Blizzard took a wow token back after purchase, kept the money, told me to try again, then suspended my account

As the title says. I have in writing from blizzard. I purchased a wow token, 3 hours later, they pull it off the auction house and I get nothing. Charge remains on my card ( I didn’t notice this at first and literally thought I was going crazy). I go ahead and purchase a 2nd wow token. Same exact thing happens. I open a ticket, explain what happened. They say “everything is fine, try again”. I try again, same thing. I reopen the ticket, explain I’m using Geforce Now to play the game if that’s the issue. They reply “nope, we checked, your good. just try again”. Try again, boom suspended account.

$80 charged, then suspend my account? lol. Binding arbitration, mediation, small claims etc lol. Its all worth it to me for the fact that it will cost them 10x more to deal with me there than to just fix this crap.


Sorry to hear this. Not surprised. I hope you find someone at Blizzard to sort this out.


Not sure why you are posting this here, not like anyone can do anything about it lol.


Maybe a Blue could shed some light, if anyone is around today. If they are, you’ll want to remove all profanity before moving.


Hmm… this story sounds a bit like 1 + 1 = 3. Something isn’t adding up. Who would try something more then twice and expect different results?


To get the blues attention. I have active tickets going before I was “suspended” So clearly no actual person was checking those before they hit me with the ban hammer… Hoping this actually gets seen.

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Standby, I’ll post the actual tickets. Its really that simple. Trying to upgrade gear, don’t have time to farm mats, Have money to purchase wow tokens for gold. $80 doesn’t break the bank. But its annoying as all hell.

I play using Geforce Now. Bought two wow tokens to put on the auction house. Showing the payment went through to my card, twice. But they get taken off the auction house and I get an email from blizzard saying they took it back. Thats at least $40 in wow tokens that I’m owed as the payment is processed. Whats going on?
13 hours ago
Greetings Shane,

This is Game Master Phisurrap from Blizzard, and I will be the one handling your request today.

Upon reading your ticket, I have gathered that you are that the wow tokens had been taken off from your account. I understand your concern. Don’t Worry, I will check it out for you.

Firstly, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience that you had to face in this situation.

Shane, After a closer look into your inquiry, I can see that the orders has been failed, and the money should be getting back to your card from 5-10 business working days, You could try again with the same payment method that you are using on the account.

I hope I was able to assist you today with your request. If you have any other concern, please feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Until then, I wish you a great day.

Game Master Phisurrap
Blizzard Entertainment
13 hours ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
5 hours ago
This doesn’t answer my question at all… I’m using the same card that i use for billing as is. The email says “this can occur because of public places like internet cafes” Is the problem because I’m using Geforce now? Which is what i have been using the entire time? It happened again last night even after creating a ticket. Thats $60 that your saying could take up to two weeks to go back into my account… Thats not acceptable, and we are no closer to a resolution, I’m trying to give Blizzard even more money…
5 hours ago
This ticket has been marked as Answered.
5 hours ago
Hi Shane! You just invoked the Game Master Nizuzigu!

I understand you are concern about the possibility of being Geforce the cause of the fail in the transaction. Let me investigate on this issue.

After realizing an investigation on your issue, we can’t see if GFN was the cause the order was declined. Despite this, we do suggest disabling any proxy before making purchases.

Hope I was able to clear your doubts. If you have any other questions related to other issued don’t doubt in contacting us again!

GM Nizuzigu
33 minutes ago
Not only have i now been charged $80. and the tokens keep getting taken back. WHILE DOING THIS YOU HAVE NOW TEMPORARILY BANNED MY ACCOUNT!? While I am actively talking to you!? Need to speak to a live person, immediately. This is absolutely insane. What kind of automated garbage bans my account while I literally have an active ticket for purchasing tokens. explaining the use of a proxy, literally updated my account, i use the authenticator. I need to speak with a live person.

$80, Taken, Products TAKEN AFTER BEING HONORED. And now account suspended. What the actual ####.
32 minutes ago
The code listed doesn’t even show up in your search engine. BLZ51900057. This needs to be fixed. I deserve to be compensated for the time, the charges, the temp ban. Need to speak to a supervisor. Immediately.


I give a couple of them credit because they have their avatar dressed up exactly like that.


Money not back after 5-10 business days?

The rest is weird I agree but probably an automated problem [the temp ban is what I’m referring to]… You’ll have to keep making tickets and try in the customer support section of these forums, hopefully tomorrow someone answers since its Sunday.

So they said the money is being refunded to you (and may just hasn’t been yet) so you aren’t out the money. Sounds like your bank was declining the charge. I’d take it up with your bank to find out why it failed to go through.


Checked with Bank, charges have not been declined and are still considered “processing” since its the weekend. I’ve purchased wow tokens before, recently and never had this issue. Same thing using GFN, and all the like. The 10 business days is the annoying part. I don’t want the money back lol. Just give me what I paid for and un-suspend the account…

There are a lot of typos in these messages you say are from Blizzard.

I’ve not seen that before.


That’s the community that flagged you bro.

You can’t talk about getting actioned on the forum, it’s a ToS thing.

Also bad language will get you flagged immediately.


Players made it hidden. And it’s not removed, yet.


I did try.

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You need to move this to the Customer Support forum.


Something seems off here.

The forums are not a means to contact Billing. The fact your posts get greyed out means you broke the forum rules and fellow players reported the post. It can still be read, but has to be clicked on to see the post.

All you do with that is summon Forum Mods - not get help.

What seems to be going on is that for some reason, your purchase of tokens through Gforce Now failed. Transaction did not complete. Your bank authorized it on their end, but it did not actually get to Blizzard for some reason so failed during further processing steps. That is more complicated by buying things through a third party service so Blizzard can’t really see what is going on with the transaction. They just know it failed so the system removes the token because the payment did not complete.

Any charges you had will be refunded to your payment method within 5-10 business days. That is based on how long financial institutions process returns. Nothing to do with any particular vendor you bought from, just standard refund time frame.

The reason you likely got suspended is that you had multiple failed transactions on the account. That seems to trigger an account suspension because the system thinks fraud or something sus is going on.

Not sure how to tell you to go forward - but the Blues in Customer Support likely can. It serves as an Information Desk to help folks navigate the support system, figure out what to do next, explain polices, explain services, etc. They are not GMs but are real people who may be able to guide you.

Remove any profanity, masked profanity, insults, etc - then move your thread to the CS forum. Use the EDIT pencil in the first post then select Customer Support from the drop down list.


you haven’t seen the numerous posts on reddit with gm’s who speak english as a second or third language?


No it doesn’t. It just means a gang of people don’t want your post to be seen. It’s usually not because of rules.

And looks like a post of mine was just removed that simply had the opinion that such a dynamic is a form of bullying.