Blizzard! The opponents have X% advantage!


Never actually seen Treezus get summoned. Horde hunters kite druids further back than alliance can push and they get merc’d.

You didn’t. You cheated.

Battlegrounds still have voice comms once you’re inside. Connect to those. Stop pretending you did anything else.

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Yeah, That’s why I hate our summoning spot being all out in the open. Whereas the horde it is nice and out of the way.

Come on, trash topic on fire and dead, why bring it back?

I play it for PvP. Fast queue time, and I almost always get heaps of HKs. Usually at least 50. Up to 200 in some matches.

WSG is too hit-or-miss for my tastes. I solo-queue… So I frequently land in a groups with jacked up comps (7warriors, 2 rogues was my favorite.)