I guess I don’t see the connection you’re trying to make here. Did you take their entire post out of context just in the hopes that you’d get to make a “AlLiAnCE arE WhInErS lol” comment?
happened in peacetime
the people that were expunged were considered neutral, and infact were PART of the kirin tor
a subsect of them was found to have worked with garrosh and immediately civilians were targeted and executed en masse with no investigation,
the majority were also in talks WITH the alliance which…y’know kinda spoils that idea of just deciding it’s ok to ignore that for slaughtering sake
“oh hey you’re dissatisfied and want to join our team? well one of your number did something we dislike and you may not have known of, sooo we gotta execute you now”
- the individual that led that assault was hunted down and killed by both horde and alliance
none of those things are the same as
knowing your ally attacked unprovoked and sending them military aid without repercussions domestic or globally
Considering the history of the Horde, it’s not difficult to paint them as villains, you hardly have to do anything. People seem to forget, Thrall was an exception to the rule, not the norm.
garithos and arthas were both in the alliance when they committed their atrocities. they’re not anymore. garrosh was killed by thrall and sylvie is no longer leader of the horde. they’re no longer leading the horde. if you’re gonna bring up horde people who do terrible things but are no longer a part of the horde expect alliance to have their own dirty laundry brought up as well.
…as the game uses language, yes…yes we are going to use the definition and legal concepts of crimes they’re presenting
if we don’t we have no basis of reference for anything the game says or does
they could call sitting in org /dance genocide and as we’d have no other reference point we’d HAVE to take their word for it
The evidence of her plot left behind in Aszuna is provocation enough. Or should we have just let her enslave Eyir and be an even bigger threat than the Legion, and also potentially lose the Valarjar’s support against the Legion?
I would agree, but both Garrosh and Sylvanas were plenty evil while they were still leading the Horde. Her future actions though, yeah you’re right.
i doubt there will ever be any villain in this game as evil as arthas was. he just happened to be alliance.
the attack occurred before they knew her plan.
if i shoot my neighbor and later find a book detailing a plan to shoot me
is it murder? or am i exonerated based upon things that i didn’t know at the time?
Killing a bunch of your people and then your dad is pretty evil. On the other hand, Sylvanas also blighted a bunch of hers and then raised them into undeath. And she didn’t have the “well I thought they were corrupted by poisoned corn” excuse.
arthas also legitimately genocided (not forum outrage genocide, real genocide) the high elves. he killed off 90% of them. 90 freaking %. this is not a well there were some elves in a tree but there were plenty of elves other places too, thing.
Please stop feeding the troll. If I can give them a link to the story written by Blizzard in which they acknowledge said event was genocide, and they either can’t read, or refuse to acknowledge that Blizzard can write its own lore without their head cannon, its not worth anyone’s effort. Just report him as a troll and move on.
the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
They intentionally burned a tree filled with civilians belonging to minority group. The end.
And to the dude saying the genocide denier is using “reason” rather than his feelings, please have a seat. If you have objective evidence of an author’s intentions (i.e. if they selected the word GENOCIDE over the entire lexicon of the English language), and you still chose to believe something else, you are most certainly in your feelings and not using logic.
minority group? like when dwarves attacked mulgore and tried to kill them? or turajo which there are even less tauren who were wiped out, by centaurs, than there is nelves.
Listen, when the tree initially happened I was here telling all these folks it wasn’t actual genocide, but Blizzard called it that in the novellas, so… that’s what I’m going with. She may not have intentionally went after them to wipe them out, but they made it clear that she basically did anyway.
I’ve always liked Sylvanas as a character but she’s 100% evil, right up there with Arthas, no doubt.
you keep skipping over the DELIBERATE bit, her goal wasn’t to kill civilians, it was to raze the city.
and again, writers don’t determine if something is or is not something based upon words, it’s the actions that they claim the characters do or take that determines such things
they’re calling you a defense lawyer because you’re using logic to explain your stance not just repeating muh genocide over and over again not actually understanding what it is.
^^ this bit, i agree with…mass murder for potential crimes is straight up evil, it does not however make it a genocide just because the writers say it was, maybe they’ll show it later or hint that her motivation was genocide…but as it stands that was a secondary effect
Yeah, well, it’s pretty much always some rando Alliance leader kicking apart the fragile peace due to their own personal grudges that they put more value on than all the lives that will be lost in a continuing endless war. It’s a story beat that has been used over and over again. At least the Horde get to be interesting, multifaceted planners. The Alliance face-heel turns always come off as hamhanded, making the characters look stupid and blind.
Almost peace…and then GARITHOS.
Almost peace…and then DAELIN PROUDMOORE.
Almost peace…and then JAINA.
Almost peace…and then GENN.
Almost peace…and then TYRANDE.
I’m starting to feel bad because I am getting the impression they sincerely cannot read or grasp an understanding of what words are.
Lore is created by a story teller or writer. Blizzard hired writer. Writer clearly stated and specified crime of genocide.
But now it is “rational” to try to redefine what words are, because actions mean more that words…even though words are what create the action for fictional stories and settings.
I didn’t use the blight at Lodaeron. I didn’t fire the catapults at Teldrassil. Did I fight soldiers and the enemy during a battle? Sure did.
Does that make me just as guilty? Does that make every soldier guilty of every atrocity the commander commits?