Blizzard Support "Character Stuck" Ported to Horde Elites

My power went out on an elite quest so I went to the support page and used the Character Stuck Feature so I wouldn’t log in surrounded by elites, separated from my team.

I logged back in and my Alliance character went to the Horde entrance of Arathi Basin surrounded by lv ?? elites, I die in a few sec.

Beware when using character stuck…


"The character was moved to a safe location and you should now be able to log in. You’ll need to wait four hours before using the service on this character again. If you keep running into this problem with characters on your account, there may be underlying issues causing this to happen—contact support for help in that case.

Location: Safe Graveyard
Character: [Hidden] - Level 48 - Night Elf - Druid
Realm: Defias Pillager
Account: [Hidden]"

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It sounds like it moved you to a safe location for a horde character… and unfortunately you were alliance. Definitely sounds like a bug :frowning:

Might be worth testing on a non HC character, to see if it can be duplicated. If you can be a bit more specific where your character was, when you lost power, I can see if I can duplicate it later on an ERA server, I also might have an alt I could test on SR (HC) that I am not using, but it might die getting there, why the test on ERA.

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It was not ported to a graveyard as the “location” part says. It was ported a few yards from the red instance portal for Horde that queues players for the Arathi Basin Battleground, near the Horde town Hammerfall in Arathi Highlands. It wasn’t safe nor a graveyard.

Before I used the Stuck Feature, we were in the cave, at the top of Jintha’Alor, in The Hinterlands. It’s the cave behind the altar for the ZF mallet, not the cave that leads to Sharpbeak. We were just turned left and near that corner after you turn left after immediately entering the cave, if that makes sense.

Interesting, so you were in the Hinterlands, and the “safe!!!” space it ported you to was in the Arathi Highlands? Definitely wont make it there with my HC alt, but have several ERA chars that should be able to make the trek, and I would guess this functionality would be consistent across all HC/ERA/SoD servers.

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Bug confirmed - on BSB

Fortunately I was lucky and my druid from classic happened to be one that I was able to “restore” as this would have taken a lot longer on even my hunter, so ran it out to the cave in the epic area of the Hinterlands, logged out, moved myself to a “Safe” location, on completion of the move, where I was supposed to be in a “Safe Graveyard” logged in, right in the middle of the horde camp in Arathi Highlands, fortunately being 60, on a stealthed druid, I did not die. However I strongly recommend nobody use this in HC until it gets fixed.

I have submit this as a bug, super sorry this got you :frowning:

Edit: If you are going to use the “Stuck Character” functionality on HC, it might be good to test it with a non HC character if you are in a zone that you are unfamiliar with it is working correctly, while I expect its fine in most zones, as its not a commonly used function, its likely not been tested, and it is currently broken in the Hinterlands for Alliance.

it’s not unintended by devs. when you look into the Character Stuck feature more, you can find maps on where it sends you, if you are in that area, you simply get send to the middle of a Horde base to die regardless. The Arathi Basin Horde instance is considered the nearest GY when you are in that zone or use character stuck. Should it be? No.

This doesn’t make it any less deceptive from the “safe graveyard” claim of the support feature but if you look at this map it makes more sense.

You see anything in Eastern Hinterlands or Northeastern Arathi gets send to a Horde base to die. That’s how the game is designed despite that it tells you that you are ported to a safe graveyard. Blizzard is the griefer here.

The previous death was because I got layered from my party. Can’t stand all these bugs. Atleast they fixed falling off flight paths but I feel like that’s the last attention HC will get as far as fixes.


Well I will disagree with the idea that its working intended and that this is what the devs wanted, Alliance characters should not be sent to a Horde area or vice versa, and they don’t in other areas at least when I have used this before. The reality is when you’re testing something as big and complex as wow, things get missed and I think this was one of those.

Either way, I think its something that they would look at for HC, and it should be a relatively simple fix, since they likely just have a table which says if characters uses the stuck feature in zone X, port to location Y, where there should be location for every zone and they simply will need to update it so it sends you to an alliance GY.

I wonder if anyone even ever reported this as a bug to be honest. Even if they do fix it though, it wont bring back your character, but personally I will be wary of this feature going forward though and likely test it with an alt prior to using it.

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If layering was better addressed this would be less of a problem as well. Otherwise I would be confident to log back in to the same layer that I d/c’d from - without having to resort to the also buggy Character Stuck feature. For some reason when you d/c, you log back into a new layer. There are just too many bugs like this to enjoy the game. Frustrating.

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I do wonder if based on the current medium population if our population is low enough that they could simply disable layers going forward on the HC server, I don’t really expect populations to spike back up, and on the off chance they ever did, its not like they couldn’t re-enable them if needed.


My death before the last one was also on an elite quest but I didn’t remember to use the Character Stuck feature. So I d/c’d for 30-60 sec and it was so short I thought I was safe to log back in but I logged in on a fresh layer surrounded by elite mobs, tried to run away before I die.

I really wanna go again but I feel like I’m just walking into another bug death. What’s next? I fall through the floor when standing in Stormwind?

I guess things like beta testing are out of the question nowadays with pressure from layoffs, inflation, corporate greed, etc.

What genius (sarcastic) came up with the borders for the Character Unstuck zones? Sheesh I wish I knew this before I used the unstuck feature on my level 48-druid that sent it to it’s death, surrounded by nearly a dozen Horde NPCs and Elites.

Hardcore Classic has a cascade of problems and bugs that won’t be addressed (probably because corporation doesn’t want to pay a dev). Layers, Character Stuck service.

I would have never needed to use the Character Stuck service if layering wasn’t also bugged. This isn’t playable and likely won’t even will be because Blizz is done with making edits to HC. How can I get this information to a Dev? Like should this message go on PTR or what? It’s just like talking to a brick wall.

Desperately trying to be a test’er for Blizz and improve this game so me and other players can enjoy it.

I’ve unsubscribed due to layering bugs and Character Stuck’s peculiar functions. I’ve started playing other MMOs. Nearly every other MMO that I’ve tried has layering QoL/UI. Not sure how WoW has the reputation as the “premier” MMO cuz to me it seems like a corporate cash cow that barely squeaks by on years of strong brand-recognition.

I get nothing will be perfect or 100% bug free. These seems like giant looming issues though.

I wish I never trusted Blizzard:
“…character was moved to a safe location and you should now be able to log in .”

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you’re safe now, OP.
No one can hurt you anymore.
May you find peace.

Umm no. Neither me nor anyone else is safe if you use “Character Stuck” as an Alliance player anywhere near Southern/central Hinterlands. If you took the time to read instead of making half-baked jokes then maybe you would have understood this and your joke would have actually been funny.

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I think a case could certainly be made that this is intended and I was grief’ed by Classic Devs. Support deletes my Support Tickets and tell me it’s in accordance with the terms of service, adding the insult of not even having my support tickets read after Blizzard support explicitly lied to me by telling me I was safe to login. I never asked for a revive as I understood and read the entire Social Contract when I first created the character. Yet I keep being told “sorry we can’t revive you” - nope I never wanted a revive in the first place! I’m just confused why Support Lies to customers with impunity “you are safe to login” then I inquire about it and lose good ties with Customer Support.

The level of ignorance of Customer Support is beyond insulting to someone who loves this game and spends countless hours playing it and thousands of dollars on it. Then you have some Support Agent who apparently never touched the game give you a copy paste. So I re-opened the ticket, assuming I needed to get past the first round of chat bots, then the real human seems to simply close the ticket and tell me he’s in accordance with the terms. I feel like I just became a criminal or my account was suspended. No - just interacting with Blizzard’s Customer Support.

I really like this game, especially the push to ad novel playstyles to WoW lately, but it’s interactions like these that really make me go searching for games or other ways to spend my time.

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I’m not being mean because I believe you realize as well that they aren’t asked to look at anything other than “did the process work as intended by the game” ie they are doing their job as defined by their employer. I agree that it’s a bad move but I’m wondering if this is an easy fix for Blizz to defeat people that exploit the service.

It’s cheap and it sucks that you used the service as it should be intended then were seemingly punished for it. I’m replying to your topic for visibility as well so perhaps someone with the power to escalate this for consideration will do so.

Reading your OP or subsequent posts you don’t come off that way at all. I support you.

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It sucks but 1) unstuck isn’t meant to protect you from dc death in hc and 2) safe here means what it meant in 2004: not trapped in terrain.

I don’t think you’re a bad person I just think you’re pushing them on a technicality and it sucks that you died to a DC I’m sorry.

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To be fair the “character stuck” feature is meant to get your character out of a situation where you are literally trapped and can’t move your character. It is not meant to be a way to get out of a dangerous situation. It still shouldn’t be porting you to the enemy faction location because a person could be using it legitimately and get screwed by it. If your character is actually stuck better to just use the hearthstone or get a warlock summon (unless you are stuck in a way you can’t hearth or accept a summon like eternally falling in place spots)

This sure seems like something really easy to fix, just change it to move characters to their races capital city right to the same spot flight paths land.


"The character was moved to a safe location and you should now be able to log in
Location: Safe Graveyard

  1. I am using it legitimately. If I was abusing it, I would have probably had the addon that shows you where it takes you and not have used it.

  2. To be fair, layering isn’t meant to kill you either. I don’t see how your analysis is “fair” at all. I disconnected with 5/5 party members alive, I wasn’t trying to escape a dangerous situation, I was simply trying to stay on the same layer as my party. I have seen many deaths, and experienced some myself, by party members or myself disconnecting and getting layered then dying on elite quests.

It’s apparent you didn’t read my original post. There’s no way I could have hearthed because I was near the Altar of Jintha’Alor surrounded by lv 49-52 elites on a fresh layer. Layers aren’t meant to separate you from your group after a d/c either, but it frequently does and can be deadly in the right areas. I previously died to the same quest by disconnecting, then I logged back in surrounded by elites. Other players mentioned that you need to “character stuck” in these situations. If you look at the map I posted here, you can see right when you go into the cave beyond the Altar of Jintha’Altar, you are moved into a different zone. This doesn’t make any sense. Remove layering and this would not be a problem.

Multiple customer support agents told me that this is how they intend it, nothing is wrong, and this is in accordance with Blizzard policy:

Regarding your request, we don’t have any known issue like that from what I can see.

Then they go on to explain they can’t rez me (NEVER asked for a rez). Then they force-close my ticket. This is why I can’t go-agane and have uninstalled all Blizzard and Activision games. Too bad a streamer couldn’t have seen this bug. Then maybe it would have gotten fixed like the flight path bug.

This action has been taken in accordance with our Terms of Use and our In-game Policies ( ), which all players acknowledge and agree to prior to playing. These policies and conditions allow us to maintain a fun and safe game environment for all of our players.

I can’t continue to pay for a subscription based game to wait 3 days to get a 1-paragraph off-topic copy paste reply, then my support ticket gets forced-closed so I need to start back from square one. Not to mention this is all based on probably changing a few coordinates on where we get ported when we ask for their help. And they explicitly told us it’s “safe”.