Dude, do you think the Horde is the responsible of the First and Second War then?
if soyfang hadn’t betrayed sylvie and killed malfurion the tree would’ve never burned but alliance aligned avatars on the forums think he’s a swell guy. and genn too who tried to assassinate her even though he was told by anduin not to try and he did it anyway for pure blood lust and what was got sylvie on the defensive in the first place. but yeah sylvie pure evil and none of these so called “heroes” have blood on their hands.
you’re a helf guy right?
Except I don’t trust Blizzard to write characters well anymore.
So then sylvanas did nothing wrong.
Orcs and humans allied under thrall and jaina to fight off the BL during WC3
nightelves came in killed them, actually the nightelves came at the orcs first just for lumbering, no conversation nothing.
1 to 1 they’re even, move on you future undead mongoloids.
The lichking crown is an amalgamation of brain stuff. That’s what affected most of his decisions. Not frostmourne.
Not blood lust. To quote him “FOR MY SON!”
Babe isn’t the mog evident enough?
his son threw himself in front of him though. i did the worgen starting area a few days ago and it’s very clear. sylvie is even upset that she didn’t get to kil genn. why is genn not upset with his son for being stupid? lol
The United Nations Genocide Convention, which was established in 1948, defines genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such” including the killing of its members, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately imposing living conditions that seek to “bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”, preventing births, or forcibly transferring children out of the group to another group
Are you going to contradict this too?
What Sylvanas did fits completely.
The same story portrays it as such.
The term was coined in order to find something more serious than mass murder.
Every time I read an idiot trying to deny genocides for aggravating that the extermination is not completed, I doubt that person’s mental health.
“Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit.”
Frostmourne certainly affected his decisions
sadly…nor do i
still, it’s a fantastic potential storyline and i’d wager fanfic folks will change it all around and make it proper
honestly i’m hoping they genuinely explore the elune abandoning the night elves thing as a sort of return to roots to the rather…almost vile nature that the kaldorei are drenched in
unlikely, but we can hope
Well she did willing take in all that dark “voidy deathy looking magic” into herself. Everyone else who has done that has become a villain.
And honestly its about time she paid for her crimes. Leaving her people to die like that when she god-like in power to save her boyfriend. And don’t give me that whole “She sent the hero to save the people.” stuff. Would you send a bunch of murder-hobos to save your family? I think not.
she legit hearthed to stormwind instead of helping her people. but she’s viewed as a good guy to some of these posters. she was, again, only worried about her husband to the exclusion of everything else.
genocide under the U.N has been…questionable
specifically because since it has no real defined scope one can commit genocide against pretty much anything
technically under the U.N genocide convention the efforts to get people to stop believing in Christianity is trying to destroy a religious group
U.N rules in general suck though, they’re usually so vague and useless that it can be applied to literally anyone
it’s a rather serious problem that as a species we need to address if we’re intent on keeping a global body like that around…but in the meantime listening to what they say is kinda pointless
specifically article 2 section D would qualify alot of athiests as genocidal individuals
God forbid the Alliance gets the same BS treatment the Horde leaders get over and over and over again.
God forbid Alliance gets a leader that isn’t a goody two shoes and has more depth than a bowl of cereal. I mean, having a 3D character? Wtf is that?
Elune never abandoned them, though. She helped bring peace to those left in the tree. And She did grant Tyrande the Night Warrior visage. Some wanted her to do more, but as a full deity, She doesn’t involve Herself to change events. Otherwise, Hyjal would never have been destroyed, Ysera would still be alive, etc. Deities are mysterious that way!
Not me, I’m glad I was on the front lines firing those catapults. I burned your home down Hippy Elves, fite me!
she powered her up so much she couldn’t kill nathanos even with her husbands help.
Well when people really care about each other they sometimes do selfless things like sacrifice themselves for their loved ones.
I know stupid right. We should all go play chess now to get away from story telling cause apparently human emotion is stupid and shouldn’t happen.