Blizzard! The opponents have X% advantage!

It was never like that. Alliance CHEATED and EXPLOITED their way and GRIEFED other players.

cough cough PHASE 2 ending WAAAY too early.

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Imagine being proud of stomping random pugs in LOL-AV. Also you guys hurt the Alliance way more then we could ever by dooming them to a loss before the match started. I hope you all rot and never get rank 14 for being soft as 2 ply.


I’d be more proud of it than sitting in SG with three raid groups stomping lowbie parties trying to reach BRD.

Or sitting a raid group on an FP all day to stomp players as they land.

It’s really comical whenever Horde try to feign sympathy in between hours of camping in wpvp and scorched earth in AV sending half a raid to recall if you think people are killing LTs.

How much fun is it to roll on a pvp server btw and not get a single bit of decent pvp in the two year life span of the game because at first it’s always 5v1, and by the end you might see one alliance a month if you’re lucky?

I don’t get why you wanted this situation, and why even now Horde want longer queues and less pvp to happen. Grats on going for your ranked gear for pvp that’ll never happen.

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Nobody wants to play this game anymore. It’s all about destination>journey. The only reason why horde usually win in AV is because there are a lot of alliance who don’t care or try due to having instant queues. I see some that do and sometimes they all rally and beat horde for a win every once in a while. Most of the time I go looking for AFK alliance for easy honor. They aren’t too hard to find and every game you’ll find atleast 10 of them afking near pvp Hotspots.


I think it’s more that they’re just,old.

Well they need to have their social security canceled ASAP because I want to have fun in this game

Biggest exploit that hasn’t been fixed are you backdoor jumps into DB , but hey Horde cant get past SPGY u gota cheat to win I understand

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And Alliance can kite pull Drek. See, each side has its cons and pros. You can’t expect it to be 100% even. OVERCOME THE CHALLENGES!!!

Lmao Stalagg horde is still saying stuff like this.

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Horde win more because of que time difference.

The short que for allies has caused them to become infested with bots who farm honor by losing. Horde have long que times so to effectively farm honor they have to PLAY the game.

It’s not the map, it’s the bots.

Very good way to put it! The Map only gives SLIGHT advantages if anything, nothing that obviously can’t be overcome else premades shouldn’t have been able to win either!

Alliance are just content with losing because they can get in 5 loses before a Horde team gets in 1 Win. But again, HONOR is RELATIVE only to your OWN faction!

I think it’s actual sabotage lol horde deflecting and deflating the issue.

You expect an entire team to wake up one day and start playing better?

Say one person gets an idea and says it over the channel to everyone else who already has a routine in how to lose… How do you think that’ll go?

Premades don’t exist anymore, right? – so how does that idea get voiced?

So very sad to see the Horde trolls degenerate so much. I used to respect Horde, but now they complain if they even have a chance at losing. 99% winrate isn’t enough, gotta keep making changes until ally AFK every BG.

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Why would anyone expect that?!?! Its called a change in CULTURE! It takes a bit of TIME! If Alliance all stop crying because Horde get a .0001% advantage maybe the games would be competitive!

Great. Let’s go back to retail to check on the progress in that… What’s it been, 15 years? I can’t wait to see what we can find for culture changes!

It has! Because if I remember right, back 15years ago Alliance ALWAYS won AV. Now that Horde tries ALLIANCE afk in the caves!

Horde changed culture, so can ALLIANCE!

Alright, but if I recall, AV used to last days back then too. Also, two situations are at play here:

  1. Alli gets insta-queues, meaning people can level fishing efficiently while queuing for free honor.
  2. Horde queues are long, meaning the only people who are there are the ones who really want to be there.

Finally, the last time I was in a retail WSG game, people still ignored flag carriers like they were invisible.

I really think you expect way too much.

Before premades got broken alliance won most of the AV.

Premades broke and gave room for bots to move into most games.

It’s not the map, it’s the bots losing it for allies because bot farming losses every 5 minutes is worth more honor than a 45 minute win. Because the bot will lose 9 games in the time that 1 win takes.

The lowest number of bots I’ve seen in AV since premades got broken is 10. That’s 25% of allies not helping the team to win. Then I’ll add in the 5 afk that just sat in their starting cave and you wonder why the Allies are losing?

Report the bots. report the afk. After a few weeks of this your chance to win will go up because the band will roll on those deemed abusing the system.