Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

And that’s irrelevant. No one is arguing for esports.

Never said it would be. I said it has a top tier level skill just like other sports have the NFL MLB ect

I’m not arguing anything. You’re flat out delusional if you think everyone plays the game at the same skill level.

Even if I devoted my entire life to WoW I would never be at the same skill level as world first players.

That’s not a brag. It takes nothing but grinding to earn that.

He will too, this guy spends way too much time here.


No its not. I am sure there are skills in the world people have, but video games, like most of them are worthless and will never really be monetized outside of a small select group

who cares about skill level? that matters in head to head competition. In co-op games, its about helping others and building them up, not knocking them down to prove you are “better”

dont think this guy would ever understand the simple joy in standing in the EC tunnel and throwing out buffs to newbies or handing out gold / bags to them

Are you the Lizard King?

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No one is talking about monetization. Different skill levels exist in every facet of life. Video games included.

You’re completely missing the point or being obtuse on purpose. No one is arguing about monetizing skilled play. I’m just stating different skill levels exist.

People that are competitive. Just because you can’t comprehend how this game is competitive at some levels doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Ps I haven’t knocked anyone down.

As someone that played a mage in bc I would buff AI to everyone I saw.

That’s irrelevant to the discussion and as usual you do nothing but deflect and make irrelevant comments.

Then ignore me and move on.

You just keep changing your story and making up my view point anyways.

Man I straight loled at this.

This lady in the waiting room gave me stank eye.

Thanks for that :joy:

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I just get tired of posters like Akston and the poster that made 120 replies just hijack your thread. Akston is really good at this.


or you know you could ignore me? I mean I know that would mean you have to give up on your obsession…

sorry if that was me

and with that I am out

You both have more posts in this thread than I do.

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Nope, it wasn’t you. Best to just ignore the poster you’re arguing with, they will never back down, and most of their responses are snarky and don’t make a lot sense.

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He’s the only one with 120 posts in the thread.

Maths ain’t adding up.

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Oh, he passed up the other person.

Asmongold wants retail to be classic, which is the dumbest thing you could do. Classic exists to cater to people who want easy content for maximum rewards with the upside of leveling immersion. He has played less WoW in the last 2 years than even the most casual person in the world.

He uses the wrong data from an erroneous video to make bold proclamations, ignoring proper comparisons and even completion rates of normal and heroic dungeons.

The only thing Asmongold is good at, is burning his mother to a crisp and playing sponsored predatory mobile gambling games, and or making excuses for his domestic abusing or sexual assaulting friends (hi rich). Leave the retail critique to Max, Dratnos or any other person in the scene that cares and knows about the subject.

Retail lets you craft your bis and upgrade it throughout the season. In the early parts of the season you will get many upgrades throughout the week simply due to higher item level. When you combine this with raid drops it’s gets even easier. Also, most ‘serious’ players only sign up for 2 day raiding schedules at the most. Retail is way more casual due to its systems and catch up mechanics every 4 to 5 months.

Vanilla is a hell hole of world buff farming, consumes farming, and a tedious leveling process, how is that not more of a job than retail? Another drone it seems.

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When people say this, it makes it clear they have no experience with the content and addons and have no idea what a required add on would mean, when and where it is needed, and so on.


No I’m Frosstfire.

Blaming addons is always a cope. People cannot comprehend that some people just have more awareness of the game world than they do and desperately seek a way to shift the blame.


That, and it’s clear they don’t understand what is even meant by a required addon.

Why it’s required and what it does and doesn’t do.

It’s just “addon = easy game” or some other nonsense.

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