Blizzard, start paying your employees a livable wage

They are only leftist about social issues.

When it comes to unions and other things like that they are all Right wingers. Because unregulated capitalism. brought to you by the Right.


as i said higher up in the thread, I’m not trusting the article until they give us some data to back it up.


Are you hiring? And can you pay me enough to feed my family?

Statement as laid out is still false, even by your link. A living wage doesn’t not change from person to person. By your link yes it does change by area.

Person needs to live (“livable wage”) - rent, food, bills, transportation, maybe a little to save. This does not change person to person no matter where they live. The amount they need changes.

This falls on the company. They want to set up shop somewhere they need to research the area, how much is housing and etc in the surrounding area and what would be deemed an ok commute distance. By those numbers you figure out your “livable wage”.

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If you’re going off the alleged leaked spreadsheet on WoWhead, the pay rates all look pretty standard. What number are you looking for here?


So that’s you they twist it. They’re treating their employees just like China treats their citizens. Maybe you just don’t understand what the end game of the far left really is.

Power and wealth in the hands of a different few, and not you.

If you cant feed your family maybe you should spend more time working and less time on the forums.


I’ll give you $50 to mow my yard. You can even use my riding mower and gas.

Another $50 if you wanna weed the planting beds. We can negotiate a fee for pruning the trees.


I’m sorry, but expecting to paid at least enough to eat, have a roof over your head, afford healthcare, and transportation to work makes perfect sense.


You have to take account competition as well. CA is pretty crowded and it doesn’t matter who you are, there is someone out there that is willing to do your job for less.

There’s also another company willing to pay you more.

Manage your expenses better or get a better paying job? Don’t move somewhere or setup shop where you can’t afford it? A little forethought and planning goes a long way but I do recognize and understand this is not easy for some people but I will not excuse people out of it at first.


That’s a myth. Hard work doesn’t equal more money. Just ask Blizzard’s CEO vs the QA at blizzard.

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I am curious, are there many “right wing corporations” that are doing things like this? I mean, Facebook had employees committing suicide or crying under their desks. Amazon has zombies in their warehouses.

The response: “Yeah but… but… those companies doing it just aren’t far left enough!”

It sounds oddly familiar to the, “Real X hasn’t been tried yet.”


I think he means, get a 2nd job or you know, get a different job that pays more?

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Not true.

More than 50% of jobs in the US underpay. Please see the article I posted above.


What a crock of crap. They are choosing between rent and food. What a absolutely trumpian thing to say.


The auto industry is pretty much only right winged. And they are horrible. Walmart is right wing. Also treats their employees terribly.

It does, though. One person has a family to support, another doesn’t. One family has two working parents, another has just one breadwinner.

Do you work more than one job? Any gig work? You won’t make any money here whining on the forums I can tell you that much.