About 3 weeks ago, I made a ticket to blizzard, indicating that I was having trouble with my chat. I was not able to chat, or join a guild. Blizzard were quite helpful, and we tried every solution possible, but nothing worked. In the end, they even escalated it into an investigation by the devs. However, the ticket In question was closed, without any reason, and I cannot reopen it. So, I made a new ticket, and I put in the id of the ticket I had created, and asked for an update on the situation. Instead, I got an automated response, telling me to do stuff I have already been told to do many times by blizzard, to no effect.
This is like banging my head on a wall.
I’d suggest moving this thread to the Customer Support forum. They might have some helpful info.
it means its a bug and there isnt anything they can do about it currently basically.
I second that recommendation, but I can spitball a bit here.
Have you recently started the game on this account? There is a month wait time before you can use many social features. The low cheevo count is making me think that first off.
Sometimes the system can get caught up, I seen a few threads on it. A Customer Service Rep may be able to look into it for you.
About six months ago, yes.
I’ll look into that
No, they actually responded, not just an automated response either.
Apparently it is still under investigation, and they will get back to me. So that’s good
Glad to hear you got an update to your latest ticket. When things are sent up to specialists the GM closes that ticket because it is all they can do from their end. Your next update comes after the investigation finishes. This is NOT at all intuitive. The way they close them makes people think the investigation part is closed too. It is not.
I also suggest you use the CS forum. That is an Information Desk to help navigate support issues, explain policies, explain services, etc.
You are not the only one having chat issues that are being investigated! This whole thread has a couple people in it along with Blue replies. As of today’s reply theirs are also escalated for investigation.
To move a thread you use the edit pencil at the bottom of your first post. From the drop down list, select Customer Support and that should move your whole thread. I am sure they would love to consolidate similar cases so they have more data to troubleshoot with.