*Please Delete This Thread*

Heh, I’d even take resources, my concern is more would they convert or would they just become a worthless currency that we can’t use but is still recorded.

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Gadhafi ya as of today…i think a week in returning i’m quite done with WoW . this visions crap killed my time…

i had to waste my echoes just to get vessels and im deff not getting my cloak to 15 unless i play like its a job…

got mymain to 440 and just cant bother given theres no catch up for cloaks or ILVL its either spend $$$ and buy boost RMTing which is a risk or get carried or quit.

8.3 is honestly one worst patches i ever seen happen to WoW ever since i started in vanilla…this has to be the worst…as bad as MoP was atleast the catchup was there…

This needs to reach more views and more replies to help get Blizzards attention, so it doesn’t get buried by new posts that covers the same issues.

Creating new posts on the same issues and burying one that always covers the OP topics of this one and has thousands of more views, is only doing a disservice.

I implore everyone that hasn’t already replied this post should do so instead to help give a better chance grabbing the attention of Blizzard. I noticed that a lot of Blizzard replies is based off at least 6k views for the post…

Funny watching the incompetent people replying on other posts with 200 views and trying to bury this one that has over 4,000 views. They sure know how to get Blizzards attention. Smh… :man_facepalming:

A post to help prevent this post from being buried by the incompetence.

A post to point out this one had no posts for over 24hrs. Before a new post that has a ton of replys that were not posting here, and now are posting there.

The more views on a post, the higher chance Blizzard takes notice. Why is this so hard for some people to understand.

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I agree, +1.

I made another post about this without reading this one and I’m being flamed for clout chasing and not giving respect to this thread or something so I’ll post and bump this because I agree with what this man says to.

Sorry internet I didn’t read the entire forums before making my post. It is my mistake and I regret it. I will never do it again, and by never I mean I probably will.


I bet you will since you are going to reply to your original post that you are apologizing for to bump it up higher than this one again. :rofl:

Lol it’s chill. I agree with their message but they didn’t need to talk to you like that tbh

So as of yesterday, with the new Cap raise. A Returning/New Player/Alt just starting their 15 cloak can not catch up pre cap.

Cap will be met, 9/11. Players starting their core farm this week wont hit cap till 9/18. Next week it will be 9/25.

Blizzard something needs done here. This is not a working catch up system.

Yup, I was correct.

You’re so weird lol I actually love it. Anyways, give us some malefic cores on each vision run, plz daddy blizz.

Thanks for finally course correcting and adding to this cause of trying to make a change. :+1:

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Corruption resistance isn’t going to matter much anyways, let them have a catch up mechanic. Good luck keeping up with people in full 475 socketed gear. A player with rank 26 of a specific stat corruption and 10 sockets will have 105% more of 500 stat boost, which adds up to a total of 1025 more raw stats. And grinding out that many mementos to caught up on corruption, at 4 vision clears a week, with a socket needing 6 runs or so, will mean they need 15 weeks minimum to get caught up on sockets. People are just bad at math.

100%. Let people have fun basically.


Yea why even take away the reputation buff the later it gets in the expansion and the closer the next one is released. It should be the opposite. There should be more fun so people can enjoy the things they haven’t experienced yet before the next expansion release.

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Well sockets is another time gate that should be addressed this far into the expansion as well. Unfortunately, all those posts that was gaining traction have been buried with redundant ones as well.