Blizzard WE ASKED for Mage Tower Weapons


I cannot be the only one truly upset about this.

  • First, the tower is overturned and forces you to farm old content armor.

  • Second, the rewards are a tier 20 armor tint. This is basically a repeat of the other old armor set we have seen cough season 3 PVP armor / Black temple armor from TBC for most classes like Shaman, Druid, Warlock, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue.

The only one that has something unique is Death Knight, Warrior, Paladin.

  • Third, why the heck do druids get an additional cosmetic reward? Yeah, the model is rare. So are the mage tower weapon models.

Blizzard, I ask that you just give us the weapons when we finish the tower. It is not going to hurt anyone.

If you think it will create 4 different variations of the original weapon tints of all weapons.
I don’t know. That seems like more work but whatever floats your boat.

You pick. I did my tower challenge I want my weapons.

Does anyone else agree?


The funny thing is this was supposed to be the main ‘content’ of 9.1.5* when it is literally rehashed Legion fights. They can’t get ANYTHING right anymore and this is the perfect example of it. What genius at Blizz thought it was a great idea to limit the mage tower to 1-2 weeks every.

The rewards are terrible too, reskinned armor sets but only give the druid a new one ??? Then a cool mount, oh wait you have to do all 7 challenges to get it LOL. Too bad some are really easily and others are impossible. That isn’t even the worst part.

I knew they would botch the scaling. They disabled all the stuff we actually had in those fights back in the day (Legion legendaries, artifact weapons, artifact power tree), then they also go and disable ALL BFA and SL power/abilities, then they disable all legacy Legendaries like Shadowmourne.

Then they ignore everyone’s feedback on the PTR and buff all the mobs/boss HP for some reason ??? So the best option is to go farm Siege of Org and buy BC Gems LOL. Oh wait the fights are still broken, but hey Blizz is nerfing all those old WOTLK trinkets and TBC Gems and anything else that people had actually prepared for the fights. They are totally incompetent. They aren’t getting anymore of my money.


I did most of them and only really skipped paladin + druid.

Only regret is not getting the demo one, but at the end of the day, IDC, I like staves better.

If they unlocked the challenge appearances, cool. They weren’t THAT hard. I’d be more against wod/MoP challenge appearances being unlocked.

Whaaat? :thinking: DK, warrior, and pally sets are also just recolours.


The funny thing is that this was released in 9.1.5, meaning its not main content at all. Listen did you know that the Eiffel Tower leans slightly toward the shade on sunny days? Now you do.


Half the forums want the weapons, the other half says don’t bring them back.

I once again ask, which group should Blizzard listen to?


WRONG. Everyone I know has done their challenge with the gear they already had on, and I’m sure most people have.


Also wrong otherwise Blizzard woulnd’t have acknowledged it.

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There’s the whole quote good sir. It’s incorrect that you’re forced to gather a Timewalking set to complete the challenge. You’re perfectly capable of doing so without one.

nope i don’t agree

don’t agree with this either. When blizzard says ‘x’ and then does ‘y’ it hurts a lot of people. Blizzard said those rewards were time limited and they should stay time limited.


Why? How many times have they explicitly said they’re not coming back? The dead horse has been beaten to a pulp, stop whining.





You asked and you were denied. Every expansion has had exclusive things that are no longer here, the MT weapons are no exception. The bear form had a special reason for being brought back as a single recolor.

The rest of the MT weapons are forever gone. People have to move on from that, you don’t need them. There’s a thousand other weapons to choose from in game. If you missed it in Legion then such is life. Blizz made it very clear they were not going to come back after Legion ended.


No it doesn’t? Completed 4 with just shadowlands gear I had on?

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IKR I just used regular Shadowlands PvP gear… LOL


Of course, majority of people agree.

Don’t matter though, Blizzard is not going to soil the profits exclusivity gets them just to appease a portion of the player base.

Oh but it will, it will hurt them using exclusivity as a selling point in the future. If they bring the same exclusive rewards back.

Exclusivity sells :man_shrugging:

Yep. I said it back when the MT coming back was just a rumor. But if it did come back, I expected the rewards to be different.

They can bring back the event, but the rewards are most likely gone for good.

I can’t explain the Fel Werebear, however.


Blizzard said that Mage Tower was limited time only too, back in Legion, then brought it back with Legion Timewalking… hmmm…


not the same version is it really though - but I do agree they shouldn’t even have brought that pretend version back


Don’t worry, you’re not.

Blizzard agrees and are slowly adjusting the numbers accordingly, but seemingly would like for it to remain relatively difficult.

No it doesn’t. This is purely optional. You don’t have to do it, no one’s forcing you to do it other than yourself.

I mean, it’s a timewalking version. Timewalking is by definition old content. It even scales you down to preserve the difficulty.

Those are also tier 20 armor tints.

I do agree that this is strange. But I’m glad that Druids get something unique. In the idealized perfect world, Druids wouldn’t get the new bear form which would be worse.

So I’m happy for all the druid players.

It would, though. Whether you choose to acknowledge it or not, Blizzard said they were going to be timed exclusive. Meaning that everyone who did the original tower busted their backs for those weapons. If Blizzard go back on their words, it invalidates the players who got them.

and that wouldn’t be cool.

I’m not sure what any of this means. So you want all 4 tints handed to you despite not doing the original challenge nor any of the other prerequisites for the alternate tints? If so, that’s just wrong.

should have done them when they were in the game then.

Sure they do. Doesn’t make them right by default.


Give us recolored weapons and make MT permanent!
…or not :upside_down_face:

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