Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

I don’t know either, but you are the one who clicked on this thread, If I see a thread about something I don’t care about I avoid it, personally.

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of course. we have the same arguments every time this topic comes up

I dont expect you to remember me, because I am generally a nice well balanced person who tries to not be noticed

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I’m lost, I jump from replies 100-200 and every time it is a different conversation LMAO


do I sense a conspiracy from Big Sports?!?!?


nah its just people think this video game is on the same level as an actual sport

Its like the time I interviewed a guy and he tried to show his leadership skills by saying he ran a guild

Some WoW players need to go touch grass


Its all ESPNs fault. They broke up the PAC and are now coming after Blizz


eh that’s not what he was saying. merely that people play this game at different levels, just like people play sports at different levels.

LOL for serious? now… I run a guild and trust me, it takes leadership skills, but I’d never actually use that in an interview.

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It’s probably because Asmon said they should cancel retail and do Classic+. He has the same opinion as me because he’s based.

Retail is beyond saving. Too many systems, too much bloat, too much for new players.

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And you were surprised I didn’t know who you were.

I can’t believe I am having this conversation.

“I didn’t do that.”
" ok I mean I did do that"

You can’t even be honest and consistent about your own words.

or you: People saying dont you know who I am (like people expect to be recognized on their WoW forum avatar)

vs me going: yeah you wouldnt remember me because I dont want people to remember me

Except I never said that.

But I had it said to me twice in this thread.

Except that is not what you said.

Remember how you said that if you attack the person it’s a debate fail?

All you just did was make up things about me to attack me.

dude you really have no clue do you?

I am no one and have posted in probably a year. I switch mains all the time and even stated so

You are the guy who only posts on one char - used to be a goblin - because you want to develop an online presence in a video game forum

seriously touch grass. The rest of us are not as far down the rabbit hole as you

They’re trying to deflect attention away from the real issue. Basically one giant strawman.


at this point we are not debating the topic.

I am calling out you misunderstanding of things I have said

An attack would be do say you are intentionally misrepresenting my point of view. I just think you dont know what you are doing

Or because I only really play one character?

Dude. You are the only one bringing up how often we allegedly talked in the past.

I have just been keeping on the thread. You want to lash out into our personal history and personal attacks.

eh, this thread has gone in so many directions by so many people, I think ti’s a bit silly to point to say anyone is trying to deflect when everyone seems to be at some point.

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If mythic raiding and dungeons are ‘too easy’ for you, turn your addons off.

I bet they won’t be as easy.

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Again I already replied why I said that. My first day back posting on the forums again and like clockwork here you are attacking anything I say.

You then go on to misrepresent my position to create a strawman and say thats why you are wrong

Dude, my first day back on the forums - its like you had a alert set for my account (yes I know thats not possible) but its also the reason I switch avatars because of people like you

Intentionally misrepresenting a person’s view?

like this? Maybe you can quote where I exactly said 'You dont know who I am?"