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+1 to this.

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Is there anything that should distinguish a main from an alt or are we aiming for log in, chose a new character, play at max level?

Another reason for all these time-gating is to get people to keep running on the wheel (which there should be a reasonable amount of, but I think BfA went too far). This is why I find the weekly corruption vendor really shady. It’s basically penalizing people for not checking in week by week, and it makes me wonder whether this is the type of game I want to support if these systems continue in Shadowlands.


What do you mean?
If I swicth characters I should be able to bust my A$$ and catchup, if thats what I chose to do.

Why do you feel you should be rewarded for doing a HV once a week that is a 15 min trival content thats akin to a WQ. Award harder game play, not a 15 min causal quest a week.

Did we not just remove WF/TF as it was giving undeserved power? Yet this system does the same, on a MUCH larger scale.

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I don’t believe that is what anyone is asking for. What many, and certainly I want is the ability to grind them out without the timegating.

Besides, if someone wants to have 2 mains… 10 mains… whatever, why not let them do the work to achieve that? Nowhere is there a rule that states “only 1 main per account, the rest must remain lower to maintain alt status”.

And for new and returning players, why tell us our subscription is worth less? That we have to “wait till the next expansion to play at an equal level” despite being willing to put in the work, the timegating is blocking us for trying to be the best our characters can be?


and, if you only do the visions because you don’t do the raids then you will be the same gap behind every week until it hits cap. by my rough estimates, i should be caught up by some time in November.

my alts will be caught up never.

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Ya, but should there be some benefit for never missing a week. Perfect attendance and busting out the level 15 cloak from the beginning when it was harder?

I have alts, one I leveled simultaneously. Others I’ve let drop off. There all viable for endgame. I think all the content was cleared before anyone had a level 15 cloak.

It was NEVER harder lol.

You got the benefit, you played the whole time, you got your corruption raised by 3 points and see your power increase week after week. That was your reward.

Sorry your not going to defend Causal Elitism to me in anyway.

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WTH are you talking about.

The mobs and affixes have been tuned some. You need fewer runs to get pages now ( from all areas instead of two ) and the amount CV you get is almost an order of magnitude greater.

When you had a week were you needed 6 runs to get your pages you’d have save a couple a vials from the previous week and hardcore grind every day of the week to get the rest.

CV drop rates have not change just moved around, you still get 5.5 vessels per week.

The road to 15, is semi nerfed but not really. They did lower the pages 11-15, they increased them 6-11, to make people need to FC for a Rank, with a level 6 cloak which for most specs is not possible.

That Reduction was more of just a changed, it doesn’t take that much less, unless your a class that can easily FC at rank 6.

Full Clearing a vision with no masks was always easy, its easier for some classes than others sure, but its not any harder or easier than it use to be.

I think THIS is the point the Blizzard’s white knights always miss. No one wants the things for free, the people just want to play the game, as many times they can, if the people want to do Visions 5 days 12 hours a day, fine, let them do it.
Time gated content should NEVER be on this game to play the “end game”, and each expansion we have more and more.
People have different amounts of time to spend on this game, some people can play 2 hours per day, some people can play only 10 hours on the weekend.
There’s a HUGE difference between the people that can play 7 days and people that can play only 2 days. How many Coalescing Visions both will have at the end of the week? Now think about all the content that takes several months to someone that plays every day against someone that plays only weekend.
So, no matter what you white knights say, it is a bad system and no, the problem isn’t the player.


Vessels can also be bought from MOTHER, so that cap only exists when purchasing from coalescing visions alone.

Right BUT for new players we dont have Corruptions, we need the echos for that.

Just spreading the info.


We did it BOYS!


Honestly, I really don’t think we’ll be getting SL this year, maybe at the end of December beginning of January.

Maybe prepatch will come on November.

I’m just saying this because Blizzard is going above and beyond to keep us busy without giving us much, the situation in the world has put a dent in their plans so I wouldn’t be surprised.

I don’t really want to experience another half baked system at the beginning of the xpac, to be fixed in 9.2 creating other issues and finally doing something almost at the end.

Awesome! Now I have something to use my echoes on :slight_smile:

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The upgrades should be BoA so you can send them from your mains with max rank cloak to your alts. A good balance since right now it would cost 42k echoes to buy 4 rank 3 essences and 16 cloak upgrades. Then you still need to buy corruption for 8-10 slots depending on character.


… The same Echoes of Ny’alotha my alts are grinding to purchase the appropriate essences and corruptions?

How is it Blizzard always manages to find a solution that creates more problems?

Might as well have not touched the system at all if you were just going to compound the resource competition alts already have to navigate with their echoes.


I think it would make more sense to remove the 1/week limit of earning a malefic core from running a vision.

It’s still something though and would make it possible for my druid alt to catch up more quickly.