Blizzard working on Dual Spec as early as June of 2008

24 days ago.


I’m over explaining that 100g to play arena is over priced. Because you can’t just play whenever you are both online, you have to coordinate schedules of when you both have 1-2 days without raiding.

Hey man wanna run some 2s?

Can’t got raid tomorrow, can’t justify spending 100g for couple games.

How about next day? Oh no you raid that day?

With dual spec if we’re on, we can play. Not debate if the session is long enough to justify 100g


What is it that makes you so toxic towards others in the community? Is it that they disagree with you?

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Zipzo wants people Arena logging just like they raid log. He wants everyone to schedule the entire game around respecs.


Delimicus: exists

Huffposts: “Why are you so toxic?!”

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Sounds like you and your friend would benefit from making second characters

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He belittles people for disagreeing with him and assumes his position is absolute and in the majority, you are kind of like a del Jr.


Is Delimicus the guy who tried to bribe his GM with some pitiful amount of gold to be LCed a rejuv gem?

Edit: Seems I have mistaken the human paladins, am now beginning hunt for the thread/video because it has been a slow Monday and I need entertainment.

Yeah because it’s a totally SANE thing to ask players to maintain 2 of the same class to pvp.

Yeah this will retain players in a dying game

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Its bound to happen. Might not be during tbc but the next batch of classic servers will have it I’m sure.

Toxic? You mean like this?

It’s now toxic to laugh at somebody with 2 epic flying mounts and 7k gold for complaining about respec costs? Hahahahahahahahahahaha


I BG almost every day outside of raid, and I respec to do it. I have the full PvP gear to prove it, and it took a lot of PvP.

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No, that guy stopped posting a long time ago. Can’t even remember his name now. That was pretty funny, though.

No it’s not toxic, it’s just dumb.

It’s over priced for anyone that plays arena, because they have to schedule games around respec. Otherwise it’s hundreds of gold a week

Wait, now it’s toxic to laugh at someone who posts evidence to the contrary of your opinions?

How do I react to that?

Oh, okay then


A lot of the posts you make are pretty heinous tbh.

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That’s what a gold sink is though, you want to be optimally speced for every type of content you do
 so you need to pay for the respec cost
 choices matter

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pallies should wait for wrath for seal changes oh wait


He does it for attention. He even admitted it when he talked about his name.

There’s absolutely nothing constructive about anything he says. Probably doesn’t even play TBC Classic. He just comes here to get his kicks in.