Blizzard WE ASKED for Mage Tower Weapons

Well you can keep losing then. Your choice.

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Whatever floats your boat. I guess you’re also fine with Blizzard bringing back a werebear recolor but no recolor for flails too, eh?

Yeah I’ve been sporting that mog. Looks unreal

The flails are overrated because their physics are very bad. That’s probably also why they haven’t added any new ones. I don’t care much about the fel werebear because it looks very distinct from the other 4 druid forms. It’s harder to make smaller weapon models look distinct especially when they already used 4 colour schemes.

they stated over and over again that it was limited. then again saying they wont return.

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This is wrong in so many ways. I’ll refrain from a long post and just let you know that 9.2 isn’t even released yet.

Then don’t earn them.

Players want non-shop mounts added to WOW that you earn in game, they just don’t want to have to earn them.

lol this guy.

I agree that it should reward the same or recolors of the original weapons, maybe as a choice between the weapon or the new recolor sets.

I see no reason, at all, for not at least putting recolors of the weapons on the mage tower. For one thing, they’d still be a huge challenge to get, so no one can say players are just getting them with no effort, and two they’d be recolors, so the players who only enjoy things if other people don’t have them would still have unique colors to lord over the lowly, pathetic trash that happened to not be playing at the end of Legion.

And then they put the werebear back in for reasons that would apply to all the other unique model weapons.


When you ask for the weapons to be brought back, is it because you’d actually use them, is it because of completionism, what is the main reason you want them brought back exactly?

aside from the flail, what other models aren’t used again?

I clearly meant 9.1.5, you shills are hilarious, keep defending a company that spits on you

Nope! And there were people who asked for the MT challenges to return without the weapons, because they thought they were fun. So the “we” you speak of, doesn’t include everyone. :wink:

Watch blizz add weapon drops then the only thing the warrior gets is a dagger or a fist item thing LOL!!!

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What it should have been in the 1st place. One color different from the legion era ones. Then it could be as hard as they wanted.

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People like you are why the game is in the state that it is in.

MT itself should not have been brought back . We are suppose to get new content not old rehashed content.


Weapon skins

Be precise! These guys don’t play the game, so they are laid back to understand what you’re saying

While I do agree some challenges need to be looked at, I literally did my challenges (Guardian Druid, Demo Warlock and Resto Shaman), with current SoD gear, yes I lost out 4 sockets due to dom shards, but after practice I eventually did complete them.

Would of it been easier to have farmed old content, 100%, but it’s completely doable with current gear
 I’ll be honest I couldn’t be bothered farming old content so maybe my stubbornness came out to a positive.

But I do agree maybe they should of gave a little more in terms of rewards, I did the original mage tower so I wasn’t to bothered, but it was a perfect opportunity to give even a recoloured version of those weapon skins.

There won’t ever be another flail appearance available to unlock ever again. Flails will remain forever exclusive to the Mage Tower appearances. At the very least, new flails probably won’t be added until it’s at least the 10th anniversary of Legion’s launch or something.