Blizzard trying to villainize Tyrande

being a peaceful leader of a group means nothing if those within your group can act with impunity

if the leaders of the U.N call for peace, while it’s member states are warring with others it means nothing

Anduin isn’t respected, the alliance engaged in war and in return war came
LOL what? Genn bloody attacked unprovoked during a peace agreement between the horde and the alliance, with the backing of alliance forces…and after which the alliance continued the war effort alongside him
it’s not freaking manipulation

nope, she wanted malfurions head
which saurfang chose not to do because “dishonorable strike”
then immediately after that Tyrande and Malfurion swore to strike back…where do you think they’d strike from out of curiosity?
here’s a hint…ships and soldiers from the alliance were already using the place as a defensive point to launch defenses in darkshore

had saurfang done as he was supposed to the losses would’ve been limited to darkshore, malfurion would be dead and the elves would’ve been left in peace

i never said it was justified, i asked what you’d do in a situation where those you agreed to a peace treaty with assaulted your leader with no internal repercussions but open aid


it was a razing not a genocide. any more than jaina genocided the sunreavers because she murdered a bunch of them.

Blizzard. Called. It. Genocide.


blizzard doesn’t determine what anything means, , whether it was or wasn’t is irrelevant to the fact that you can’t use “blizzard says it is X” as a defense of…anything

blizzard defines nothing

and arthas was an alliance prince and he LITERALLY genocided the helves and now they’re horde. and yet you guys still ask for playable helves for the alliance…?


That’s also not true. Arthas was mind controlled by Ner’zhul when he started doing evil things. He wasn’t part of the alliance as he also killed his own former people.

I mean if blizzard explicitly states that the burning of teldrassil was a genocide then it’s a safe bet that it actually WAS a genocide.

are you literally arguing arthas didn’t genocide the helves? is that what you’re doing right now?

there are night elves all over azeroth that weren’t killed. she didn’t try to exterminate them all. it was NOT genocide. that is not what it was. you cannot change the definition of a word to fit your narrative.


I like how you are twisting facts in every single one of your comment. That’s really typical for horde players too to justify a genocide every few years.

Arthas was not acting for the alliance at that point, he literally killed alliance members as he was mind controlled by Ner’zhul.

no he wasn’t, being influenced by and mind control are not the same thing

and at THAT point he wasn’t even being influenced, the mf purged of his own will and later started getting influenced

and again, blizzard does not determine the meaning of words
they could say that the freaking orcs are orange and they’d still be wrong
them SAYING something means nothing, we have definitions of genocide, and that is what determines if it was or was not a genocide, not what blizzard states


It’s not the first time! But people tend to forget about the Prestors, Maiev, and Staghelm. Mostly because they didn’t impact the Horde itself and Maiev was only bat crazy in a book. Hehe.

But I doubt she’s becoming a villain. She’s simply putting all of her resources into hunting down Sylvanas and refuses to trust the Horde. That keeps the faction tension and gives her a target that makes sense.


is this better? because i’ve mained alliance a lot longer than i’ve even thought to have horde alts.

Well that means we can erase one of your cities from the map with a good part of its habitants inside and have an expansion totally focused on our Faction.

I don’t think it happens.

What may happen is that they force us to kill her for being An Obstacle to Peace in a crap patch with neutral content.

Just read the short story elegy, go to the last page, press crtl+F and type in “Genocide”. I can’t be bothered anymore. Really.

It wasn’t his own will anymore when he attacked Silvermoon and Stratholme was something that was morally grey, not evil.

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it could actually be a badass story, assuming she doesn’t go bloody blood/war hungry against the horde and actually focuses down

it’d actually be pretty cool to see her use the resources of the horde and alliance in a purely “my goals” sort of way without it being treated as good or evil, merely a revenge or night elf justice line

I only worry that they make someone a villain for wanting to get justice for what happened to her people. If Sylvanas is the ultimate target, then let that be it, I think they will have Tyrande phase back to normal tyrande once she is dealt with.


Oh I hope they don’t turn her into a villain. Like you can be an independent nation and not be part of the horde/Alliance

most of the horde didn’t want garrosh of sylvie to be a villain either, but here we are.


Still Tyrande is vengeance. Varian got to be mostly about vengence and stay a good guy. I want the same for Tyrande.


yes it was, arthas was never mind controlled, when he attacked silvermoon it was as a champion of the lich king but he was still acting entirely within his own will, a corrupted and twisted will due to frostmourne slowly corrupting his mind…but he didn’t entirely lose out until well after
the reason he wasn’t affected when the lich king lost control was because he wasn’t a minion, even later death knights weren’t mind controlled…albeit their minds were twisted and corrupted more

…lol he slaughtered people on the chance that they could die and rise again with no evidence that they were corrupted
that is by definition evil