Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

Based on that he does stuff for clicks and only clicks.

they literally think you install weakauras, download the “mythic raider exclusive” pack that you pay echo $100 for, and it plays the game for you and you get CE. they think that’s how it works.

they literally believe TSM is a bot, that you just install it and click “make me gold” and go to bed, and when you wake up you have millions of gold in the mailbox


It’s not hard to see how out of touch some people are. I’m a commercial service plumber and some of the dumbest things I have ever seen make me wonder how people even get dressed every day


I never said that it is not catering to us, my problem is that to upgrade the gear they are giving out atm the champion gear, can only be upgraded to 437 if you do M+.

So yeah, that to me is funneling.

Again that is just my opinion on it.

Asmondgold spends more time attacking and bashing Blizzard than he does playing the game.
I would NEVER give him access to alpha or beta again and if he kept bashing my company and game Id perma ban all his accounts in public on twitch and youtube streams.
Id make a huge deal of it for sure and send that dude packing.


And that’s how it should be. Trivial content should not award top level gear.


Not arguing with ya man. Thats not my intent.

But it does prove my point in my initial reply, that the game is only focused on funneling players into M+.

Have a good one man.

That doesn’t mean he is actually any good at it. I will give him credit thou for being able to look at a transmog and pick out where each part came from.

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I am not even in the top 4. Lol.

Sorry I don’t post more than you here?

I am not talking about other games. I am talking about WoW. They added MC for endgame. They added Bgs. Arena, hard modes, heroics. The design of the game has always evolved.

It is laughable to pretend it all can just be turned off.

Yes and no. Higher ilvl should be a ladder. The higher you go the higher the ilvl. But I do think there should be more ladders available. Solo content like visions or mage tower and 3 man things like islands or torgh should exist too.

They can keep the scaling for pvp. But pvp gear should be upgradable for pve.

Turn weakauras off.

Turn DBM off.

Turn BigWigs off.

You won’t. You can’t.

I don’t use any WAs for Aberrus or the current mythic+ dungeon pool. If you spent more time learning about the addon instead of complaining about it you would already know it is unnecessary/not useful except for mythic Echo this season.

DBM goes off sometimes because I forget to update it and it makes no difference. Usually I notice it when a DBM pull countdown is done and don’t see anything and then a pull starts.

I don’t use bigwigs, my only other 2 addons are a damage meter and mythic dungeon tools so I can plan routes on my tank for fun, although I don’t use it much anymore because I already memorized the routes. And that addon is used out of combat.

It’s kind of funny when Ybarra has gotten carried in all the raids he’s done lol, green/grey parses a lot and advertised his guild boost runs


My thoughts exactly, lots of players enjoyed the game without grinding out the best top tier gear available. I suppose i was Confused as to why you said:

Considering most raid/mythic+ loggers play WoW like a lobby game, are you sure you understand the point you have made?

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Tell me you don’t have know what you’re talking about without telling me you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I see you want to give Asmongold reasons to attack Blizzard. I see you want Blizzard to make themselves look petty, vindicative, and childish. That’s not actually as good for PR as you seem to think it is.


Still better than Asmon getting flat carried.

Also lol at not knowing how parsing works

Tell me you have no idea how and why the majority of players play the game without telling us you have no idea of how and why the majority of players play the game.

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Yet statistics don’t back your narrative.

You also have to be extremely out of touch to think mythic raiders raid log.

That doesn’t happen till the end of the tier after all the grinds are done.