Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

You have no statistics on how and why people with different preferences play the game.

Very odd that you have told us that the ultimate casuals are mythic raiders like you claim to be, totally casual because you barely play.

You said that. You actually did. Are you saying you were lying?

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I have statistics that show the percentage of people that do raids.

Ps they are the majority.

I never once said I barely play. I said I raid mythic casually.

Even casual mythic raiders still have to run mythic plus and grind out aspects/valor.

Why do you feel the need to blatantly lie over and over again?

Asmon parsed better than they did. Him trying to call Asmon bad when Asmon has only PUGGED raids for quite some time is funny. Asmon is completely capable of completing heroic/mythic, but just like a lot of people… Insulting them isn’t going to make them want to run it, as much as Blizzard devs wished insulting the playerbase got more people to play.


Asmon just doesn’t like the game anymore, he’s over it. But he can’t just say that, instead he has to come up with a bunch of fake excuses to do the whole “I’ve not changed, the game did.” which is patently false, he used to love bashing bad players and casuals.

He’s washed, he’s mad, and he’s just over WoW but can’t let it go.


This is the correct answer. When you make something your job don’t be surprised when you lose your passion for it.

Lol better than who? And I highly doubt that. I know people that have actually played in asmons guild. Multiple people have come out and said he’s actually horrible at the game.

Maybe heroic. He’s definitely not good enough to not be carried in mythic. He has mythic guilds because people joined his guild for the status and then realized he’s actually super bad at the game.

skirt my chair by hearing this

Ah, so based on nothing at all. Color me shocked.

I agree with everything you said up to this point. I just don’t see it as a right vs wrong issue. Its more nuanced. Generally, everyone wants the game balanced for them and how they want to play the game, some delude themselves into thinking they want what is best for the game (we call those people Devs). If I played the game ~10 hours a day I would want a very different game than playing 1 or 2 hours a day. I think blizzard need to find a way so that when they design end game, its not too intrusive to how various players want to enjoy the game.

For example: I just checked out 10.2… its more of the same, “players gearing up too fast” so they are reducing item upgrades per week. Even the world event Emerald Bounty they said was based on how many players participate… another slap to casual/solo players “stop playing their game wrong”.

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I mean are you really surprised?

If you play the game not as intended you don’t really have much validity to complain.

It’s like trying to put a square through a round hole.

The game is designed around group play. It always has and always will be.

You can choose not to participate in group content but don’t be mad when you don’t get the same shinies

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People have been guessing Blizzard being nothing more than a corpse being puppeted by Activision for some time now. No surprise that they’re that disconnected from the larger audience when raids, M+ and envelope pushing instances are all that matters.


Thats a very fair statement but yes I continue to be amazed at the lost opportunities.

Marketing “hey come back to wow its great” Player [Me] comes back “its not great for reason x y z”. Other player [You] points out the futility of it.

Thank you for the sound logic, I’ll be gone again in a couple weeks and will check back when 11.0 gets announced and probably repeat the cycle.

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Its what Id do because Asmondogld doesnt have as much influence as people think he does.
Lots more cant stand him than like him.

Hed be banned forever.


I mean the definition of insanity is expecting something to change

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Source needed

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Blizzard is still mad at Asmongold since he promoted FFXIV, consequently they gained tons of subscribers, he even got an interview with their lead designer Naoki Yoshida.


This has very little to do with Asmongold and much more to do with 9.1 being the worst and most damaging period in WoWs very long history.

Also this article is using steam numbers, which is a separate client to the one that the large majority of FFXIV players use. I have no doubts it was doing well because the expansion that was out during this time was incredible and WoW was the absolutely going through its worst time ever.

The source is called REALITY. He has no real influence to hurt WOW.
Id ban that dude so fast.

Like the large majority of people watching Asmongold are scorned players who just want a mouthpiece to keep ragging on WoW with I’d say an extremely slim margin for them to return.

He isn’t happy with the game, just quit and go next. Preach was able to do it why can’t he?

It’s because he realizes he can make big money beating the drum that wow bad while simultaneously not playing WoW.


Asmongold is one of the last people still defending casual players within the influencer sphere. Nearly every other big time streamer/player is some degenerate that plays WoW as their primary job and spout their opinions as if the only relevant ways to play are Cutting Edge raiding, 25+ M+ keys and Gladiator PVP.

A lot of what Asmongold says is true and real. Instead of attacking him, why can’t people just counter argue what he said and present proof that the arguments are bad?

They can’t. That’s exactly why they attack him viciously.

Also who df is Qwik to call out on Asmon when he is the exact type of player that destroys prestige achievements by doing SALES RUNS and proudly announces it on his twitter.