Blizzard trying to villainize Tyrande

It’s not void. Void is anti sylvanus.

this is your argument? lol

i wish people who don’t know how to spell sylvanas would just call her sylvie. the typo is really not cool.

You may not like the term coined for what Germany did.

Mira is simple if the crime is bigger than simply killing in mass and is aimed at a group is genocide.

If what you are trying for active or passive is to reduce the numbers of a certain group against their will, you are committing genocide.

In this case it is the murder of a large number of civilians through the destruction of their home.

Cause Nathan has some serious plot armor. Wasn’t the original ending of that storyline even worse for Tyrande/Malf?

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Your argument is that I made a typo, kudos you sir are the supreme being. All hail this one for he is the king of all. Praise be to this nut bar.

i…honestly don’t know either way, alot of the night elves npcs including tyrande herself appear to believe she has

if elune is like the other “gods” though her power isn’t so grand that she could do much

abandoned or not it’d be fun to explore the concept…even if it’s just a matter of the kaldorei no longer noticing their deities help due to being jaded over a tree

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I do believe Blizz screwed up with the Night Warrior. That visage is so OP that they backed themselves into a corner and ended up screwing up the storyline.

First rule of RP: don’t back your character into corner or make them OP. Blizz has broken that rule so much this expansion. :expressionless:


that was the dumbest thing i’ve seen in wow though. the strongest mortal in the world + the literal avatar of a goddesses vengeance couldn’t kill a hunter. -.-


it was so stupid i couldn’t even believe it when i was playing through it on dekkar. i was like “…lolwut?”

Hes a bit more than that, but yeah it was dumb

Oh, it was idiotic. But again, plot armor. Nathan can’t die he’s special! Plus they couldn’t portray the events as an absolute win for the nelves, they had to have plot reasons for constant fighting in the afkfront.

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the U.N convention doesn’t require force, just that your goal be to reduce or eliminate their numbers

and that’s the issue…because there is no scope or actual problem required alot of things people would consider fine on a regular basis qualify under the U.N definitions

and it’s not JUST their genocide rules, alot of their guidelines, conventions and other information are so horribly vague that it’s impossible to avoid being absolutely evil

i’ve no problem with the term and general agreed on terms of what genocide is, i have issues specifically with the U.N’s versions because…again they’re stupidly vague and allow everyone to be guilty of genocide

Because Saurfang told her that Teldrassil would be occupied and not that the horde would burn most defenseless night elf civilians in azeroth alive.

You can argue that she should’ve expected something like this from the horde, though. It’s nothing new and it will never change

Yeah… I headdesked a lot. I knew even before we had gone through the scenario that they’d mess it up because they can’t make her that OP. It’s worse than fan fiction. Because at least most of us who write fan fiction aren’t dumb enough to do crap like that.


A theory is that she’s void aligned. So old god or void lord kind of thing.

An incorrect theory. Elune is the only full deity in Warcraft that we know of. And that’s in the Chronicles.


soyfang also told sylvie that he’d kill malfurion and he didn’t do that either. it’s almost like mr honorable is a liar and nothing he says can be taken at face value. :stuck_out_tongue:

Imagine walking up to someone who had ONE close friend/family member murdered, barely a year ago, and telling them ‘you need to forgive the people who did this, everyone else has, and we’re not punishing them’.

Now imagine walking up to a ruler, who just had a significant number of her people murdered, and doing the same.

Vengeance and Justice aren’t really irrational desires, and if blizzard actually makes them out to be EVIL desires there’s just no hope of competent writing. Ever.


I hope they never reveal her… Elune is best kept a mystery. Otherwise she will be some dumb naruu being. :unamused: