linking logs from bosses killed seven years ago is the flex you think it is.

That said, Asmon would absolutely be able to play at a high level if he committed time to the game again, hell he wouldn’t even need to if his supporting raid team is strong. There are hundreds of players who are already CE who perform worse than him.

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When executive spend more time on Internet personalities than they do wondering about the overall health of the game and class balance.


I don’t think having current grey parses like Qwik is a flex either. But it’d be like calling Sodapoppin bad at PvP when it’s clear when they actually get interested and try they’ve always played at higher levels.

Yeah I totally managed to get that from a single sentence posted in Max’s chat lol


Well that’s the thing. If you actually play like 6-10 hours a day I literally don’t care what you think. That’s not normal and the game shouldn’t be designed around you at all. Do not cater too hard to no-lifes because it makes the game become complicated and overdesigned.

Anyone playing that much is never leaving. They’ll be playing this game until the servers shut down one day and they get dragged away from their computer kicking and screaming. Not that they should be ignored entirely, just that blizzard should focus on making the regular people happy They’re the ones that have options and would conceivably put this game down to play any of the other games vying for their attention.

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You realize the large majority of the people who play 6-10 hours a day are collectors, pet farmers, pvpers etc?

Extremely few “raiders” raid even remotely close to that. So what you’re saying is you don’t care about the opinions of people who actually do and enjoy the casual content added to the game.


Yeah, because the massive amount of pet battlers the game apparently has are just swimming in new content. And for pvp, when’s the last time we even got a new battleground? Draenor? I legit don’t remember.

Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, you know it’s a wild time when FF14 is releasing more PvP content than WoW is!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!

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Not sure what you want me to say? Pets get added in almost every new zone and in almost every new event. They seem happy and you don’t see them in here creating a slinging match.

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Has the system of pet battling ever received a change, improvement, or addition to the systems around it? Or is it just “yeah you can go pick up and kiss the squirrels”

Maybe I’m wrong and the pet battling community is absolutely bumping and its a huge part of the game that I’ve completely missed out on because I never see people talking about it and nobody I’ve ever played the game with cares about it. Maybe that’s just me, but unfortunately I kind of doubt it.

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1300 replies…

Some of you hate asmongold so much you let the dude live rent free in your head.


Keep huffing the copium. Meanwhile, this game and company is really starting to sink into irrelevance


This isnt the flex you think it is.

In the early 2000s I could probably clock up that kind of gameplay hours.

I agree. Its also extremely unhealthy and damaging.

From a business mindset, if they can monetise it such that those players actually shell out the cash for it to dev, so be it. Trying to build the game for those kinds of players by using the revenue other players provide is where I think players have a right to complain (i.e disproportionate focus on Mythic Raiding when LFR is how most players experience raiding → focus more on making that gameplay mode fun/rewarding its drawing most your players in).

They are currently in charge (Ion Hazzikostas - should tell you everything about why game is the way game is).

I agree, blizzard just publicly stated most players experience raiding through LFR… that should be the focus of the design going forward then with Mythic an afterthought that gets tacked on… take out mythic ilvl and make it only a retint transmog.

Yah but the leveling mechanics and all that, were so much easier than any other mmo at that time.

Things like losing exp when you died, losing all your stuff when you died, permanent character death. I mean there was so much that you didn’t have to deal with anymore when wow came out.

It did have some hardcore, no life components though. Rank 17 pvp grind. Good luck with that one boyz lol.

Heck, wow was what revolutionized instance raids and dungeons. You actually had to fight entire servers just to kill bosses in ever quest. And most of the time, it just led you to an ambush and easy death. So, even entering a raid was easier in wow. But yah. Getting stuff in a raid was another story, usually a clique system.

But it was way, way more accessible than any other mmo out at the time. End game was another story.

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The thing about vanilla wow is that there were things that you could dedicate a lot of time and effort into pursuing but you could still go out and accomplish things with your friends that felt awesome and epic and you didn’t need a full list of addons and weakaura plugins and play the game constantly while also being really good at video games.

I mean just looking at classic now you can run into people that have no idea what’s going on and they still squeak by in dungeons and raids. If you’re savvy you’ll notice all the inefficient things they’re doing and maybe their dps and healing sucks compared to yours but I bet they’re still having fun anyway.

Game needs more of that. Less using websites and plugins to play.

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Rather Ybarra instead of bothering NOOBS players like Asmongold, should be concerned with encouraging and supporting bringing more new players to Blizzard games.

And that is thankful that the Classic wave between Hardcore, WotLK Classic and Vanilla itself is bringing more than a dull retail that not even the new 10.2 podcast reveal will bring more players.

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