Blizzard's lack of customer support

Is it just me or has Blizzard’s level of support suffered tremendously over the years? I’m a player from back in TBC/Wrath and I remember that Blizzard’s customer support back then was superb. They had in-game GMs available to answer questions within a few hours. Blizzard also had a telephone number that customers and consumers were able to call. Now coming back for Shadowlands, as customers, we have to jump through an encyclopedia worth of FAQs, that lead players to Wowhead, instead of actually addressing the problem itself. What changed?

I had to make a ticket regarding the Wow Adventure app for iOS and how rewards for completed adventures with your covenant were NOT gifted when I logged back onto my character. There were no clear way to navigate through Blizzard’s current support directives about this issue. Then after creating a an alternate ticket, just to explain my situation, they sent an automated messaged that had no relevance to the problem at hand. Told me to check wowhead. Go figure.

Do GMs even exist or has Blizzard resorted to using automated messages as their “support”? I hate to say it, but the quality of services provided by Blizzard has significantly decreased for the worst.


They still have in-game GMs, they just don’t often need to contact players directly in-game.

Yes, it was for Tech Support and Billing but it was often abused by players who thought that they could call that number for anything. They also made that line almost impossible to get through to and when you did get through, you were on hold for hours.

They moved to a call-back system where Blizz would call you back if it was something that they were able to assist you with via the phone. With Covid, they’ve had to suspend that feature as most reps are working from home now.

As for the problem you are having, that’s something more for the QA team to look into. They’re the one’s that look into bug reports.


Support is actually better now then it ever was, right now with an expansion launch and the issues that come with it the wait time is hovering around three days… Back in the day the wait times after an expansion launch and even after major patches usually ran up to a week or more. The reason there are FAQs leading to WoWHead is to direct players to the correct place to try and find a way to resolve the issue as most of the time that issue is something that a GM can’t help with. For instance if someone were to open a ticket to ask about something not dropping in a dungeon that isn’t something a GM can assist with so they would be directed to another source to see if it was a misunderstanding over drops or a bug.

The reason the call in number was taken away was because it was abused and rendered useless. The phone number was only ever supposed to be for account related issues, technical support, and/or billing problems. However players used it for everything (for example calling in to report a bug, or argue about a suspension, or report someone they though was cheating) it tied up the phone lines to the point that no one could really get through and when they did get through they were on hold forever. Blizzard implemented a call back system that allows issues that can be assisted by a phone call or live chat to do so more efficiently. The system is currently not open all the time due to COVID and the need for GMs and support agents having to work from home.

When the ticket amounts go up as they have recently there is a generic message that is sent out on most first contacts that fall under certain subjects. This helps to weed out some tickets that will actually get assistance faster by going to a site like WoWHead or one of the FAQs. When that message is sent it should state at the bottom that if it doesn’t fix your issue you can reply to the message and it will be placed in a priority queue for it to be answered faster then a normal ticket. In regards to you issue, I’m not sure there is much a GM would be able to do. The app would be the purview of the mobile and website team which has a website on the forums where they take bug reports. I don’t think a GM can actually help with the app.

GMs do exist and they answer every ticket that is filed, while they sometimes use a template response to answer some frequently asked questions they still are done by an actual human. Now because they are human they do sometimes make mistakes, but all tickets should have a way to reply to them or reopen them if you feel that you need more help or that a mistake was made.


The thing is, Darkcow, what you remember was mostly through a very limited perspective. You likely contacted us in a sweet spot where our queue times were low and we could get to folks quickly. That was always the goal but it didn’t always work out that way. What would happen is something would go amiss and queue times would skyrocket because everyone was contacting us. People would clog every single point of contact we had, often calling for issues that had nothing to do with Account or Technical Issues (which is what the phone line was for). A very large number of contacts had nothing to do with support, like feedback and suggestions, bug reports, etc… In situations that we could help with the tickets themselves often didn’t contain any actionable information. Item names, character and realm names and so on.

Over the years we have tried to get better by having our ticket system focus into relevant areas on what we can deal with. Ask for specifics during the process so that even if you were offline we had enough information to resolve your issue in one go in most situations.

It’s not a perfect system, we’re constantly working to improve it, but we do a lot of work behind the scenes looking at all the data involved so see that we are actually helping the folks that we can as quickly as we can and redirecting those to sources that they can get needed information from.

I’m sorry if you felt our system challenging, it isn’t meant to be.

The response you received, Darkcow, was due to the category that you used. You submit your ticket under “Problem with achievement”, which doesn’t seem to be the issue at all.

We receive a very high volume of tickets that usually do not require a Game Master. They often are questions about how to do a quest, how aspects of the game work, submitting a suggestion, reporting a bug, etc… During high volume of contacts, like we have now, we try to provide what self help options we can for those issues that are generally identified as something that a GM might not be able to help with so we try to send out a response that provides possible resolutions and guides for the issue so that they can continue playing.

If you notice at the bottom of the email it says:

“Your ticket was identified to be about the issue addressed above. If this is not the case, please respond so a Game Master can manually review it.”

Which is there to encourage you to reopen that ticket so it can be placed back in queue. In this way we are able to remove a lot of tickets that we wouldn’t be able to help with anyway, make sure that they are directed to help options and move to other issues where we may need to step in.

Now in your case, I’m not sure if there is anything we could do since this really is something that should be reported as a bug. That is probably one of the reasons why you couldn’t put in a ticket, as any bug report would have been redirected to the appropriate channels like the Bug Report forum or option to report them in the in-game menu.

I doubt many have said that, Norssina, least of all us. We don’t place the blame on the player, but we do ask that, depending on the issue, that you try various troubleshooting steps that help rule out certain things. Latency and addons or corrupted files can cause a lot of issues, therefore we try to look at that first. If the issue persists, then we can try seeing what may be the cause.


Okay have a casting animation problem. I have done a full UI reset following Blizzard guidelines. Problem persists. I have called my ISP and there are no issues with internet on my end, and my latency is steady at 39-45. To make sure, I followed the latency fix guidelines Blizzard provides. Problem persists.

I stand there in aggro stance when I am casting a non instant spell. The spell animation does not go off. At first it was whatever but now it is extremely annoying and looks stupid. Can not pinpoint what makes it start happening but it has only happened during combat. Once doing a world quest, during dungeons (mythic and heroic), and during battlegrounds.

I tried every spell combo, stance change, etc against a target dummy, and with random mobs (both did not start the animation problem I am encountering elsewhere) and no luck in figuring out why it has happened since Tuesday maintenance.

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I understand that is frustrating, Norssina, I do. We want you to experience the game the way it is intended. In a big system like this with so many factors, it isn’t always easy to get a handle on what the issue may be, but we’ll definitely try to.

If you’ve ruled out issues with the UI or latency, the next step would be to report it as a bug. Our QA team would need to take a look.

That is the first report I’ve seen, I remember your thread from yesterday and haven’t seen any others that are reporting a similar issue.

Do others see your stance and animation the way you are? If so, definitely report that. Posting in the Bug Report forum will give you a bit more room to provide what details you can. Be sure to list which character this is happening to as well as which spells (if it is only certain ones) that it is happening with.

QA is normally not able to reply directly, but they will be able to take that information and see if they can reproduce it.

If you haven’t already you can also post in the Technical Support forum. If it is tech related, they may have an idea of what is causing it.


Does your friend have a ticket number by chance? If they did not get one at the end of putting in a ticket chances are it did not submit fully.

Unfortunately though, as we know not who this friend is, perhaps a character name and server if available, that may help.


yikes I would suggest self reporting your name for a change as it is most inappropriate. Bliz is more lenient on self reports than they are on other player reports.


Your friend’s ticket is still in queue, and still open, as they should be able to tell from the numerous edits they have made to it.

Response times are high right now, but the ticket will be addressed. It looks like they included the information that was previously requested so once they get to the ticket they should be able to proceed.

I’m going to leave your posts up for a few minutes so I know that you have seen this then I will delete your posts. Your posting characters name isn’t remotely appropriate. Please switch to something else if you wish to post on these forums and think about self reporting so that someone else doesn’t do it for you.


Understand that your friend will still need to wait on their ticket. In the meantime, they can secure their system and be ready to add an authenticator to the account so that it doesn’t end up compromised again too.


I have been trying to talk to a GM for the past 24 hours over an issue that is in my estimation crippling. The covenant system literally broke on me. I am currently and for the past 24 hours effectively in 2 covenants at the same time (I have access to all their combined abilities…). I need not explain to you how game breaking this glitch is.

I have written 2 tickets, submitted several posts on the forums, and even have documented the issue through a short youtube clip and put it on reddit. But so far, all I got is complete radio silence. I get that there are probably a lot of problem solving happening right now but you would think that a potentially crazy game abuse glitch would be on their priority to-do list.

The lack of support has been quite disheartening so far I have to say.

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Yep, that’s definitely a phish. Unfortunately, it also likely means that your friend provided them with a lot of information about their account which they will use to try and hack again.

Some advice that you can pass along Jack, make sure your friend adds the authenticator, changes their email password (immediately), and once the account is back in their possession with the authenticator on it they should setup a new email address to move their account over to.

Gmail offers the option to also secure your email with an authenticator and I highly recommend doing so.


Have you tried doing a Full UI Reset to ensure it’s not a misbehaving UI or addon? That would be the very first step to do.

I’m not too sure that there would be much a GM could do to help in this situation if it’s not a UI issue. This would be a Bug Report so that the QA team could look into it and work on a fix.


It’s be an ongoing issue going on 2 days in which numerous relogs and toggling of addons have taken place. It is not addon related. I can roam in the Venthyr sanctum, and spam the Necrolord abilities on its target dummies… Game hard crashed when I turned the quest to swap to from Venthyr to Necrolord, and upon relogging, it’s been in this weird limbo state in which I appear to still be in Venthyr, but have access to all Necrolord’s abilities.

It’s extremely weird, and could potentially lead to game breaking abuse (what if someone tries to stack all 4 covenants?).

And not a peep from Blizzard so far.

I apologize if you felt that way, Mathaius, but we have replied to you previously on this. Didn’t you reach out to us on Twitter? I believe we said we passed it along to be looked into.

Outside of that you have two tickets currently in that haven’t been looked at yet because they are still working their way through the queue.

I don’t know if there is anything a Game Master can do there, which is why it needs to be looked at by QA and our Dev teams.

Can you reproduce how to do it? Have there been a bunch of others also reporting the same thing? We haven’t seen any other such reports that I am aware of. While I understand it is a concern, and it is for us too, that situation doesn’t seem to be running amok at the moment. It’s been forwarded to be looked into. Hopefully, they’ll be able to figure out what is happening and get your character straightened out.


I’ve posted on Twitter and basically everywhere I could think of, to give this issue maximum exposure and yes, I have been made aware of at least 2-3 other people having this exact same issue. I have no idea if this can be reproduced, I sure as hell hope it can’t be. I could even try it out, considering that in my bugged out state, I seemingly can keep switching covenants (I get the option to do so when I talk to covenants’ representatives). But I don’t want to deteriorate my situation further.

My concern is that if this is not resolved soon, what am I to do? I’m just gonna merry along and try and get some high M+ score next week with my double covenant abilities abuse ? What if it’s not resolved when the raid comes out? Do I just not play, in fear of getting banned for abuse or do I go in and in so doing commit an involuntary exploit?

And in the meantime, no covenant progression whatsoever. It’s a big part of Shadowlands I just have no access to.

I hope you can understand how frustrated I can feel right now.

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I can’t really answer any of that, Mathaius. I can only tell you that the information was forwarded for investigation, as we indicated on our Twitter feed.

We’ll try to get it fixed as quickly as we can, but knowing about a bug doesn’t generally include knowing how to fix a bug. It could be an easy fix or it could take a bit of time. We won’t really know until we know.

In the meantime, I imagine playing the character normally would be fine.We tend not to penalize for a bug unless it is actively being abused. If you are worried maybe pick one set of covenant abilities and just use those until the issue is resolved.

I absolutely understand that, Mathaius. I do.


And do we get any idea whatsoever on the timeline or we’re completely blind? Are we talking hours, days or even weeks until this issue get some attention? You understand that me not being able to participate in Shadowland’s flagship system and arguably best selling point is kind of a big deal in determining whether or not I’m gonna keep playing or just leave the game and stop bothering with it.

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Others see my spell animations. I did a UI reset again. Still happened after awhile. Now I am doing a complete uninstall and reinstall and see if it does it after that. Running out of ideas - and yeah I did put it on the bug report forums. Most have no idea what to do. I guess ill just wait it out. I doubt anyone will find an answer or fix for this :neutral_face:

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Just you, yeah. And every other person whose definition of bad customer support is “I didn’t get what I wanted, therefore they’re incompetent, and the big picture of everybody else doesn’t matter because me, me, me”.

People have extremely rose-tinted goggles for support in the past, combined with a narrow view of the goings-on of the team, and mythologized accounts of one-off circumstances that may or may not have even happened.

At this point I’d just be reiterating the rest of the thread, but for the sake of summary…

Sometimes in the early days, when the player base was still relatively small, but its long passed the point where that luxury could be afforded. Even by the end of vanilla it had already reached a point where it could take days for a ticket to receive a response. As for appearing in-game, that was for the sake of getting additional information. That’s obsolete now. GMs can finish most tasks that they’re actually employed to do in very short amounts of time, and GM Characters aren’t really needed anymore.

As others mentioned, this telephone number had a specific purpose that was frequently ignored. Having been on the phone during Wrath of the Lich King a couple times (for something that was actually under the purview of the phone number), wait times were very long, as in 45 minutes+ at minimum long for an issue that took maybe 10 minutes to fix. Now they call you instead, so you get the call as soon as you’re ready.

This typically means you’re looking for help with something that GMs (who are not developers) can’t help with. And indeed I don’t believe issues with the WoW Adventure app that are likely due to a bug are something they can fix.

Not automated. Template responses, but used by an actual human to ensure the same information to everyone.

See first paragraph.