actually it’s not my opinion, it’s Blizzard, when the squelch really started to get ramped up this was specifically an example of something that they said to report as spam. The problem is that it’s not just once, or twice, or 200 times it’s literally thousands in a row causing the chat to become useless for chatting.
Reporting for that, imo, would be abuse of the feature and the reporter should get punished. That’s where the /ignore should go if you really don’t want to hear it.
I’m not offended by a whole lot but there are a few things here and there that might. However if what I’m personally offended by doesn’t necessarily break any rules, then I don’t plan on reporting it.
I still want RCR to be around for easy reporting of gold spammers, hate speech, death threats and suicide suggestions.
Actually, the game has a profanity filter so that part of your argument is shot. As for offensive, what about when you annoy someone and they use this tool against you? If someones game time is going to be affected, a gm should be involved.
The rules for chat state that it includes masked language therefore the mature language filter does not stop someone from being able to report for language even if it’s on.
Are you saying that you cannot substantiate your claim by providing an official Blizzard statement specifically stating Blizzatd wants players to report anal spam?
In the future, if you are going to make claims that you can substantiate, you might want to consider providing the substantiation when you make the claim.
If you choose not to do so, expect someone to request that you substantiate any claims which you choose to make.
I don’t understand why people want to police everything everyone says and delete the no no words from existing. Just ignore people you don’t like and report anything you feel crosses a line.
You won’t have to see the vile they spew and if its deemed a violation the person will have action taken against them.