*Please Delete This Thread*

Sad, almost 4k views on an issue that affects its biggest portion of players, and is only getting worse every week, and Blizzard still hasn’t responded to this post or others like it (not even on their official post). Blizzard really did abandon BFA and could care less about its paid subscribers.

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Stop ignoring this horrendous time gate Blizzard!

I still want 4 cores per week by adding the mythic+ and weekly PvP chests, but your example doesn’t really highlight the deltas just paints an overall picture.

Right now a rank 7 TD is 175 corruption so at max cloak resist (89) and the essence you get a net corruption of 76.

A fresh level 15 cloak with 50 resist and the essence can use rank 5 TD for a net corruption of 65.

By week 2, gaining 12 resist (+6 the week they get 15 and another +6 the next) they can use TD rank 6 with a 72 net corruption.

So the discussion is on the deltas not just an arbitrary amount of maximum corruption worn.

2 weeks to be able to run rank 6 vs 13 straight weeks to run rank 7?

If there is no real power difference (bloodmallet shows on average about 100 dps per corruption, and 39 corruption is only 3900 dps). So why not let people get them? It’s a bad argument against this.
If there is a real power difference, (like a fire mage that can now stack 2 more Masterful 3s.), then they NEED it to compete and run end-game content. It’s a very bad argument against this as new players, returning players, bored players, and everyone with an alt (they didn’t go get a cloak on) is behind.

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Yep and long time returning players, this is a bad look for.

I am used to this crap. However me and a buddy came back from classic and brought new friends from classic, that havent played since Wrath or longer. We are trying to get them into retail, and with this corruption crap that isnt such a good look, and isnt going so well.

I guarntee that my couple friends are not the only ones. With no content in classic atm that is newer, people are bored there too, and lots that havent played retail are checking it out. This is not how you keep them.

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Tomorrow, it will now be 14 weeks and will continue to grow! Stop ignoring us Blizzard! Make your BFA expansion more alt friendly like how Ion Hazzikostas promised Shadowlands would be!


Well, yeah, it’s a difference of around 120 days.

Another week with zero acknowledgement that the catch up systems suck. Still have a vendor rotation and an awful resistance catch up.

Remove the rotation.

Remove vessels entirely.

Remove the weekly core cap up to the current resistance cap.

No, we aren’t distracted by having Timewalking events every week now. That doesn’t make anything better.

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This should be done, it would be akin to those that started by foot and kept up walking 1 mile a day and those now are able to walk say 10 miles (or 14) a day and catch up.

No, no, no people who want this are the ones coming across like “whaaa why should we do all this work to catch up”. It takes like 15-30 minutes a week to do each invasion, and that is just the invasion, which should be getting you 2-3 vessels/week if you can’t put that much work into getting what you need then you don’t deserve to get it.

I mean you could set one day each cycle to do the invasions than, if the core cap is removed, spend the rest to catch up till you are out of vessels.

Only thing I’d take no vessels required would be for practice/mapping runs or for runs that only awarded echoes/mementos. If a cloak upgrade or gear is on the line, then the fee should be paid.

Um, removing vessels would leave people with the same amount of work to catch up, it would just remove the time-gate so you could do it at your own pace. It would let a new character get to cape 15 in one week and do the resistance catch up if they had that much free time to just spam visions. Same number of runs, just no time gate. The gear is already limited per week regardless of how many runs you do.

It would add a new echo farm assuming they didn’t nerf the echo drops, but that is also a good thing IMO. You should be able to farm multiple sets of echoes in a reasonable amount of time. Not one set slowly over multiple weeks. Current echo farms suck too for anyone that isn’t focused entirely on one character.

Uh, you can get vessels with the c. visions AND echoes. If you are good at running the visions, you could easily get into a loop of 1 full run=1 vessel and if not ( I admit I could, and likely am, off there), you could still do the invasions/emissaries/etc to make up the difference. This might not help the new players as much, but there are those like me that have a ton of the visions used for the vessels on multiple characters so if, I repeat, IF the vessels are removed then those visions should at least be converted to either gold, mementos or echoes.

Wasting echoes on visions is absurd when you need to save them for corruptions. Vessels shouldn’t exist at all.

Game is pretty much unplayable for new or returning players


Look, I am for the cap being removed, but your

Is so WRONG that it shows why vessels need to be a thing.

The ones that are maxed or close to max now:

  1. farmed the visions for the vessels
  2. ran the visions for the cloak upgrade
  3. farmed more visions for more vessels
  4. repeat

Now I am all for an increase in visions, even to the point where a big chest from the major or 2 from the minor ones provide enough for a vessel. I’d even extend it to the smaller chests taking 2/4 respectively.

There are those of us that want you to catch up easily, but we want you to take the same steps, maybe at a faster rate, then we did, remove the vessels and you remove the farming steps. Again, if vessels were removed, why should we get stuck with 300k+ C. Visions, Some of us are willing to work with you, but this “this way or no way” is what makes it sound like you want the easy way to catch up. Be real, even if you could only run say 5 visions a week, that is still 5 upgrades and a big dent in the catch up.

Without the cap, ones like me have enough visions for vessels stored on alts that if I wanted to, I could catch up in about a week per alt not at max.

I’m assuming you mean they farmed assaults or something?

Doing assaults/dailies was some amount of time sure, but it was all just part of the time-gating system that is vessels. It’s not like it was difficult content, it was a weekly or daily faceroll chore.

You could just increase the number of echoes those things give once coals are no longer needed so that doing them still serves a purpose.

can we look at it this way? 1. i have friends id like to talk into playing this game. they’ve given interest. then i thought about and told them to wait a little before shadowlands comes out and we’ll give it a go. why? before shadowlands drops, i can help them level up, and get geared up. thats it. no grinding the neck, the cloak, the corruptions. we’re going to be raiding, mythic plus and pvp. i dont want to make them grind all that other stuff for months so they can be relevant for the content. btw, know how much dps and such will be happening months from now? a ton! lol, yep, my friends toon that is behind on everything only doing 45k overall in a mythic 12 while everyone else is doing 70k because of the obsurd corruptions we all have. that’ll feel good. oh, doubt theyll mind grinding everything in shadowlands because they wont be behind. that’s probably the main point of this discussion so i need to make that clear. new player being behind for months isnt a good pitch for my friends. without those extra grinds and timegatings i could get them geared for current content much easier. i think thats what most people want.

  1. alts. ffs, im so sick of visions. let me catch up my alt so i can get it over with. ive done it already. im not asking for instant max cloak, im asking to let me knock it out in a couple weeks. ive already had to level the dang toon up. i already have to push to get the gear. ffs. this one in particular cant possibly have a reasonable counter argument. REASONABLE, lol.

Ones like me did it on way to exalted rep, but yeah assaults and associated quests.

The ones at cap? a lot of them likely started when the time gate was a hard cap on the cloak, like we could not go above rank 6 in the first week, rank 7 in the second and so on. These caps let us bank the visions week after week ad after rank 15? if we still wanted the rep we were banking more.

Hell, I am all for the cap being removed, and the c.vision drop increased to the point where one can easily get enough vessels to run visions to current cap. In the case of alts? maybe making the vessels or c. visions account bound. There are ways it can be done without just dropping the vessels (which, btw I would expect anyway with pre-patch if not just before).

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I would expect if they removed vessels they would convert any stored coals into gold or echoes so it wasn’t like your mountain of saved currency just evaporated.

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Heh, I’d even take resources, my concern is more would they convert or would they just become a worthless currency that we can’t use but is still recorded.

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Gadhafi ya as of today…i think a week in returning i’m quite done with WoW . this visions crap killed my time…

i had to waste my echoes just to get vessels and im deff not getting my cloak to 15 unless i play like its a job…

got mymain to 440 and just cant bother given theres no catch up for cloaks or ILVL its either spend $$$ and buy boost RMTing which is a risk or get carried or quit.

8.3 is honestly one worst patches i ever seen happen to WoW ever since i started in vanilla…this has to be the worst…as bad as MoP was atleast the catchup was there…