Blizzard was listening

M0 exists, go do that.

Better games exist too, everyone does that instead of this forced esports garbage.


Not really, there was hiccups in the beginning with people adjusting to change in difficulty and + but thatā€™s seemed to level out.

Additionally, guild.

Whatā€™s a better game?

I enjoy mythic plus, but offerings on the market are non-existent? (And I donā€™t like the direction itā€™s going in TWW.)

Better is subjective in more than one way.

M+ simply existing does not make it ā€œesports garbageā€, nor is it forced. Nobody told you that you had to like M+, and unless youā€™re literally on the cutting edge of Mythic raiding you have no actual need to do it.

Iā€™m sorry that you donā€™t like M+, but some of us do. There is no other MMO with anywhere near the playerbase of WoW with a system as approachable and enjoyable as M+.

do you mean they listen to us thru the mics like spyon us :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: or listen to your ideas???

It seems important to you that you avoid the larger point Iā€™m making.

Iā€™m not sure why butā€¦ Iā€™m sure glad you can seemingly figure everything out in an m0.

Especially coming from someone that has no real raiding progression, and no M+ progression at all. Your opinion really holds weight.

Oh let us guess ā€“ youā€™re ACTUALLY a 3100+ player, or even higher Iā€™m sure ā€¦ but butā€¦ itā€™s on your other account. Right?


So, instead of ā€œcollectingā€ these orbs by absorbing them (as in the likes of Vexamus in Algethā€™ar Academy), weā€™ll need to ā€œdisruptā€ the orbs (Iā€™m assuming they will need to be CCā€™d) and burn our CC spells on them instead of either using the CC on the mob(s)? In lower M+ keyā€™s, I donā€™t foresee this being a ā€œmajorā€ issue, however going into higher M+ keys, I can see where players who have CC will need to determine when to ā€œsacrificeā€ their CC cooldown for a orb or two. Sure, some classes like Mage and Druids have AoE CCā€™s (Frost Nova for Mage or Roots from Druid) . How many orbs will be around the mobs when they fall around the players? Number of mobs = number of orbs? So, if this were to be true, if thereā€™s 8 mobs in a given area (lets say Bromach from Uldaman) weā€™ll not only be fighting to CC 8 orbs but CC the mobs as well. Letā€™s not forget that Fortify or Tyrannical weekly affix also plays a part with these orbs which with the right weekly affix non-boss enemies can ā€œdouble dipā€ into the Haste and Damage increase. Hmmmā€¦I dunno. I would hope this could change and apply for the cosmic orbs to be collected instead of disrupted (CC) by players. Iā€™d rather not burn a 20-30s CC cooldown for orbs that could not only empower the mobs, but myself when CC priority would be for the mob itself preventing from dealing further damage to the group. And yes, Haste IS a damage type bc the more haste, the faster the target can cast spells or melee which increase faster damage output.

This is just weird to put in a +7 especially for PUGs. You expect PUGā€™s which is the majority of M+ runs most players encounter during any given time throughout the day to be ā€œemphasizes precise play and strategic execution, placing greater risk on playersā€™ decisionsā€, whelp, I hate to tell you, but this is going to brick keys faster than people would think that this is a ā€œgood ideaā€. Sure, this may be great for players who are in guilds who specifically conduct M+ and whatnot, but for the average casual player who want to PUG (because some players have no choice or not interested in being in a guild) will roll the dice every time going into a +7 key and face a non-competent group that will rage quit on the first wipe or two just because of the TIME constraint alone. Two deaths = 30s, thatā€™s a 6 death count currently at -5s per death. Who would even want to run +7ā€™s for -15s per death? Youā€™re literally adding more toxicity within the Mythic Plus system for a +7. Sure, Iā€™ll try the +7 out, but Iā€™m expecting players to brick keys just by the death counter alone.

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like hell they are. **** you. this is the dumbest affix bullcrap. if this makes it to live blizzard should be ashamed of themselves. this is garbage.

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brother itā€™s a disagreement not a declaration of war

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We are talking about learning the dungeon, not pushing high keys. M0 is more than enough to practice for m+ as a new player learning the dungeon, even more now that affixes are basically gone.

Dont talk about my raiding experience, when you cant even look at achievements.

They announced no more afflicted, incorporeal, spiteful, entangling, volcanic, and probably some Iā€™m forgetting, weeks ago.

If you read the article in the comment youā€™re replying to, they list all the new and remaining affixes.


It obviously is not.

You can readily stand in things in an M0 that will one-shot you in a +10.

Since you donā€™t show any progression past M0, itā€™s no surprise you donā€™t understand this.

We donā€™t have to look at achievements. Your profile shows your (lack) of progression.

Whatā€™s next? Youā€™re going to submit a bunch of AOTCā€™s where you have a single kill? lol

Why wouldnā€™t you look at achievements when not everyone posts on their main?

And high keys arenā€™t the place to simply show up to collect the win because people have practice countless times elsewhere.

Thatā€™s ā€¦ what is being discussed. How best to practice.

If you think you can practice for 10s ā€¦ in 0s ā€¦ youā€™re not a serious person.

And Iā€™m saying itā€™s a bad idea for people to expect perfection. Allowing people to practice elsewhere is a bad idea.

As for ā€œthe danceā€ just do follower dungeons.

I am just happy they are making it so keys +4 and above have all affixes active at the same time.

I donā€™t think Iā€™m asking/ expecting ā€œperfection.ā€ Iā€™m just a ā€œget my portals/2700ā€ sort of M+ player, youā€™re not going to see ā€œperfectionā€ when I run Keys. lol

I donā€™t see how allowing people to practice without wasting everyone elseā€™s time could in ANY WAY be taken as a bad thing.

What is the cry any time someone has a problem around here? git gud

How is anyone supposed to ā€œgit gudā€ without practice?? And again-- without wasting someone elseā€™s time?

I have very limited play time. When I actually join a Key with a group of players, I expect them to have their schtuff together. The current system fails Joe Casual in this aspect. ā€œGo watch a video!ā€ No. I could watch 1000 videos, nothing ā€“ but NOTHING-- replaces what it means to actually play the mechanic.

Every tier, we post vids in our raid Discord ā€œwatch the videos!ā€ And I dutifully watch them. And they mean nothing. I learn more in 1 pull than I do watching those vids for an hour.

From what Iā€™ve seen living the pug life in M+, Iā€™m not the only one.

How is anyone supposed to ā€œgit gudā€ without practice?? And again-- without wasting someone elseā€™s time?

People shouldnā€™t shy away from failure. Itā€™s okay, go again, go next.

I have very limited play time. When I actually join a Key with a group of players, I expect them to have their schtuff together.

At the level I play at with my skill level, I expect a 33% chance to time it.