Blizzard stop firing your employees please

Definitely how it feels. :confused:

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lol no, it was an joke in regards to how those who live there act. It doesn’t matter what a blue says, they’ll agree with it. I’ve seen them make mistakes and they’ll still agree. They’re people who act obsequiously towards Blizzard employees, hoping to gain advantages.

And that’s a very well known problem.

I got into it with a blue about it before. I complained because they close tickets, mark them “resolved” without actually resolving them. He said “Thats because we consider the issue closed.” I told him “Then mark it “closed” and not “resolved”. Resolved says that you’ve taken care of my issue and you have not.” At least immediately when the ticket system came out, you could reply to them with more information. Kinda sorta similar to just simply replying to a GM chat like the good old days.

Perhaps I’m naive but they gave permission for me to continue this thread, so maybe they are having a think about it at least.

Oh I know. I’ve used the forums quite frequently and you can tell Blizzard boot lickers right away. I have a thread about how adding transmog into the cash shop is a bad idea. The amount of “Well, it’s okay because blizzard doesn’t do as bad as OTHER games do”

Literally justifying bad things by saying “It’s not that bad”

Like, what?

Haha, that’s such a valid point. Never thought of that.

Yeah, I mean…as hard as it is to say, I kind of miss their corny intro jokes.

lol the Sprite mog is nothing to me , if people want to spend money to dress up like a clown that’s up to them

I did read the post, you’re the one who isn’t reading. They purposely refrained from adding a policy regarding loot trading because it would lead to players abusing the system in dungeons. My guild has been raiding for over a year and has never had a loot issue that wasn’t able to be solved in the two hour window. You’re complaining about a failure on your own part that’s a non issue to 99.99% of people.

I could link you the Blue post but what would it achieve when you’re not posting in good faith anyways?

You’d be surprised

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Blizzard has been selling in-game cosmetic items since 2006, this isn’t new.

It sets a bad precedent for the game to put things that should be obtainable in-game into the cash shop. Mounts, pets, and toys were bad enough, armor should NOT be in the cash shop at all…

It liberally wasn’t the case though and I even offered to get everyone on the loot council in my guild involved in the process…so save me the bull.

Congradulations! Someone get this man a golden star! Read what I said, the issue wasn’t discovered until the next morning… the 2 hour window should be TIME LOGGED IN THE GAME and not tick during OFFLINE time.

Hey look, I can do the same thing.
This issue affects almost 99% of the community, but it’s unresolvable somehow? When they literally used to be able to resolve it and it was non-issue?

You’re BSing and you know it. They have chat logs, I literally offered for them to talk to everyone on my loot council. You’re wrong.

You don’t know what policy means, do you?

Imagine reading something and replying in a completely irrelevant way. I said TRANSMOG items. NOT cosmetics.

Transmog wasn’t added until 2013 at which point they faced a backlash and promised they were not going to add anymore TRANSMOG items into the game, which they didn’t do for 7 years.

Yup, It’s a made up word so people can say “Sorry, we can’t do that anymore”

It’s BS. You know it, I know it. They used to fix problems like that NO PROBLEM in the past.

I wasn’t talking about cosmetics, though. I was SPECIFYING TRANSMOG…learn to read, gosh…

Transmog is a cosmetic feature…

President said France isn’t France anymore.

Also, do your job and won’t get fired.

If you want to purchase that clown suit, then your choice in fashion is just terrible

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cosmetic feature. The Sprite transmog, or whatever it is, is a COSMETIC appearance. It’s a cosmetic.

Are you really struggling with this? Blizzard has been selling cosmetics since 2006 with their rare loot cards in their trading card game.

You posted a blue post that’s been contradicted more than once. Other blue posts have been contradicted too. Taking what a lower employee says at face value proves to us that you’re getting excited over nothing. If I went to Amazon and talked to the janitor about company objectives and he says “to take over the world”, that doesn’t necessarily make it so.

Where’s your source on that one? Reddit?

You don’t know who Vrakthris is, do you? He’s not a lower employee, he’s a senior CS rep who has been with Blizzard since 2006.

It’s his job to correct misinformation and tell the truth.

You do realize no blue has posted more incorrect information than Vrakthris, right?

Of all the posts you’ve made, that’s one you should have seriously researched before embarrassing yourself further.

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Baseless slander against one of the most respected Blizzard employees. No wonder you hide on a level 10 posting character.

Stop trolling lol