Blizzard trying to villainize Tyrande

Holy edge lord, where did whine in all of that??

It was the hotbed of Night Elf history so of course there was a large focus on them, then when we were done with it we moved on to focus on the Draenei and their entire home world.

We could play a game on the semantics of it being “Alliance” or just “Alliance Races” but there was certainly a focus on them.

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I’d rather Tyrande fade into obscurity than be turned into a hysterical woman that needs to be put down.

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Saying that Val’sharah and Argus are alliance content is like saying that Highmountain and Suramar are horde content shrug

Babe I play both factions too! so if our opinions aren’t based on the factions we play, then what’s the difference? Apparently is because I’m just “whiny”, but to be so hostile of a differing opinion does betray so bias on your part.

If you don’t stand for either faction, why would someone having an opinion that you consider “against” either would be so, vitriolic?

Slyvanas had no excuse for assaulting Teldrassil. Tyrande has every right to see her vengeance done.

Do not give me that Genn attacked her crap. That’s not warranted for attacking the Night Elves whom literally were trying to help Aszuna and Val’sharath at the time. (Genn however is still in the wrong attacking Slyvanas when we were supposed to be trying to I dunno, stop the Burning Legion from consuming Azeroth. Priorites man.)

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Fake news.

The quest in question said they would be taken into Horde custody, quickly questioned then sent on their way. Given the fact Orgrimmar didn’t become awash with night elf pows, I think it’s safe to say they were returned. The quest even had the word mercy in the name.

I think she’s just taking Jaina’s role of being the one to be suspicious of the horde, since apparently we resolved her issues before she became the Lord admiral.

who fired first at ICC was never determined, or atleast not presented to us

Warcrimes made it seem like the horde won the battle but as of yet the canon on who fired first is entirely missing sadly

FYI he was never in the current Alliance (which is the Grand Alliance), he was in the Alliance of Lordaeron.

i mean if you wanna talk about being confrontational pretty sure your the one that instigated

i dont punch down i punch back

Teldrassil is right beside the horde capital (org)

Genn attacked sylvanas and the alliance backed him with continuous skirmishes and battles since then

the legion being dealt with and the alliance being in open war means that Teldrassil would 100% be used as a staging ground for the war effort

to mitigate/remove that threat you kill their desire/willingness for war
by killing malfurion or failing that something to break their spirit (burning their home)

the night elves deserve to be cut down en masse though, have you actually read their lore? they’re insanely bigoted and genocidal
even wildlife that doesn’t obey their little guidelines is worthy of being exterminated in their eyes
seriously man…they’re monsters pretending to be hippies

they’d cut down elune if she questioned their ways

Tyrande said she was going afk to put the baby back to bed.

The other four people in her group have been waiting months to finish their instance.

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just sounds edgy to me

Actually, it kinda looks like it’s headed that way. Tyrande is NOT happy with Elune and has basically called her out.

You are speaking crazy talk… I find it humorous when people invoke bigotry in a game… all races in wow are bigoted, it’s why the factions exist and we have war based on races.

Her and Malfurion will be dead by the end of the next expansion in all likelihood. She’s getting more radical, Malfurion got a new Il’gynoth prophecy saying that he’ll turn evil, and Shandris is being groomed as another one of Anduin’s sycophants.

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He’s still Alliance, even if it was in a previous form of the coalition. Even Anduin in the cut scene referred him as one of the Alliance’s dark side in their history . To say he’s not, even in their past, would be like saying Doomhammer or Black Hand are not Horde because they were members of the old Horde before Thrall rebuilt it.


Yrel became interesting after she became a radical.

I’m really hoping Tyrande does become a villian, it would make sense. Makes a much better story too.

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Well yeah they were part of a different horde. You are confusing humans and orcs with Alliance and Horde. Arthus was a stain on human history. Gnomes and Night Elves had nothing to do with it. Same with Doomhammer and all non-orcs.

Yes, because your “king” is totally cool. Like letting Slyvanas live instead of hunting her, signing a treaty instead of making sure the witch is dead.