Blizzard! The opponents have X% advantage!

Yes, both sides HAD the ability, however, the chances of getting your Premade into a single game was like 1 in 2 for Alliance, however for Horde it would have been 1 in 1000 games. Not very fair if you ask me.

Probably why they removed the option! Keep exploiting Alliance out of the game from griefing their own teammates!

After the nerf to premades the stopped games from launching with 5 alliance in it, alliance were able to find a way to premade that no longer resulted in empty AVs.

The following week blizz nerfed that too. If it was simply about empty AVs, there would have been no need for the additional nerf.

Face it horde, bliz is catering to you. They always have. Its the reason you rolled the carebear faction isnt it?

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Very true! It’s about playing like a team and not being COWARDS!!! Alliance have the best CHOKEPOINTS IN THE GAME!!

Use your BRIDGE and WIN!!!

They Blocked Premades to help other Alliance, had nothing to do with the Horde!!!

If all Horde is losing every game, we rank the same! Its the Alliance joining games of 5v40 when the Alliance RANKERS are NECKBEARDING and GRIEFING.

Which one? People asserting there was a “stealth fix” doesn’t mean there was a second change. The second premade method was super janky and unreliable, and took longer.

Horde zug zuging the GY has nothing to do with playing as a team. It has everything to do with being 10 steps away from the rez point and throwing countless bodies at alliance who have no rez point close

There is no 1 faction bias when both factions can communicate and make their own premades.

This lets me know what your argument really is. On the losing end because your faction was not communicating and join together like they could. Like Alliance did.

You blow smoke about 5 people in BG that can be fixed by some changes to the Q system. At least be honest about why you are fine with the ban. It’s just a fix to makes it so you don’t have to deal with putting in the effort to play a game with multiple people like others did.

Can you explain, pls? I’d like full info of what all happened. Or post a link to the info is fine too. Thx.

Actually it wasn’t janky and was very effective and left no empty AV games. The only reason for bliz to have fixed this was to stop premades. So give it up. Blizz caters to the carebear faction. You rolled the carebear faction for easy wins. Get some skill and roll alliance (which you wont)

Blowing smoke? I literally posted a screenshot of it happening. The queue system wasn’t broken, people were using it in an unintended manner it was causing disruption to Alliance pugs.

Your premades were causing damage to your faction. Blizzard fixed that.

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Cite a source? Just saying “a second fix came out, trust me…but it was a secret fix” doesn’t quite cut it for me.

So TRUE! That’s why they got rid of Premades so that the Carebears couldn’t grief other CAREBEARS!!

I think getting into Voice comms, and grouping up with your friends against a PUG is a bit CAREBEARISH isn’t it? Since you can’t fight us fairly HAHA

Remember AV is supposed to be PUGGED!! They would have had a Queue as Raid option if it wasn’t!

Alliance were able to make premades by queueing at the same time and getting into the same BG. If not enough got the same AV they’d all drop and retry. This created a ton of most empty AVs.

At the same time, the AVs the premades did join, they dominated the horde in 7 minutes leaving them btching and whining endlessly on the forums and in youtube videos (which were hilarious btw)

So blizz fixed it by preventing alliance from seeing the AV number making it impossible to coordinate. Horde like this Pollz guy now come here saying the change was not about helping horde, but about the poor alliance pugs that joined the empty AVs.

So, Alliance found a work around. 100+ alliance would queue for a AV that was currently in progress but close to ending.

Once that match ended, those 100 alliance would automatically be placed in new AV games. You could no longer ensure you had the right comp of 4+ healers and 2 tanks, but at least the games had 35+ alliance that wanted to win. And as a bonus, there were no more empty AV games.

Well sure enough, in typical horde fashion, they flooded the forums demanding blizzard stop alliance premades and within the week, blizz hotfixed it so alliance premades were finally dead.

They left groups of Alliance pugs in matches of 5v40 because Alliance have to EXPLOIT to win in PvP.

Why would they drop so many games then huh? To scared to go against a Horde PUG with only 20 of your friends?!?! HAHAHA weak alliance

You literally say right here that it was causing mostly empty AVs.

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I see. Tyvm. Appreciate the explanation.

The Alliance can’t see past their EXPLOITS. They claim they were legit because they had the ability to do it. DON’T THINK THAT’S HOW IT WORKS ALLIANCE DOGS!

This is speculation. There was no patch notes about it. It was a “super secret hotfix.” though.

Pretty sure there were empty games, not all Alliance are EXPLOITERS and adhere to the stupid rules of joining a certain Discord to play.

Why can’t the Alliance just play it the way it was designed? Oh right, they need EXPLOITS!

While I understand your patchnote concern, there was literally nothing said when they hotfixed cough xpon/off in retail either. Having played this game since 2006, I’ve seen plenty of underhanded Blizz tricks. The xpon/off was just the latest. Having said that, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if what Hunterx says actually happened.

Edit: to further explain, the playerbase were the ones to announce the queue split. After the playerbase yelled about it all over social media, Blizz eventually copped to doing it, unannounced. Not a good look.

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*Grabs tinfoil hat

Wonder what else Blizzard has STEALTH FIXED, huh?