Blizzard Support "Character Stuck" Ported to Horde Elites

if you’re not literally stuck (including not being able to hearth for some reason) you shouldn’t be using the feature, period.

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so you are saying I should just log into a fresh layer deep in a level 52 elite cave at level 47 after being disconnected for 30-60 seconds?

maybe you’ll get lucky and the mobs will have been cleared by somebody else.
nobody can stop you from abusing the unstuck feature if you really wanna use it, but blizzard is not gonna make it “hardcore safe”.

I don’t abuse the feature. Nothing in my story suggests that. This was actually the first time I ever used the feature. I don’t even know what abuse would look like aside from a free teleport to base. So let’s stop wasting space posting about that.


You might be missing the point. Layering and Character Unstuck shouldn’t be part of the game. or should log back in to the same layer as your party.

This is just common sense game mechanic. Why should you go to a fresh new layer when you are on a quest that takes 3-5 players? You are saying you should just get a fresh layer in these cases? hope you get lucky and some other group cleared the new layer that you happen to be on?

That glitch has existed ever since WoW added that feature. And from what I have seen, it only ever happens in that zone.

I think they added that feature back in mid Wrath. I had to submit so many tickets to Blizz back in the day because I kept getting stuck while trying to exploit my way to areas of the map to see stuff. I got stuck A LOT in original version. Back when the ticket service really sucked so some servers had better CS than others, some times you had to wait for a month to get unstuck on a toon. By that time, you could level a new toon up to what your old one was. That was me. Back in the day. Nothing worse than getting stuck as a ghost form in a crevasse that you can’t jump out of, cant climb out of, no one can get to your corpse to rez you and it’s before the battlenet mergers so the ticket CS was terrible back then, they got to you when they got to you.

I’d rather die in HC another glitch than have to go through that ever again. Not able to play my toon for about a month… Still remember that. That was god awful.

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Doesn’t make any difference as you died in hardcore or at least you posted in the hardcore topic area…

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You are probably right about the timeline. I also can see why they didn’t bother fixing it prior to HC, though I wonder if anyone reported it as an actual bug for this zone. As on a normal server this is such a low traveled zone after WOTLK it would always be at the bottom of the prioritization list, as worst case, you would take res sickness, and everything would be good after 10 minutes, so while annoying, far better then being stuck.


So you think the flight path bug should not have been fixed?

The flight path bug should be addressed… but even it was hotfixed, and you died, the end result would still be the same. For me it’s way too risky to play hardcore.

  1. Don’t reply to me if you don’t play HC.

  2. the flight path bug was finally fixed in 1.15

  3. You keep insinuating that I want a revive but that’s not the case. Actually the opposite if explicitly true if you took the time to read. I want layers removed and the Character Stuck feature fixed, as other bugs have been addressed.

Doesn’t play HC nor read. I’m completely done replying to you.

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Sometimes if they see your character is acually not STUCK! They will troll you in hardcore. DO NOT USE THIS UNLESS YOU ARE STUCK. Not in a bad situation. Sorry

So this still has not been fixed? rabble rabble rabble /pitchforks
(not that I have ever used the functionality but if it happened to me I would be very pi**ed off)

My best toon in HC was my mage, then it died. But you people here like to troll me everytime I die in HC or accuse me of never playing HC because Im not posting on an HC toon even though those who keep saying that to me are not postiing on HC toons themselves and one person who claimed to play HC said “Oh you fail you only got that toon to level 10 in HC.” They got multiple likes on that troll comment to me.

But… HC toons cannot have achievement points, also cannot have the tabard that I have and also are not even on the server that I am posting from.

I hope you aren’t reading anything I wrote I this thread as questioned you at all in HC, as I certainly wasn’t meaning to, more just discussing the bug.

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