Blizzard! The opponents have X% advantage!

Yes blowing smoke. You keep saying it was damaging to the alliance when it is not.
Premades have always been a thing. They were the biggest thing in Vanilla for pvp. What do you think pvp guilds did? Just made 5 mans not to win games? Their purpose was for organization of raids of likeminded people who could communicate.
If the system is not supporting what has always been, the system is what needs tweaking not the gameplay.

It’s pretty simple to cancel a game and put you back in the front of the Q or not to start one at all when people don’t click ‘yes’.
You keep saying they fixed it when they did not fix anything lol.
Instead they put a bandaid that removed massive group play. Then changed the system and points in BGs to be in horde favor.

The changes they have made are actually what is damaging to the alliance. With massive drops in pop and constant losing games from not being allowed to work as a team.

Eh, 2/10. Pretty low effort trolling.

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Remember Honor is RELATIVE!

If every Horde is losing to Alliance Premades, Ranking is normal still!

When Alliance are GRIEFING they keep non Premade players in the dirt and give them crappy games, while they EXPLOIT til they find a better one.

People who think PvP and Honor ranking is Horde vs Alliance, don’t think very much. Sorry.

Reworking an entire system to enable people to use it in an unintended manner is not a good way of fixing people using the system in an unintended manner.

But at this point there is nothing I could possibly say that would change your mind. You are unwilling or unable to recognize that queue dropping was forcing Alliance to start with 5 people on their team…and some how making teams launch with 40 on both sides is bias.

Its fine. Id still not get 1 shot

That was such a mess.
Yeah they have been operating in an underhanded way for a while but I did not expect it in classic. :frowning: After all their ‘museum piece’ talks

I remember the patch notes though. Unless you were talking about something else.

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This is patently false. Icewing Choke isn’t useful to the Alliance - it’s useful to Horde after they take SHGY. The graveyard is on the wrong side of the choke to make it useful to Alliance, and once the Horde take it, it’s almost impossible to retake given evenly matched teams.

The canyon leading to SP GY is garbage, because the high ground on both sides is accessible to Horde coming north, but not to Alliance.

The Bridge is defensible, though it can be easily bypassed by easily jumping up cliffs to the south, where there are no archers facing and no NPCs. And even if the Alliance defends that, if all you’re left is defending the base, then you’re never going to win the game.

No, this just happened right before the launch of Classic. Queues were remerged after what you’re talking about. Just to be split again unannounced this last summer. I wanna say this happened like June/July 2019 time-frame.

Fair enough, I was not playing retail during that time so I cannot comment on that.


That seems to be what you’re talking about. Seems like the copped to it in 2 posts, pretty quickly. Not sure if it was a “stealth” fix or just missing from the patch notes.

That being said, Blizzard has been pretty forthcoming with the changes they have made, I don’t see why they would keep exactly 1 change super secret.

It was patch 8.1.5

" Originally posted by Blizzard (View Original

With the introduction of stat templates in Legion, players with XP-gains turned off couldn’t get a significant advantage over players with XP-gains enabled, so we combined the brackets for low-level battlegrounds.

Now that we’ve removed stat templates, we’ve returned XP-Off players to their own bracket."

Problem was, like I said, it was stealth done and they got called out by the playerbase.

Hey, Pollz, I’d just like to thank you for being a decent sort of guy in these discussions. You don’t resort to name calling or some other trollish garbage. I notice and appreciate it. :smile:


It is not unintended. That’s the point. Raids and massive group play is very intended.
It is not a lot to ask for the batteground not to launch until both caves are filled with 40 people. We have the same point. Both sides need 40.
We have different ways on getting there and different opinions on premades. There is more than one way to fix this without taking premades away from people.
It’s going to take a lot more than this argument to change my mind yeah. What they have done is lazy, bias and damaging to the alliance as a whole.

Not being able to change minds is fine. We disagree but It’s a way to get the opinions out there and you have not been rude at all. You’ve been a decent and that’s cool. :slight_smile:

I come to the table with the basic assumption that the other guy is in good-faith. It does get frustrating that the favor isn’t always returned. But thank you for the kind words.

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I would’ve personally been fine with the initial fix they made to address the queue dropping/empty lobbies. But what happened next was that some players found a way to make premades that wouldn’t cause empty lobbies - and yet that was blocked, too.

So it’s pretty clear that Blizzard doesn’t want anything more than random pug groups in AV - but that also has some ramifications of its own, such as the current situation (which I would argue isn’t really fun for anyone save for hardcore Horde Stans).

Are you honestly suggesting it was Blizzard’s intent to have people queue up and drop queues in mass…repeatedly?

Forcing people to wait around AFTER their queue pops for an indeterminate amount of time would be like punishing the horde/alliance who queued normally though.

Agreed, its fine to disagree as long as the conversation is civil. And you’ve been civil about your point of view.

This I’m not sure about. Blizzard has been pretty forthcoming about the changes they have made thus far, it doesn’t really seem in character for them to make a “stealth” change.

But I will agree than no one really could predict how the Alliance would react to the changes. I surely didn’t expect the levels of non-participation to go up…surely Blizzard didn’t either.

There’s no 8.anything in Classic pal! Good job trying to DERAIL the conversation to HIDE your EXPLOITS!!!

Either by enabling premades for both sides, or making it not possible for either side. Giving one side a backdoor is not FAIR!!!

horde: stop complaining and git gud!
alliance: okay. gets good and organizes into premades to optimally strategize and win


Yes but that’s not why bliz nerfed premades. They nerfed em to make horde happy

Whining nonstop worked for Horde when you were getting wrekt so hard Blizz made more changes in a single patch for the Horde babies than they’ve done since Classic release.

You cried because you were losing, Blizz came to your rescue- it’s laughable you think anyone sees Horde as anything but a bunch of babies that run to mommy Blizz every time you don’t get your way.