Blizzard's president called out Asmongold

And Qwik is right. Asmon is washed and mad about, and his only catharsis is that his doomer audience agrees with everything he says without question.

Seriously, watch him play not just WoW, but any game for some time. He’s just not that good at video games anymore. And honestly that’s not that big of a deal, but when 20,000 people validate your cooked out of touch takes, it’s going to lead to some brain rot.


Others don’t feel there is often too much stuff going on on the screen at high levels and it’s just hard to see, versus just being entertaining to do? I agree a lot with this opinion. Without addons, I surely would have a much harder time knowing when something is about to happen.


He got Glad in SL, that takes a ton of skill.

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To be fair, dungeons/raids are just a part of the game and while I did raid in the past, I simply cannot stand it anymore for how much time it consumes when WoW has so much to offer.


People do you see it all the time on here. It’s just a small group who’s obsessed with a streamer will try as hard as they can to deny it because it’s opinion who came from someone they don’t like, so all critical thinking goes out the window to bash him instead.


I will admit I have only watched a handful of his youtube videos during times when I wasn’t subbed, and just wanted to see what was going on with new patches… i have turned on his twitch for twitch drops, but always left it muted.

I mean no disrespect here, but I find it kind of hard to believe he is terrorist adjacent. Maybe I’m wrong, I fully admit I don’t watch his streams. It just seems a little extreme of an accusation. I would be super shocked if it were true!

Two wrongs definitely don’t make a right. I wish people are nicer around here but I won’t hold my breath waiting, lol.


Oh no… Two insufferable people are bickering…

sets up the ol’ lawn chair and cracks a can of pepsi.

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Rating was wildly inflated in SL. But honestly, we’re not really talking about PvP, it’s not a relevant part of the game, Asmon believes that raids are too hard for average players, despite not stepping foot in raids harder than normal, and failing at them because he, and most of his audience that like to play with him, are just kinda bad.

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I simply don’t trust threads like this are providing proper context.

If the discussion was about WoW in general, it would be an eye-opening statement.

If the discussion was about high-end raid design, it completely reverses things and basically makes the OP a straight-up troll.


Asmon streams more than he engages with the games he streams about. He said recently that Blizzard GMs cultivate a culture of “mentally ill man children”, but said FFXIV “treats you like an adult” and bans you. Which, if he’s spent any real time there at all you’d know the GMs are a joke and the Gaol is a meme, and, as long as you never say the F word, you can do anything.

He’s inflammatory to be inflammatory, any Zacks probably happily carding through the boost in view count from this.

I wouldn’t put any stock into anything this poster says. They’re so far removed from reality, it is not even funny,


So I watched the Asmon response video and he basically says that the main reason he doesn’t like to raid is that his effort and gear get invalidated in several months when the new tier drops. Ok. That’s fine. TBH it’s one of the main reasons I also don’t bother raiding.

But here’s the thing. Unlike Asmon, I don’t go around lecturing others about how Diablo 4 is meant to be a seasonal game and that is fine and that people who do not like that just aren’t the target audience. Well guess what? Wow is also a seasonal game. It’s basically the same as D4. If you do not like your gear getting invalidated every tier, then the game isn’t really for you. The only exception to this rule are the players like me who side-step this entire issue by simply ignoring the existence of the gear treadmill to begin with. I do not care that my gear gets invalidated because I do not place much importance on my gear to begin with. Whereas Asmon clearly does.

That is the difference.



WoW President can talk sh!t when he fixes the game. Until then stop with goofing off on twatter and do your job.


Gross, no thanks! It became a seasonal game. I’m glad that not all of it has adopted this model.


But also it’s always been that way, and when there are instances of this not being the case, players generally dislike that. Having to farm non-current raids for relevant trinkets or tier sets is NEVER liked.

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Asmongold’s opinions on WoW are subjective, though I tend to agree with most of them. That’s not really important here. Qwik chiming in and questioning that his WoW skill has anything to do with his ability to assess the game’s health is simply not a good look.


Actually, he had a good idea of what was wrong with Shadowlands but he’s so detached from the reality of DF that neither he nor his moronic fanbase has a leg to stand on whenever they criticize DF.

They always parrot the exact same talking points (only some of which were correct in SL) but anyone who actually plays DF would look at those talking points and laugh because those people clearly aren’t playing this expansion.


Yes, it became one. So now it is one. If you do not like that, then the wow may not be for you. :man_shrugging:

He’s a proponent of accelerationism.

The radical destabilization of modern society by accelerating the mechanisms of change.

Take that how you will.

This wouldn’t be an issue if the game started out this way. The original player base got pushed out in favor of an audience that wants to play a seasonal lobby game.