Blizzard! The opponents have X% advantage!

Blizzard broke the reporting function. They do not get removed from the game, and all they have to do is attack a party or run in the mine. 100% Blizzard’s fault

Nope. This may have been the case for some time, but there was also a time where it was popular to AFK in the cave!

Alliance just want to exploit for their advantage, just look at phase 2 when they cried until it RUSHED to these UNFAIR battlegrounds!

Nonsense. I speak English: this sentence says that Blizzard changes it repeatedly, any time Alliance is winning.

How many times has Blizzard changed Classic AV, in a way that helps the Horde? 10 times? 15 times? I know about 1 time. Where are all the other “many times” you are claiming?

Blizzard “broke” the report function to not DC people, but they still get reported. And it’s not their fault for what they had to do. It’s the people who were abusing it to get their friends into the game.

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Don’t worry love this is the part where “The Hunters Dream” is on fire and soon Gherman will set you free.

Rinse and repeat is for raiding… not the forums. Got gud at forums

There was also the stacking of raid groups for the battle ground while leaving the rest of the Alliance at a loss. This wasn’t a “winning strategy” It was cheating. That’s why Blizzard patched things up to prevent it. Participants are lucky they did not get hit with suspensions or have their ranks revoked.

Straight-line distance, sure. The terrain stretches their distance out a bit, though. The Horde and Alliance meet at SH because the Alliance stop at SH every single time.

Not really. We do have to cap and defend towers. It also helps if folks actually defend the base.


Maybe? I think a lot of folks rolled Horde because the internet told them to do so because of some “Meta.” I’m gathering that most of the “hard core” PvP folks don’t really like PvP. They think they can get Rank 10 (which is probably doable by most, if they’re dedicated) or Rank 14 (yeah, right…)

Wow this thread aged well!! Alliance are actually winning because they’re ACTUALLY TRYING!! Who would of thought?!?!?!?!

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You just continue to surprise me… its almost as if you are a undercover horde player.

Has it not dawn on you that the alliance stop at SH to see which way the horde are going to prevent their forward push? Left or Right… where do you want them to go head first into the horde in the FoS? /smh

Alliance are starting to learn they have to protect SHGY at all cost and push offensively slowly. Play the horde’s game and prolong the match. I’ve won like 8 games in the last week. LOL 8 wins

Great job breaking the normal alliance strategy and realizing that actually playing can actually make a difference! So much for the Horde cave being the bane of all AV!

Lordy, the resentment just radiates off you.


It still is… its the single reason why a hard push to IBGY won’t work. But the real meta is horde defending with 30+ people. In the 3 games we won yesterday, they didn’t even push.

Easy to say when all the advantages are stacked in your favor

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You know… if the Alliance push too, the Horde will have to respond. We stop EVERY SINGLE TIME. Historically, we’ve not made it any further south, save for an occasional assault on IBGY.

Hopefully this changes.

It is changing… and in case you haven’t notice the horde will wait at the FoS because you know they get there faster then us to cut off any forward push. The new change is alliance holding on to SHGY and slowly pushing SFGY or IBGY and turning in crystals for Treezus.

Yeah, because the ridiculous terrain exploits that horde abuse in WSG are just imagined…

Unfortunately I’ve only had time for one AV this week. I’ll be in a fair amount tonight, tomorrow night and Saturday night, unless the guild needs me for dungeon runs.

Hopefully I’ll bag a few wins!

Well, Im pushing rank 11 on my hunter so I’m in AV with a friend every day of the week. =)

Currently rank 9 (10% in). I will probably won’t rank up this week, but I’m ok with that. Unless I get some premade WSG games in.

PS. Started playing some Wolcen too! lol not enough time in the day.

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I went from rank 6 (9%) to rank 6 (57%) this week. Work’s been busy, and life’s about to get in my way of gaming (but in a good way.) hopefully I’ll hit rank 10 within a couple months.

Oh no, how dare those premades give you an ez win with max honor and rep. Whatever is the matter. No one’s playing AV for PVP. They’re playing it for rep. It -was- for ranking, but that’s a fancy wish of the past. It reduced horde queue times too. Can’t really be mad when you’re on the side that benefits more.