Blizzard! The opponents have X% advantage!

This is very true, although If so many pvpers didn’t chase racial advantages then it wouldn’t of started the snowball affect.

All my friends went to premades to avoid trashcan pve players that wanted to be farmed in a gy to score some rep in the few hks they got.

We also left premades because we got over the pve aspect and went back to world pvp.

I feel like a broken record repeating my self over and over.

You don’t fix a problem by slapping a bandaid over the symptom. The games launching with 5 people was a symptom of people dropping queues. You fix a problem by addressing the root-cause.

Furthermore, keeping the gates shut until X people show up would be an awful solution anyways since it directly punishes the people using the system correctly and as intended. You would be forcing people to wait an indeterminate amount of time AFTER their queue all ready popped to allow others to use the system in an unintended manner.

I am a horde main that rerolled ally for the pvp challenge, soooo you are kinda not making the point you think you are making.

Games were launching with 5 Alliance in them because premades were mass dropping queues. You fix it by addressing the root-cause…mass dropping queues.

Not talking warrior. Was talking paladin or perhaps a priest (those are always fun to beat shamans on). I mean i could do it on a druid or lock too. I was talking about any class. Not just warrior.

Not many people can handle the burst dude, you are just trying to pat yourself on the back. Shaman MELT people. And now I wonder if you have ever even fought one that was targeting you.

Not to mention that we are clearly talking about group play, in which mutliple shaman focusing one target, you wont stand a chance. Dont even try.

Multiple times. I hit rank 14 back in vanilla on 3 seperate toons


All alliance. I may have died a few dozen times to shamans and only because they had help. Every time i 1v1 a shaman they lost or at least were nearly dead and oom.

You also never mentioned group play. You said you could do it.

The root cause is the game launching without people not the premade.
To address the root cause: games don’t launch unless they have the correct amount of people accepting to be in them.

You are a GOD among men.

I try to escape the cesspool. And you dive in head first to clean it up. Well done sir.

in VANILLA no one was min maxing like they do now, the numbers are much bigger. I have played since vanilla too, and I was ally back then, I never had issues with shamans back then either.

Edit: Yes I one shot people my self all the time, if in a group there is 0 chance to the focused target.

The game launches when there are 40 alliance and 40 horde in the queue. The queue pops and the game launches. Then 35 Alliance drop the queue.

Unless you’re really asking for Blizzard to rewrite their whole queuing system to accommodate premades. Or you could disincentive dropping queues in mass like they did.

Sorry, my dude, can’t and won’t agree. Don’t launch the BG until X number of peeps are loaded in. You wait for raids to fill, you wait for queues to pop, but wait for a required BG number is a stretch suddenly?

That is exactly how games were launching with 5 Alliance in them.

If the system is what is broken you fix it. You do not punish group play in a MULTIPLAYER GAME.

Yes they fix the system it is what they are paid monthly to do. Not blanket ban bandaids.

Its better to be the underdog because when you win it means something.

They did fix it though. I am sorry it was not the fix that let you keep 1 faction premades though.

Both factions had ability to do the same thing. The salt comes about because one faction didn’t. Premades have always been a thing, in every aspect of this game. My raid group is a premade (unless lfr), my world pvp can happen in a premade, my dun groups are 5 man premades, my guild is a form of premade.

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It’s true. Beating up the same Alliance lotus hunters over and over has lost its excitement.

But when they finally get me, because I forget to change out of the RP gear or something. I’m sure they feel glorious.

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Oh, i have no problems with premading…as long as both sides can do it. Both sides now have the exact same ability to premade, which is good.

But the change was NOT about premading in AV though. It was about Alliance games launching with 5 people, and fixing the cause of that.

Show us how its done Dat… truth is, you’d lose like every other alliance loses. It aint about skill.