TBCC isn’t just about it’s raid or quest content.
The grind to respec is what “makes” TBC too. It’s literally in the blue post…purposeful, intentional design.
Also, it’s more like I thought “I can’t wait for specs to matter again”.
TBCC isn’t just about it’s raid or quest content.
The grind to respec is what “makes” TBC too. It’s literally in the blue post…purposeful, intentional design.
Also, it’s more like I thought “I can’t wait for specs to matter again”.
False. No where on the game box does it say “grind gold to respec your talents every week”
Here’s how you “argue” like Zipzo…
First, you take whatever the other party said and you say the opposite. Then you insert a buzzword you learned from Carl Sagan like “strawman” or “red herring” or something of that nature to make it sound like they’re not being objective.
It doesn’t matter what term you use since you’re under the pretense that an argument is going on and you’re winning it because you’re using High School debate lingo.
After which, if they thoroughly show how ignorant you are, just make it about your feelings, but do so under the presumption that you were always correct.
When they call you out on that and then try to return to the pretense that you’re actually being objective.
Just go back and forth on these two fronts. And then present even more misinformation in the future. Repeat it until it’s true.
It may not say it on the game box but the developers literally said it so…counts for something.
Also…what? lol
What you mean blizzard didn’t just throw a dart at a board in wrath and it landed on dual spec?
You mean they were analyzing behavior during TBC and examining problems and formulating a solution based on that? Weird, makes no sense.
Careful any closer and you might impale yourself on my points.
Yeah, like, and we could go 'round and 'round all day insulting each other’s method of making a point but at the end of the day only the actual logic and honest effort to make that point shines through. So either do your part to make a good point or continue being irrelevant in these discussions.
Do you fancy yourself some kind of Jerry King of WoW forum debates? You just, kinda, sit there on the side-line criticizing how everyone chooses to relay their thoughts, without ever offering anything valuable of your own? lol
Relax friend, your “humdinger” based on trying to outline a contradiction because I don’t want to use Ventrilo or use a 2009-based PC isn’t nearly as a slick as you think it is…
So what you’re saying is you wouldn’t use dual spec if it was available because you value that grind so much.
If not everybody is exposed to the same requirements, then they don’t mean anything as a principle of design.
Other people having it easier, arbitrarily, affects my gameplay experience because it’s an MMO. It’s all tied together.
I have never once insulted you. Ever.
You can look at my entire post history and never find a single instance of it.
Go ahead, I implore you to find a single example of my insulting you.
No encounters change because of dual spec, try again.
There’s a wide diorama of interpretations to the word “insult”.
One could find diminutive comments of any sort insulting.
One could find your lazy, inaccurate translations of peoples’ argument insulting especially if it’s an inaccurate representation (usually the case with you).
You don’t get to decide what is and isn’t insulting. The person who you’re affecting does.
I literally…didn’t say anything about raid encounters…
Yeah, I pretty much did that when I told you I never insulted you.
You just don’t like it when people disagree with you. It’s not an insult to you if people disagree with you. Just something you gotta deal with. When you become an adult, you’ll realize this.
Oh, then I’m sure you can point out all the spells and abilities that function differently with dual spec.
What? There’s like tons of other posters who I disagree with who I also simultaneously don’t find revolting to interact with, you are the outlier here.
Well, at least you’re willing to admit your inconsistencies.
Well, I can tell you that a player will function very differently in a duel, meeting in world PvP or in a BG, or in their contribution towards my group or raid if they have the ability to switch specs at any point while engaging in that content.
I don’t want that (unless of course they have the resources and there is a flexibility of time for them to return to a trainer and do so which isn’t often so it’s an ignorable annoyance).