Blizzard was listening

These new M+ affix changes are beautiful :heart_eyes: thank you Blizzard for actually listening


For people who are free from the treadmill, what did they do?


Brand New Xal’atath Affixes in War Within - Bolstering and Sanguine Removed - Wowhead News


wondering how long for the cries to be fixed on these

  • Starting at keystone level +7, a new affix, Challenger’s Peril, directly affects the dungeon timer. This affix emphasizes precise play and strategic execution, placing
    greater risk on players’ decisions.

    • Challenger’s Peril - Dying subtracts 15 seconds from time remaining rather than 5 seconds.
  • Starting at keystone level +12, a new affix replaces the “Xal’atath’s Bargain” affixes. At this level, Xal’atath revokes her bargains, empowering dungeon creatures with a 20% increase in health and damage.

    • Xal’atath’s Guile - Xal’atath betrays players, revoking her bargains and increasing the health and damage of enemies by 20%.

lol… “Thank you for ignoring us for nearly 10 years! This is so wonderful that you hear and are good people!” xD


bwhahaha they listened to you one month before the prepatch :stuck_out_tongue:

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How does the rotation of the tyrannical and fortified work? It sounds like each week their both active but which is active at +4 and +10 flipflops.

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Now we’ll have tyrannical and fortified active

No more push weeks cuz they all gunna suck


The way I’m understanding it is fortified and tyrannical will alternate between keystone levels, so +4 might be fortified with +5 being tyrannical then +6 being fortified again and so on and so forth. My own reading comprehension could be off though, it’s been a long morning for me.

Wonder if the changes are to stop keys from hitting as high of levels while letting people think they are close to being as good running 10s and 11s.

Unless there is a reason to push past 10 now if you are not going for a title.

Ehhh, they’ll be able to do a much better job of balancing dungeons without fort/tyran constantly flipflopping what does and does not 1-shot you in specific dungeons week to week.


pushing keys with both fort and tyran along with a death costing 15 sec sounds awful. 1 wipe and the keys going to be bricked


So in a +12, we will have

Guile - +20% buff to enemies damage/HP
Peril -15 Seconds per death
Fortified - Non-Boss Enemies have +20% HP and +30% Damage
Tyrannical - Boss Enemies and their Minions have +15% Damage and +40% HP

So before (or after?) dungeon scaling applies at +12…

Bosses have +35% Damage and +60% HP
Non-Boss Enemies have +40% HP and +50% Damage

Pugs are no longer clearing 12s


DH rise up. These changes will make them do more damage every week. Unlike other classes every now and then​:ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:

Curious if the loot thresholds will remain, or if myth track will require 12s since that’s the new upper limit.

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Looks like good news to me!

No affixes just harder, stop complaining


Oh hey more punishment for deaths! This is the Greatest! Wut? Where’s the fun stuff? The duel edge sword stuff? 20% buffs to adds eh… I like the empower for a time but remove or stunned affix in SL.

Stuff like that’s interesting… Just more punishment isn’t.

The peril affix is completely hilarious from a shaman pov.

We don’t get adequate defensives because we are expected to die. Ankh is viewed as a defensive. One that you can easily die again after.

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They’re aren’t listening. They are doing damage control on something they’ve ignored for a while now.