Blizzard should change their "whats reportable" rules

…because automatically restricting someone’s ability to chat without review from a GM is kind of that…


then you should have no problem with auto squelch being removed from all but “gold selling” option.

that and encouraging people to use ignore.


Not really. Its a tool and a system in place to help the short GM staff handle things. Nothing more, nothing less.

It’s your fear of not being able to do what you want, i.e., break TOS, that has you thinking that.

At least that is my read on your responses


I have no issue with ‘no no words’ as you call them, I have no issue with any of it in the right context, I think I’ve used RCR once (on about 30 people) since they brought it in outside of reporting all gold sellers of course and that was for excessive anal … chat in trade and it went quiet and stopped being common shortly after that so that was awesome.

My point still remains that we all (including me) agree to Blizzard’s rules, if you break them the punishment should be swift and RCR = squelch is the best punishment for chat violations.


That is 100% not what I’m saying.

I’m saying if it is a violation let a GM sort it out. Letting players silence each other because they might not like what someone says but is still within the rules is idiotic.


No, the fact it can be used against innocent people who actually didn’t break any rules is what makes it an injustice.

Stop strawmanning.
Speaking of strawmen:

I think it’s really telling that people who argue in favor of the automated punishments always assume those against it just want to be able to say things that are actually against the ToS.

Our entire argument is that the system does not actually differentiate between guilty and innocent and equally applies punishments, automatically, to both.

RCR should add the target to your ignore list temporarily, but that’s it. Just because YOU don’t want to hear what someone has to say doesn’t mean no one does, nor does it mean it’s against the rules.

Appealing it doesn’t change the fact it was unfairly, and automatically, applied in the first place.

The squelch is applied regardless of whether they were breaking any rules. That’s the problem.

But we know what kind of person you are:


I don’t completely agree with it for just gold selling. There are other infractions that need to be reportable.

BUT… unlike you… instead of throwing the system out just because I FIRMLY believe those who abuse the reporting system need to be punished just as much as those who break the TOS.

The facts are all this list and those who want it removed espouse does not exist in a measurable way to deem it a failure. If you think it breaks some civil liberty of yours then that is your prerogative, but it does not make the system bad.

GM staff is smaller and have to handle both set of games.
A specific violation needs to be handled quicker than a GM who is doing their best to get to each ticket can handle. Allowing things that break TOS to go unchecked, even for a moment, sends the signal that it’s ok and my guess that 9 out of 10 times they get away from it.

Because there is NO other good reason to stand against it except for a false fear in something that does not happen broadly. . And if it does PUNISH THOSE WHO ABUSE the reporting.

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And yet there is 0 cases of the squelch being applied where the person did not break the rules that can be proven, yet there are a ton of examples of RCR = squelch working correctly.

Again as you like to cherry pick my responses I’ll repeat, I, personally, would rather be temporarily inconvenienced with a false squelch then see Classic chat be as bad as it was.


Society deems what is acceptable and what isn’t. This system doesn’t take effect until multiple reports are received. In this case it is perfectly acceptable for other players to report what they deem to be unacceptable in public chat…

Who dictates what’s offensive? You? I’ll take a hard pass on that. Anyone who advocates silencing someone because they’re “offended” by words has no credibility.


Uh…there are plenty of cases. The first day it got released people tested it by having groups of friends report them for things like “Hi, World of Warcraft is my favorite game.”

Instant auto squelch and when making a ticket about it to GM’s they said they will not remove the ‘mark’ against the account.

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correct for abusing the system , I agree that is a valid mark against their account.


The mark was for the person getting reported not the people wrongfully reporting a perfectly harmless line of chat.

Blizzard had no way of distinguishing if it was a test or not.

The system did exactly what they said it wouldn’t and people called them out on the bullshxt.


Are you talking about the Asmongold incident? That was in 2016, 9 years after the auto-squelch was implemented into the game.

It’s called /ignore


And that doesn’t matter because Blizzard has clearly laid out rules by what is and isn’t acceptable and almost every time someone talks about being unfairly punished, turns out they said something that should’ve been reported.

What you, or I, or anyone else finds offensive doesn’t matter. Blizzards rules do matter.

It’s a low bar to cross man. Follow their rules and you’ll be fine.


The good reason is we are against punishing innocents. It doesn’t have to be a common occurrence for that to be a concern.

As I said, it’s really telling that you people think we just want to be able to break the ToS, yet everyone arguing against RCR says that people who actually break the rules should be punished and those who don’t should not be punished.

I’m all for that, too, but that still results in the innocent being punished in the first place.


Yes, I know. Your belief that catching the people breaking the rules even if it means innocents being punished is one I find absolutely disgusting and immoral.

What is entirely wrong with just automatically adding the target to your ignore list so that if you don’t want to see their messages, you don’t, and if a GM agrees, they have their account actioned?

What actual harm is a person in chat going to do that cannot be solved with ignore?

So does “society” determine the ToS, or does Blizzard?

Do you really think the handful of people that can mass report someone actually reflects society at large, anyway?

Use your brain for a moment…

How could he be punished for abusing the system unless the system could be abused?

You just inadvertently admitted the system can be abused, and it was proven. The fact he was punished for doing so doesn’t change that fact.

The issues is that people ARE following the rules. Swearing is not against the rules. Someone saying something you don’t like is not necessarily against the rules.

You wanting innocents to be punished is offensive. Can we squelch you, now?

See how that works?

Find me the line in the ToS that says swearing is against the rules.

Exactly, yet people who are found to have NOT violated Blizzard’s rules can still be punished, automatically, because the system does not distinguish between guilty and innocent.

Not really, which is the entire argument being made. Pay attention.


You people don’t want authentic vanilla chat? It was a glorious cesspool then and it should be on launch. Only difference would be substituting Chuck Norris jokes with Twitch memes. Although if you’re fine with classic becoming a sterile hugbox with zero challenging viewpoints like Twitch has become then so be it.


There’s an ignore function in the game for a reason.


You are right, but that only works for me and RCR does the ignore plus sends a report to Blizzard including the chat logs etc. so the person can learn from their mistakes (or not , up to them). The RCR is more than just a squelch machine it also gives Blizzard detailed information about a report.