Blizzard trying to villainize Tyrande

People forget we invaded Lorderon directly afterward. It’s not like it went un-answered. The casualties where just lop sided because Sylvanas did not assume it would only be a occupation. She went directly for the worse case senerio, which I respect and wish Tyrande would have done as well.

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Thank you for this summary. I hadn’t connected the dots like that before.


there was no intention of sacking let alone occupying the tree, or darkshore
it was just a failed plan

and no…you don’t
she used the majority of the horde as a meatshield while she prepped WMD’S and killed horde and alliance troops alike en masse without running it by anyone else

if she had done what sylvanas did she would’ve sent mass amounts of the alliance to their graves for the sole purpose of denying a true victory
and in turn pissed the majority of the alliance off and very…very likely started causing issues with the unity theme potentially leading the them being ousted entirely

:slight_smile: she’s a thoughtful adversary, you can’t fault her there!

The cycle can end when the last animated corpse is atomized, Silvermoon is returned to the proper elves, there is nothing left of Orgrimmar but a smoldering crater, and the rest of the Horde is erased from existence. Thry have proven time and again they can’t be trusted, and the ones who should know better have fallen for it yet again.

But since it’s alliance, it happens as the B plot through like 3 quests, instead of Horde ones, that get whole expansions about it lol.

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  • When she leaves to attend to Malfurian she basically tells the player to make sure the Horde occupation is not too rough.

  • I was not referring to all of Sylvanas’s tactic’s mearly the one where she got the civilians out of the city ASAP.

Well that how it happens. Horde now officially out ones to kill. The rest join alliance. So you guys are next on list. Have fun.

remind me of that horde legion plot?


but not before exiling them for being “pro war” and silencing anyone who doesn’t think the alliance had the right to attack camp taurajo because it was a “proper military target”

  1. will never happen
    the lich king still exists and simply can’t be defeated without extermination of all life on azeroth…meaning there will always be reanimated corpses

  2. so no change?
    blood elves are high elves that renamed themselves and chose to stay at home after the devestation of their home when Arthas ran his army through it
    the “high elves” that exist abandoned the city of their own free will, and void elves dabbled in forbidden magic by…pretty much all standards

  3. the alliance so far in both WoW and warcraft as a whole of struck first more than the horde
    whether they can be trusted or not is…questionable due to the warchief dynamic but as a whole they’ve shown more restraing than the alliance, just with slightly bigger massacres (albeit not more)

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Uh, Sylvanas has always been about one thing… Survival at any cost, and ultimate power over her enemies… She’s made it clear for a long time, do not get in her way or she will see to it she personally raises you into servitude after killing you, and your puppy. (She will than make you eat said puppy) … She also plays for the long game, what that is we don’t yet 100% know but it is probably not particularly good…

That said, watch she’s just there to kill NZoth absorb his power and GO I R NOW VOID LORD I SHALL DESTROY ALL WHO OPPOSE

Please list these many Alliance first strikes. Stormheim is the only one coming to mind, and “first” is debatable on that.

Well, do we want to include Mauradin opening fire on the horde air ship in ICC entirely unprovoked in this list?

“I mean sure we had two expansions dedicated to our political struggles but we didn’t have that much to do in Legion!”

Also cute to think either MoP and BfA’s focus on the Horde’s struggle is on the same level that the focus of Legion in the alliance.

Does anyone think of Legion as an alliance expansion on the same way? Or is it you just getting a taste of not being the focus and loosing it?

dwarven mining and killing tauren
the taurjo event
using the grimtotem to kill a horde leader
this entire latest conflict being the result of Genn disobeying orders and striking out after the treaty that was agreed to after the siege

imprisoning and trying to commit genocide against a people because they accepted aid in a situation where no aid = everyone dies
proudmoore going after the orcs with remnant backing
crossing a damn ocean to kill people that were fleeing

They should. Being straight edged and good is boring and predictable.

Let her go off the rails for a bit

Definitely didn’t feel like it was an Alliance expansion. We did have Val’Sharah driving the Malfurion and Tyrande story, but it wasn’t directly and alliance advancing story either. Same with Argus, yes we spent a lot of time helping the LF Draenei, but who else was best suited to fight the legion on another planet?

no i play both factions and realize that there isn’t a bias just whiny people like you that look for things that aren’t there.

Horde characters broke rank when they told night elf civilians to get out of there. Their orders from the commander were to capture them for interrogation.

The Alliance version of the gunship encounter is the canon one, in which case it’s Saurfang that initiates.