Blizzard took a wow token back after purchase, kept the money, told me to try again, then suspended my account

Welcome to the Microsoft Era :frowning:

I don’t actually know what was done with support, but if it is now outsources it happened after the Microsoft takeover and layoffs last Jan. Previous to that it was all in-house. They did have the EU cover US during the night, but it was out of Versailles when they had that office, then Cork, Ireland. In the US it was out of Austin, TX.

Again, if they did outsource, it is new since the Microsoft takeover.


I don’t know why you think it prevents it from being seen. “This post has been hidden” is an invitation to click it. Everybody stops to look at an accident or car wreck. It is like a flashing sign that says “READ ME”. Kind of has the opposite effect.

All someone has to do is click that shiny flashing link that hides it - which nearly everyone does.


He literally said Blizzard support told him to try again lmao

Btw why is this post flagged lol

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Probably because discussing Account Actions on the forums is a violation of the forum code of conduct.

It seems to have been moved to the Customer Support forum now so hopefully Blues can check and give the OP some advice on the next steps to take.


I’m not shocked at some of the responses. I literally try to communicate with blizzard in the most direct way via their own ticketing system. After attempting that multiple times and getting absolutely no where (worse than no where). I post here just trying to get to someone who can refer someone else who can help me. And much like the DMV, I’m told, “your in the wrong line sir, you need to use line C-4 with forum 4123-LB or use the ticket service” lol. Which is what landed me here in the first place lol. I know people are saying post in customer service chat, but by the very definition of opening a customer service ticket in game I feel like I already dealt with that part of the organization and went backwards. At least here I FEEL better that at least it gets visibility. Only for people to then report it because they don’t like where I posted the information lol. Again, like being at the DMV and having someone else in the other line defending the system like I should know better from vast experience…

I moved this here so I could respond.

4 tokens have failed, so yes, round about 80.00.

That should reverse itself as the transaction never completed.

Why the failure, I don’t know.

You will need to open a ticket and see if a GM can give you more information or further instructions.


Ok, so waiting for the refund is whatever. GM’s in game are how I landed here (I wont purchase or attempt to purchase more tokens). How do I un-suspend the account at least? That would be a victory at this point and I’d be happy to move along…

You have two tickets in, one of the two should do that.

This was locked as a precaution.

I went ahead and asked one of these be moved to the correct category of problem with purchase.


This all seems really odd to me. GMs advising you to try buying a token again at your expense, it costing $80 (I don’t know why you’d keep throwing money at something not working, especially since tokens are $20 per), and then you being unceremoniously suspended after the whole song and dance? Something isn’t adding up.

You mentioned using a remote connection software to connect. How far were you from your usual log in location? Remote connections are often iffy at best and if your login location was drastically different than normal, it could have done it as a security response.

Are you also filing your tickets under Billing? Those are the folk you want to reach out to if you make a purchase and something goes wrong.

Those are my best guesses. Like I said this is very unusual and I’ve not heard of this happening before.


Agreed. Feels like we’re getting half the story, or possibly his form of payment is getting bounced, and after trying so many times, it flagged his account, but the whole contacting Blizz over and over, for which we know is already a long process, for them to tell him to keep trying…idk, seems weird.

Orylia- Are you able to reach anyone in the department that can unlock the account to accelerate the process? Again, the GM’s that I have Spoken too feel like I’m talking to ChatGPT. And as shown above were getting more and more frustrating. And from their very answers are why I landed here. Also, before I get any further. Thank you for responding to the post in general. In totality of the situation is why all the frustration, spending $80 on an in game service only then to get suspended by automated security while actively talking to a GM so that this exact situation does not occur.

Just want to play the game, Would prefer to play it with the tokens purchased, but no problem, neither here no there as they are being refunded. I’ll figure out something else in that regard.

Guuah, I thought GFN would be the issue as well which is why I specifically mentioned it in the ticket process. Which I was reassured was not the issue.

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Payments and Purchases is a hi priority queue, Castingbeard.

At the moment, this ticket is the ONLY one in it, so you should be hearing something fairly soon.


Athcaelas- I posted the entire chat from the GM’s in my email. If I could post screen shots I would post the payments clearing the account lol. Literally feels like half the story because why would the very process exist that just landed me here??? I’ll post scrips of payment history to blizzard showing they have billed this exact account before, to include wow tokens lol. Again, you can read the ticket above, posted it directly from the email.

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It’s not that I don’t believe you, it’s just weird. It sounds like your payment was bounced, and both banks and Blizz will have automated precautions with that, hence the situation. I guess the GM didn’t take that into consideration maybe? Idk.

For future consideration, if something doesn’t go through a few times, it’s always a good idea to further investigate before continuing, even if somebody says it’s ok.

That would be my guess as well. They did not seem to realize that it would hit an auto safety lock for too many failed transactions.

This 1000%

It means they can’t see more about the transaction and yes, it could be part of the problem, although under normal circumstances it should work.

I would certainly be sure to fill out the survey you get when the ticket is complete letting their mgrs know the advice given was incorrect and resulted in an account suspension for payment failures.


What I was assuming (my fault) is that the proxy was causing the issue as it was showing payment trying to process from different parts of the country… Reasonable to think that fraud maybe a factor. Opening a ticket to explain the use of proxy service so that they can waive the hold on their end. In terms of banking on my end, this is a normal purchase, just another day for them, without going into it, I travel a ton and my bank knows it so they don’t hold payments for these types of things.

Ah, that is not something Blizzard GMs can do, as far as I know. They are not able to tinker with the guts of the system like that.


Not sure what triggered this, but that isn’t an unreasonable assumption - may have been.

Also, too many failures can also do it - so yeah, not sure we can even get around that. I’ve never been in that department.

Looks like this has been shifted to our more experienced GMs. Queue may be a tiny bit longer, but that one is also a high priority queue.


Mirasol- Not expecting them to tinker with back end. More so expecting that a flag was put on my account as “potential fraud” and to stop all purchases. With opening a ticket, my hope was that a GM could clear the “fraud hold”. Not change an entire process.

Orlyia- Looks like the tickets were merged whatnot, Is the department its being forwarded too still able to address the locked account portion?

They should be able to, Castingbeard.


Hope you get it sorted out. Good luck.