Essentially going backwards without resolving the actual issue. If there’s a so called advantage, then bring it to everyone with Dragon Riding functionality in Azeroth.
What utterly meaningless is people who haven’t tried the Alpha yet crying about it’s speed when they have no point of reference. I’m glad blizzard is being transparent about everything they do but this is a double edge sword. Again like what I said before to someone else in this thread. Unless you are in the Alpha TODAY you will not notice the difference because you have zero reference from the speed where it was before.
Fun detected!
Must eliminate!
-Blizzard probably
This is a lesser-known sublet of the Blizzard cycle:
Introduce new feature that is actually fun.
Receive tons and tons of positive feedback about that feature.
Players want more of the feature, they want access to it in more areas of the game.
Blizzard sees player feedback and immediately torpedoes the feature into the dirt because it was too fun and exciting.
Blizzard tells players “We hear you, we’re listening”
Some fraction of the remaining playerbase quits.
there are 1000 videos out there from content creators, we can see the changes in real time
just cos we aren’t pressing the keys means nothing
what a dumb way to try to apologise for blizzard
Has anyone given a good reason flying really fast is OP and broken other than “because my class can’t” or “because it is” I’m not sure how traversing the old world and fast speeds is a problem at all. Even if blizz puts new content in the old world, why does it matter if they can get a quest done faster? There is no bonus for completion time.
The only viable reason I see to nerf the speed would be if the old world couldn’t handle it, if it was causing world zones to crash. From what I have seen that isn’t the case. Just the occasional DC which I mean DH still deals with that
Probably the middle manager who came up with this nonsense change.
Because miserable people want others to be miserable, too.
Things change in Alpha my dude, You are still going over 400%+ flying speed. Just because streamer man and content man got to test it doesn’t mean it needs to stay like that.
Dude it’s not about the speed nerf. Why do I have to keep saying this to you?
This is what I was thinking as well but I feel like folks would have reported these issues if they were happening in the Alpha.
And that may have something to do with the fact that there isn’t one.
No man, I’m just not crying over something that’s in Alpha where things are subject to change and something I have zero reference too with how fast something is because I haven’t tried it yet. And my money is it’s still going feel nice to fly around with Soar despite the movement change.
I asked you what the issue was.
I’ve posted it multiple times. Go read the thread.
Oh no, I made it to onyxia’s lair 2 minutes before Mage McGuffins did. OP! Nerf please!
Mage McGuffins has teleport to Theramore. They beat YOU by 2 minutes
Who cares? It’s old world content, is someone racing some random other person to get to Feralas the fastest? It’s not like it provides some godly benefit to get somewhere faster in any of the old world content. I can unlock every single flightpath in game via the Scouting toys I purchased over a year ago, so it’s not like traveling is something we need to earn or do any longer. I just afk anywhere I want to go while on a FP if I need to go somewhere far.
The issue is that players told Blizzard they love Soar and want the cooldown reduced.
Blizzard’s response was to nerf the speed of Soar and make it less fun to use. Without reducing the cooldown.
It’s like asking your dad as nicely as you can for some mint chocolate chip ice cream, only for him to get out a waffle cone and scoop a lump of cold mashed potatoes into it.
It’s also the notion that this is going to be another feature that takes them an entire expansion to realize that folks just wanna have fun with it.
Thank you for making the post I was trying to make but couldn’t 'cause my brain don’t do words good.
How is it any-less fun for you if you haven’t tried it yet? Yes we all seen streamer man, and content man go zoom zoom very fast. But you the individual, know is not going to be just as fun when you try post-nerf soar?