Blizzard working on Dual Spec as early as June of 2008

A lot of posters only do it for the reactions. Huffpost is one of those people

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Look he’s replying again. Everyone get ready for the snark!


Yes but I understand the other side and don’t demand people think the same way I do. I could care less about dual spec or phase 2 content being released sooner than later, I just can’t stand to see the drama mamas come out and say ZOMG the game is dying because X issue which just so happens to benefit me directly! The game is dying because it’s tbc and there’s not that much content to begin with. Blizzard probably doesn’t care about the game dying either since they released it so people wouldn’t have to play on private servers.

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Optimally specced is “almost” an argument for pve, it’s a necessity for rated pvp.

If you try to arena as fury warrior, or combat swords you will never have success.

And if you stay pvp sub and try to PvE you’ll do tank level dps

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The game isn’t dying though.

Lol yeah he dropped a whole paragraph on me for calling him out. Must of hit the bullseye :dart:


You’re right I should have posted a complain thread asking for the changes I want to the game which directly benefit me. These forums are sacred I would hate to take the spot of some important issue or thought provoking post!

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I agree, but according to these people it is.

It’s important to recognize that the game losing players temporarily is not it dying and I did not mention that in my previous post and for that I apologize.

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So pay 50g and respec.

Or don’t and just don’t PvP, I don’t see why anybody has to care about you not PvPing. There’s plenty of people willing to pay the respec. You not wanting to and just logging off isn’t hurting the game, you aren’t that special.


Here is an example

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There actually isn’t, have you seen arena participation? There are many factors, but having to respec to play matches is a big part of it.

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I was loot counciled Rejuv Gem the first day BWL released because we had all 3 drakes drop one. Around 1/3000 odds of that happening.

Yes, I’m one of those players that ignores arena at this point because I see little purpose but it has not much to do with spec, it has to do with how Blizz borked the ratings system and made gear kind of pointless to go after given the short length of the season.

Arena points also reset, so it makes trying to finish the S1 set not seem like a very compelling activity, even though it’s superior to the blue set coming to reputation vendors next patch.

Like I said, you deciding not to pay for it and just logging off doesn’t really make a difference.

Do you hate hypocrites as well?


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The game isn’t dying though

Omg mom this guy messaged me on the official wow forums and called me out, please pick me up Arby’s!

Nah, dude, just tell everyone the game that you don’t play is dying. You’re basically paying a monthly fee just to doomsay to us, right?

I play the game every day, world of Warcraft is one of if not the greatest game ever made.


It does though, that’s where you are mistaken. Because if 10,000 people would have played arena regularly, but 75% of them say meh not worth paying 100g to play some matches. That leads to people that mainly pvp quitting the game.

Game health relies on people outside yourself being happy with the game too.

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:thinking: oh look I acknowledged that I misspoke

Get Lion’s Choice instead. No substitute for real roast beef.

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