Blizzards new LFG UI is just the Mythic+ tool

yea people that have actually played retail know this is a stupid replacement. im guessing after a few months people will be crying their fresh alts arent invited to anything and they will turn on the real dungeon finder.


Yes except that for the purposes of just smashing dungeons it’s actually a worse tool than LFD is. It’s primarily for raids or mythic+ in retail(you know content where there’s actually value in being picky about your group) Oh and we don’t know if it’ll be cross realm yet so it might not help with low pop realms/off hours runs/low level dungeons at all.


Nothing quite says the “Spirit of Classic” more than removing a system that was in Wrath originally to tack on a retail system to replace it. :slight_smile:

Bet ya it will be absolutely useless in small realms.


Buy moar boosts…will be the response they give to everyone complaining.

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I agree it is the Mythic+ tool… But honestly, it is a good middle ground for both sides. Which honestly any compromise on other side of the stance for pro or no RDF is going to make both sides unhappy. Which is the definition for compromise.

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Which bit says there won’t be an existing LFG channel? The line about ‘single source’ is so that they can claim it’s better because it does non-instance groups and instance groups.

get ready to get gatekept by the players. meta classes are a thing, its not like retail where every thing is homogenized – in classic each class does different things, no way in hell am i gonna bring a warrior to any of my heroics, nor would my warrior get invited to any heroics, you ready for 4 plate classes and 1 clothie and visversa? its comin.

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Get ready? It’s been happening for three years. This tool doesn’t change anything on that front.

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oh bud, in wotlk it gets WAAAAAYYYY WORSE. wait until these warmane players jump in the game.


Not really, since all the people making it bad are already making it bad.

I’m going to make a prot paladin and grind to max level via dungeons.

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This is exactly what I’ve been hoping for! LFG tool for m+ is the best.


I think this is awesome and amazing for the game.

I’ve been saying for a long time that this should be the in game method for group making.


I think for retail they should look at getting rid of RDF and going with just the LFG tool.

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As a healer, I’m not healing any group that sets dumb requirements for easy content.


Except it lets people exclude players from content based on nonsense.


If you can’t do a heroic with a warrior coming along…its not the warrior thats bad…just sayin.

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Some groups will do this. And others will not. I’m going to be forming my own groups so I don’t have to worry about it.

And I’ll be adding good people to my friend’s list along the way to make it even easier to get good groups. Cause I’m socail AF.


They banned lfg adverts and it’s way better now.

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Is it a compromise if I’d rather not have it at all as a pro-RDF person? A compromise implies that it is some of what I wanted, but not all of it. This is non of it and in fact, goes in the exact opposite direction.

The part that says “You can’t use the LFG Channel unless you use this tool which makes the LFG completely redundant and useless since you will see everyone looking for that dungeon listed in the tool. We do this because we know you wouldn’t use our system and would just use the LFG Channel and your Bulletin Board addon”.

We were already in a “single source”.