Blizzard! The opponents have X% advantage!

No, I know that the majority of pvp minded players joined one side to have advantages over stay at home moms and young children. If you are not a coward you would roll an alliance character and prove it :wink:

Im a coward for rerolling horde and getting away from the toxic environment that alliance players created.

Seriously. I started as alliance and left because of the general attitude the players had towards PVP. I was only lvl 30 when I rerolled

Replying because I wanted this up again. It’s so true.

I come back to everything being broken because horde could not communicate to do the same thing the alliance players were doing and now horde have been given an advantage on the map?
People said they wanted Vanilla. Communicating and making premades WAS vanilla. Guilds, ventrilo, teamspeak, guild websites. You won by communication and being prepared.
What is wrong with the people running this show that they would listen and make changes dictated by their bias players who don’t know anything about game dev in the first place.

Yeah, you are part of the bandwagon problem that created the two very different demographics. Feel free to be horde all you want, but realize that it takes less skill to win as horde given everything they have going for them, and how few pvpers are on the other team. You should be as proud of winning as you would be for receiving a participation trophy, you literally should never lose.


If anyone is dying to a shaman that quickly. They suck…pure and simple. They should uninstall the game and be ashamed.

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The method used to premade were making games launch with 5 people for the Alliance. Sure, the quality of your games might have gone up…but at the direct cost of the quality of games from your same faction.

The change had nothing to do with the Horde, it was explicitly changed to stop games from launching like this.

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Rerolling was an easy decision. I didn’t want to be with a bunch of guys that didn’t group up for PvP. Bunch of solo playing whiners is all I escaped from.

I didn’t appreciate that we went to a WC group, there were horde players around flagged for PvP which means they obviously fought some alliance players recently. And all the group I was with wanted to do, was flee.

Could have been some easy PvP but the alliance members were afraid of killing the horde and making them mad.

It’s the cowards that are calling other people cowards.

They are doing retail 2.0, they clearly picked the wrong devs for this project.

Warts and all, until it affects me then I want it changed.


You literally flip flopped back and forth in that post so many times.

Math =/= skill. I drop people all day long.

Then you fix the system not ban premades.

That’s pretty simple.

Thats ok, just realize you are on a stacked side vs a bunch of solo pvpers and stay at home moms. Nothing wrong with wanting to be on the winning team, just dont think for a moment that you are the reason you are winning.

They did fix the system. It was caused by people dropping queues en-masse…they fixed it.

Than they suck. Period. I can 100% bet you that you would never 2 shot me. You would have o work for it.

Not saying you would not win. But it would take you a while. Like a few minutes at least and by that time you would be oom.

Then the answer should be that BG doesn’t start until X number of players are available.

Maybe if the majority of alliance players weren’t a bunch of pansies, it wouldn’t have become stacked. People like yourself are what drove the good players away.

You did this to yourself.

I clearly said most people, yeah warriors with stam gear dont get one shot, is that supposed to be news? I let my mage friend deal with the warriors / rogues while I 1shot their healers and casters. If we focus a target and both land a crit, no one will survive, not even you tough guy.

They did fix the system, by banning premades. Stop with your exploits pesky Alliance!

Uhhh if a Warrior has a PALADIN friend they will win sorry.

That’s not a fix. That’s an overall ban for the reasons I stated above.
You are trying to excuse a ban on group play in a multiplayer game by saying it was for something that can easily be fixed another way.

I have no problem mage / sham vs pally / war, ever.